Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



New fills for this part go HERE.
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Look at this Fucking Fill [1a/?] anonymous August 27 2010, 07:49:37 UTC
This is kind of a cross between the above prompt and another from part 14, which asks to base a story on the nations where their relationships have nothing to do with their cannon relationships (just to see how they get along based on personality alone). Eirik is Iceland and Nils is Norway - those seem to be among the most common fandom names so I just went with it. And we’re just gonna say that the drinking age in this pretend city is 18, or maybe the younger kids all have fakes. This will probably trace the next year in their lives - or at least the school year. Oh! And multiple fills are gold! I wanna see what you guys come up with. Do eet!


AUGUSTAn extremely drunk guy with glasses and one of those annoying mustache finger tattoos hit the bar beside Natalia with a loud thud. “You...yuh...y’are smokin’ girl ( ... )


LATFF [3d/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 03:41:25 UTC
“Fuck! You cook some amazing wurst, dude,” Gilbert said to Ludwig, mouth full. “This Oktoberfest will be bitchin ( ... )


LATFF [3e/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 03:42:17 UTC

Alfred stumbled into the kitchen, falling right in between Ivan and Feliks hovering over the stove, calling out “Man, Feliks, that girl just vanished - whoa hey, you really took over the kitchen, huh? What’s that?” He poked a finger into the skillet of cooking food and yanked it away when it got burned, hissing.

“Sausages and potatoes?” Feliks answered.

Alfred reached for it again, but Feliks whacked him across the hand with the spatula. “It’s not done!” Alfred let out a high-pitched keen and attempted to stick his fist in his mouth.

“Are you trying to eat your fist?” Ivan asked softly.

“Hey, you two, sit at the table like proper children,” Feliks ordered. Alfred and Ivan looked blankly at him, and then obeyed.

“Nmooo”, Alfred said through a mouthful of hand. “Jhuss ‘urts.”

“I have never seen anyone attempt to swallow a fist to cure pain,” Ivan said softly.

“Got burnt.”

“You did reach your hand into a frying pan,” Ivan pointed out. “Impatient - it’s what you get for not waiting on your food ( ... )


LATFF [3f/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 03:43:27 UTC
Nils returned from smoking in the alley behind Ombre to find Roderich at the desk, looking up black and white pictures of some guy with a violin. He pointed at the screen and gave Roderich a questioning look ( ... )


OP anonymous August 30 2010, 12:24:04 UTC
I can't leave much of a review because I caught this right before I have to go out, but oh man
1. I really, really, really love Poland. Thank you for doing justice to one of my favorite characters.

Thank you so for this story and for your quick updates, as well, because it gives me something to look forward to reading. This is seriously quality stuff. < 3


Re: LATFF [3f/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 22:14:43 UTC
OMG I love you. <3 This is the most awesome fic. Ahahaha, and I have to agree with the OP, I love your Poland. And Austria. <3 Oh Roddy, you poor man.

I can't wait to see more!


Look at this Fucking Fill [4a/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:35:37 UTC
Prepare your brains. A large gathering of idiots get schwasted = a ton of dumb shit happens.

Also, there are music references out the wazoo here...so I posted the songs mentioned on mediafire, it should work, just remove the spaces: http://www. mediafire.com/ ?6cdlccq99bkki

New people are here! (Everyone who will ever be in this story is at this party...except Canada, who’s in France, and Sweden, who had to work.) Belgium is Bella, 19, and fem!Italy is Feli, 20. And then we have Rome’s posse. Taiwan is Cindy, 23, Seychelles is Michelle, 22, Vietnam is Mai, 26, Ukraine is Katya, 27, fem!Netherlands is Anja, 24, fem!Romano is Lavinia, 23. Got that? No? Well, it’s not too important.Feliks shoved the door to The Scam open just as Ludwig awkwardly adjusted what he was carrying to knock, loudly calling out “Hello, bitches, we’re here to glam up your pad like the generous and fabulous souls we are ( ... )


LATFF [4b/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:36:57 UTC
“Ludwig! He’s fuckin’ amazing - just told him what I wanted and boom, sweet costume. The hand’s metal, but no sharp edges or anything - wouldn’t want to cut the hotties on the dancefloor,” he smirked. “The guy made Alfred’s Bender costume - that helmet? Metal. Should’ve had him help with your Black Knight getup,” he pointed to Arthur’s cardboard armor and grinned. “You gonna say “It’s only a flesh wound!” for me, babe?”

“Hey!” Feliks called. “I helped with your hair, Gilbert! And you would have been, like, totally screwed without Nils to help with the outfit.”

Nils nodded.

“This way,” Arthur said, and led Gilbert and Nils to a storage closet in the hallway. “So you’re a death metal guy?” He nodded to Nils’ painted face and torn leather getup.

“Per Yngve Ohlin - better known as Dead, from Mayhem,” Nils corrected.

“Under the jacket - he’s got fake blood smeared all over his arms,” Gilbert cut in. “The guy was so badass he slit his wrists and then composed the goddamn suicide note ( ... )


LATFF [4c/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:38:09 UTC
She let out a small laugh. “Of course. Nice hat, yourself. What is this you’re playing?” she looked to the record stand ( ... )


LATFF [4d/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:39:36 UTC
Something slow-building and techno-ish was blasting through the speakers when an impeccably-suited, shiny-helmeted Francis entered, surrounded by a large crew which included Jens, Mathias, Heracles, Anja, a scowling Lovinia, and Katya. Alonzo, Sadiq, Cindy, Michelle, Mai, and a few other women trailed in shortly after, the girls tittering around the two men who were laughing and flirting like it was their job ( ... )


LATFF [4e/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:40:34 UTC
Natalia was about to move away when Alonzo called to her. “Hey, I won’t hit on you, but I’m still gonna take your picture.” He then yanked Jens over and explained that they ran the party blog Neon Shark - Alonzo took the pictures, Jens ran the website end.

Natalia groaned and said “You’re those guys ( ... )


LATFF [4f/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:41:50 UTC
Sadiq wandered over to the Skellington mask and picked it up, holding it out at arm’s length and having a short staring contest. He looked at it, to Mathias, to it, to Mathias, then shrugged. He walked over to where Mathias was standing talking to Alonzo and a few girls, and shoved it on the Nihilist’s head to raucous laughter ( ... )


LATFF [4g/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:42:54 UTC
Francis leaned against the back wall and addressed the creepy bear next to him. “I liked the waltzing better,” he said sadly ( ... )


LATFF [4h/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:43:51 UTC
At this Nils just laughed and careened into Francis, then sang the chorus into his clenched hands, smirking at Francis the entire time through a bloody split lip and that terrifying face paint. Francis laughed so hard he was probably crying - the normally stoic man was singing “Ga-ga oo-la-la” right to him - he yanked Nils closer, and belted out the second verse in return. The chorus came along and they were both alternately singing into each others’ faces, cracking up, and dancing against one another. The bridge came and they paused - stared at each other, panting - and then Francis shoved Nils into a nearby column and they were having a fierce contest to see who could stick their tongue further down the other’s throat ( ... )


LATFF [4i/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:44:56 UTC
“I love this DJ,” Anja laughed, looking at Arthur ( ... )


LATFF [4j/?] anonymous September 1 2010, 11:46:05 UTC
All Gilbert really knew was one moment he was making out and the next he was getting dragged outside by some guy who he at first thought was Feliks - hey, the guy was wearing gold hot pants. But the gruff “Fuck you, you little mongrel freak, I wanted to get with that one,” told him that, no, Feliks was not tossing him to the sidewalk at the moment ( ... )


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