Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Let all Facepalm~ anonymous June 10 2009, 10:50:49 UTC

Request: All the different Face-palm moments between the different Hetalian couples. All of which use the words (or something along their lines): "I can't believe I'm still dating you."

A bonus would be getting both sides of the relationship ('cause I'm sure face-palming nation has a couple of WTF moments themselves).

A/N: So there are multiple parts, with three pairings and both sides of each, each side being a separate story. The order of the pairing doesn't have to do with sexy times, the first person put is the one doing the facepalming.

Featured are: Fr/Uk (Uk/Fr), N.Ita/Ger (Ger/N.Ita) & Can/Cuba (Cuba/Can)
I may do more? I want to do a Russ/Can/Russ, guilty OTP, and Su/Fin/Su


Part 1: (Fr/Uk) Well it is True... anonymous June 10 2009, 10:52:54 UTC
“So I…” the blond country was half sprawled over the table, his bitter breath wafting across to the other while he searched for the right words, “I told ‘im that I wasn’t gonna’ go with him ‘n ahm na..a…na…” The green eyed man stopped. “What did I say? Was I singing ‘gain?”

France resisted the urge to smack his forehead, or the idiot across from him, “Come on Angleterre. I think you’ve had enough.”

“Ah ha ha ha!” Arthur threw himself back, almost toppling over his chair and cracking open his foolish drunken skull, “The’s no such thing as too much! Tha’s what my bra…my brothas’ always said!” Arthur leaned forwards as he spoke, waggling a gloved finger, “Ir’lnd’ always look me an’ say ‘Ngland always remember ta’ hold your liquor or no…no…no one will like you!’ No tha’s not what he said. Respect. No one would respect me! Patrick said that!” It was clear that Arthur was trying very hard to get some kind of a point across, but he was too far gone to manage it, “Sc’tland said it too! ‘No one respects a man who cannae tak’ tha’ drink, ( ... )


Part 2a : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 10 2009, 10:54:55 UTC
“I think not! 1066 AD, mon ami!” Francis glared at the other country, but Arthur didn’t really care, “The Conquest of England! My Normans took you! And what of the first and fourth crusades?! The war of Saint Sardos!”

The Englishman shook his head, “Face it, Francis, your military history is a joke.” Arthur laughed “What do the French and Italian have in common? The white flag. Why do people love French women? They give it up as soon as their military.” Well, in all actuality, Francis, for all he liked to go naked, had taken a surprisingly long time to give it up himself. But that wasn’t the point. “The French sign more Armistices than they do crappy paintings ( ... )


Part 2b : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 10 2009, 10:56:11 UTC
Arthur couldn’t help but spurt out some of his tea when Alfred’s laughter filled the room. He couldn’t believe it. Had Francis not checked any of the links? Judging by the way he was frantically going back and checking the others, with them all displaying the same thing, apparently not. Only an idiot would do something like this without having checked the link, or even would have listened to Alfred in the first place.

Arthur couldn’t help but smack his hand against his forehead, “I can’t believe I’m still dating you, you bloody fool…”

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Re: Part 2b : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 10 2009, 13:48:45 UTC


Re: Part 2b : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 10 2009, 16:27:32 UTC
Hahaha, this is the first time I know of this joke. Thank you so much!


Re: Part 2b : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 10 2009, 23:31:43 UTC
OMG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damn, way to go with that!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Shit, I can't stop laughing. Thank YOU for this awesome piece!!!



Re: Part 2b : (Uk/Fr) Definately a joke anonymous June 12 2009, 17:58:50 UTC
YOU WIN THE INTERNET for doing this. It never occurred to me Francis would end up finding this thing (bt it took me a while to figure this joke when I first saw it, lolz).

Anyway, I loved it. Everything is perfect and I love you (and I still say Francis suffered more. I mean, dating a wimp might be annoying, but Arthur threw up on him!)

I also liked the reference to England’s brothers. Someone (coughcoughyoucough) should write about them…


*cough* anonymous June 15 2009, 06:34:47 UTC
Thank you <3 It was the first thing that I thought of~

Yes, Francis totally got it worse <3 But it can be assumed that they then had wild wonderful drunken sex to make up for it (after a shower obviously). Which Arthur DID NOT GET for like a week after the military victory fiasco. So it evens out I guess.

Perhaps there is a shy anon (coughmecough) who needs the cowl of anon to write and needs a request first...


Part 3: (N.Ita/Ger) Blasphemy! anonymous June 10 2009, 10:59:39 UTC
Feliciano was happy. Really, really happy, like bubbly ravioli at the surface of boiling water. Like spaghetti at just the right consistency so that it stuck to a wall and was all soft and tasty, not that he would ever throw pasta at a wall. That would be stupid.

Ludwig was going to eat his dinner in his house and really give it a try, and Lovino was going to really give Ludwig a try, promising to be nice just for his birthday. He had always hoped the two al dente men of his life would come together to make a delicious blend of happiness, and today might just be his day! Lovino even seemed to be warming to the other stoic country after Germany had agreed he would, yes, make sure they were bothered neither by Spain or France.

Feliciano danced and hummed as he gave the alfredo sauce, home made, of course nothing less would do, a few extra stirs for good measure before pouring overtop of the cooked pasta. He could hear the two of them in the dining room, talking amiably. Perfetto! And he just knew Ludwig was going to love this! Gnocchi ( ... )


Part 4: (Ger/N.Italy) Way to go anonymous June 10 2009, 11:02:08 UTC
“I’m telling, West,” It was disturbing the way Prussia sung the words, waggling his finger, “I’m telling everyone if you don’t distract Austria for me!”

Ludwig leaned back into the chair, sternly crossing his arms. He was most certainly not helping Prussia his latest harebrained scheme to capture Hungary’s heart. And this blackmail was ridiculous. There was no way Gilbert could know if he and Italy were involved to tell anyone. He was just making up things again ( ... )


Re: Part 3: (N.Ita/Ger) Blasphemy! anonymous June 12 2009, 13:52:30 UTC
*snerrrrrk* Awesome, anon :'D


Part 5: (Can/Cuba) Can a Relationship Carry on Like This? anonymous June 10 2009, 11:03:37 UTC
Mathew smiled, biting his lip just a little in his nervousness. It was kind of exciting, sneaking behind Alfred’s back. Not that he couldn’t be friends with Cuba and all, but if they were going to take it that little bit farther then that meant keeping things on the down low if Mathew didn’t want Alfred to decimate his new maybe boyfriend.

Clutching the tub of ice-cream, mango it turned out was a mutually loved flavor, he slowly tapped on the Caribbean man’s door, shuffling slightly. He was going to have a sleep over somewhere beautiful and warm with a tub of ice-cream and a nice man for company and in the morning they would have pancakes, or maybe aki and saltfish, and watch the serene tide come in. Could it get any better?

It could, Mathew decided when the door opened and Cuba pulled out a gun shouting for him to “Take his fat American ass back where it belonged!” His maybe boyfriend could recognize him.

“I’m Canada!” Mathew thrust out the tub, “See! Mango ice cream! We’re going to watch movies ( ... )


Part 6: (Cuba/Can) Floppy Sugarcane? It Would be Nicer to Pick... anonymous June 10 2009, 11:05:55 UTC
He was like walking sugarcane, with America’s face if Cuba didn’t look close enough. The only problem was he wasn’t nearly as strong as sugarcane. In that manner he was like those wheat fields he loved so much, it only took the lightest wind to show he had no backbone at all ( ... )


Re: Part 6: (Cuba/Can) Floppy Sugarcane? It Would be Nicer to Pick... anonymous June 13 2009, 12:04:29 UTC
You made me so happy with all the fills! They're hilarious! And I can't beleive you did some Cuba/Canada--that pairing is so rare, it's like finding gold!!
That was awesome!


Notes~ anonymous June 10 2009, 11:30:28 UTC
-I'm almost positive Ireland has had a horrible and blood history with Britain, and I KNOW Scotland has. Also Patrick and Alec are awesome stereotypical names. OH COME ON, LIKE ARTHUR ISN'T!
-I know, UK should include Ireland and Scotland, but it says in the comics that Scotland is his older bro, so I thought 'why not?'
-My Scottish Grandma has a saying: The Irish and Scottish agree only only two things. Their love of alcohol and their hatred of the English

-Badly done French:
Va te faire foutre! - Kiss my ass? Get stuffed? All I know it is a commonish insult according to the internet.
Connard - Jerk/fool
Salaud - Bastard
-Look up French military victories, nuff said.
-The victories Francis states are ones that found, if they don't count please forgive me for we learn little European history outside of the World Wars, and simply replace them in your mind with ones that do count.

-Badly done Italian:
Perfetto - Perfect
Al dente - When the pasta is still a little hard, or has a little bit of 'bite ( ... )


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