Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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anonymous July 1 2009, 13:30:14 UTC
The Nation is up to you (though I would love anything to do with China, Russia or England) and the kink is having a non-nation trying to chat up a Nation in a bar/club/pub/wherever with cheesy pick-up lines.

How it goes is entirely up to you, sexytimes and/or just plain lulz is fine. Multiple fills would be fab, be it a drabble or a novel length fic.

Bonus: Jealous Nation B butts in.


A Most Unexpected Meeting [1/2] anonymous July 11 2009, 15:21:58 UTC
Btw, not one of any of the anons who offered. :) Pardon for the lack of cheesy lines ( ... )


A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 11 2009, 15:23:02 UTC
"You here for work?" Work was possibly the only reason why people went to places they didn't want to go. This man appeared to dislike America a lot.

"Why, no. I rode a plane just to bar hop here. Why else would I be in this damn city?George chuckled. All of his advances were being turned down just like that. What kind of an inebriated individual was the man he was flirting with anyway? "True," was the only response he could think of. "What's your work? You seem like the sort of person to be in something important ( ... )


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 11:56:40 UTC
This is awesome, anon! Will be waitin' for more! XD

"Tootsie feller" LOLWHUT recaptcha! XD


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 13:00:01 UTC
OP!Anon loves you so much for this fill!
The characterisation is just spot on and I love how snarky England is and can totally imagine America giving that 'I'm onto you!' look complete with hand motions.


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 13:20:16 UTC
That was perfect. I feel sorry for George, though... He could at least kiss Arthur, even if that would end for him in hospital XD


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 14:22:28 UTC
Aaaah it'd be great to hear more of this 'George Black' and advances on England. This was really good to read.


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 14:42:13 UTC
I second that! I kind of liked him, stubborn guy, not one to give up so easily. Perhaps the talented anon could have them meet again? ;) And maybe make our dear mister Black more (un)lucky?


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 15:54:08 UTC
I third this and also wish to express the lols i got reading this. thank you author!anon for filling this!


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 19:42:00 UTC
Another random anon also agrees that George Black needs to make a second appearance. The awesomeness of this fic and George cannot be contained to only one fic, a sequel is needed :DDDD

This fandom needs more jealous!Alfred and oblivious!Arthur, y/y? XD


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 12 2009, 23:39:37 UTC
Yeah~ I say YAY for more George Black! XDD

Jealous!Alfred FTW!!! <33


Re: A Most Unexpected Meeting [2/2] anonymous July 14 2009, 07:09:36 UTC
I agree with various anons! This just screams for a sequel! Hopefully dear Mr. Black will run into Arthur when Arthur is sober and less cranky? Maybe Arthur will notice jealous!Alfred and tease him some by flirting? the possibilities! haha more pleasseee!!


anonymous July 13 2009, 04:39:59 UTC
Michael Bennett hated China. He's been working in Beijing for only three months and already he hated the air pollution, the spitting of the locals and the fact that his company had to pay for a special VPN just to bypass the Great Firewall ( ... )


anonymous July 13 2009, 04:42:27 UTC
Writer!anon here.Fic is meant to be entitled "East Palace" 1/1. Forgot the title...OTL


East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 13 2009, 04:43:27 UTC
Writer!anon here.Fic is meant to be entitled "East Palace" 1/1. Forgot the title...OTL


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 13 2009, 05:05:32 UTC
Another Chinese!anon here, though from the SEA side, and quite the 'banana'.

Ah~ The Tang dynasty, anon admits to have a fondness for that dynasty, more so for the clothing of that era. Wonderfully lovely fill. Love how writer!anon describes Yao, and awwwwwwwwwww~ Yong Soo... <3333333333

'thwart ing' Hahaha~ Yong Soo is more than eager to thwart Michael away from Yao. 8D


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