Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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LATFF [3e/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 03:42:17 UTC

Alfred stumbled into the kitchen, falling right in between Ivan and Feliks hovering over the stove, calling out “Man, Feliks, that girl just vanished - whoa hey, you really took over the kitchen, huh? What’s that?” He poked a finger into the skillet of cooking food and yanked it away when it got burned, hissing.

“Sausages and potatoes?” Feliks answered.

Alfred reached for it again, but Feliks whacked him across the hand with the spatula. “It’s not done!” Alfred let out a high-pitched keen and attempted to stick his fist in his mouth.

“Are you trying to eat your fist?” Ivan asked softly.

“Hey, you two, sit at the table like proper children,” Feliks ordered. Alfred and Ivan looked blankly at him, and then obeyed.

“Nmooo”, Alfred said through a mouthful of hand. “Jhuss ‘urts.”

“I have never seen anyone attempt to swallow a fist to cure pain,” Ivan said softly.

“Got burnt.”

“You did reach your hand into a frying pan,” Ivan pointed out. “Impatient - it’s what you get for not waiting on your food.”

“Psh, really,” Feliks agreed over his shoulder.

Alfred whined about being hungry, then about the creepy guy staring at him. Feliks brought the steaming food to the table and bit out “Eat already, jeez Alfred. And you two,” he pointed the spatula at both of their faces in succession, “you both like Tetris like nobody’s business. Ready? Annnnd, go!” He took his plate into the living room.

“Tetris!” Alfred chirped. “You like Tetris? Oh man, I thought about getting Tetris blocks tattooed on my arm, here -” he pointed to his left arm - “but I got these happy little whales instead. They’re cute right? I mean, lookit ‘em - yeah, see, you agree - whales are my favorite, once when I was a kid -”

Ivan was a little overwhelmed by this creature. He chewed on his food, but before he could collect his thoughts enough to reply to something in that mess, Alfred interrupted again.

“Wait, uh, we were talking about Tetris, yeah? You like the old-school stuff?”


Ludwig and Roderich were the only two left in the living room, trying to make small talk over the softly playing movie. Mostly they ended up commenting on the style of the early nineties and getting way too drunk to cover up the awkwardness of being stuck in a room with a stranger.

Natalia stormed back in and sat next to Ludwig. She joined in the epic small talk about the movie for a bit, but then turned to complaining about what an asshole the stoic roommate was. At that, Roderich started laughing way too hard and agreed.

“He’s aloof,” Ludwig replied, “but Alfred says if you can actually get him talking he’s a good conversationalist. He likes good music at least,” he shrugged.

Natalia scowled. Ludwig decided another topic of conversation was probably a good idea.

“So,” he leaned back into the couch, drink finally seeping into his system, “what do you do?”


Feliks came out onto the back porch, only to find Gilbert and Arthur wasted off their asses, chain smoking like chimneys, and comparing escapades about getting kicked out of bars.

He sat down by them and turned down a cigarette. “I’ll take a beer, though, totally,” he said. One of them tossed one at him and he drank up.

“We smoked all the fuckin’ weed, Feliks, sorry dude,” Gilbert said.

Feliks waved them off. “I’ll forgive you if you get me totally smashed,” he replied.

They agreed that that was a good idea, and the three of them spent the rest of the evening howling with laughter and having conversation that they could barely remember the next day.



LATFF [3f/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 03:43:27 UTC

Nils returned from smoking in the alley behind Ombre to find Roderich at the desk, looking up black and white pictures of some guy with a violin. He pointed at the screen and gave Roderich a questioning look.

“I’m considering dressing as Fritz Kreisler for Halloween. I would need to acquire a fake mustache, though.”

“That’s a shit costume,” Nils assessed.

“Why is that?” Roderich asked, affronted.

“No one’s heard of the guy. How will they know?”

“I was planning on carrying my violin with me.”

Nils stared for a moment. “At a party?”

Roderich thought it over. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea. He frowned at the computer screen.

“Go as something cooler than that. Mad Max, maybe?” It was Roderich’s turn to stare. Nils grunted. “Forgot, it’s you we’re talking about. Do something easy. A skeleton, or a mummy.”

“A mummy?”

“No, do the skeleton. You’re skinny enough for it.”

Roderich’s indignant reply was cut off with “-no, wait, go as Jack Skellington. That’s a classic.”

“A character from a children’s movie?!”

“What? Have you never seen it?” Nils thought everyone had seen that movie.

“No. I don’t think I would deem it a ‘classic,’ certainly.”

For once Nils was silent because he was speechless. Roderich looked up images of Jack Skellington.

“Okay, see?” Nils pointed at the screen. “You’re thin, it will work. You could even have Francis tailor the thing, he would love that.”

“And the skeleton head?”

Nils shrugged. “I’m sure they sell them somewhere. You could paint your face black so that when you took it off to drink it would be hard to see your head. Or wear a ski mask.”

“Why would I do that?”

“The skeleton - Jack - he takes off his head in the movie sometimes.” Roderich looked disgusted. Nils rolled his eyes. “It’s claymation - it’s not gory.”

Roderich’s reply was cut off by the door chiming. Nils looked up at Roderich’s gasp - that must be the girl Francis was talking about, he thought. Before Roderich could say anything, Nils called out “Do you think he’d make a good Jack Skellington for Halloween?” He looked over and smirked internally at Roderich’s furious blush.

The girl squealed. “I love that movie! Yes, I think you’d make a great Jack - it’s Roderich, right?”

Roderich coughed. “Ah, yes...Lili?” She nodded; he glanced at the computer screen before asking in a small voice, “you really think I could, ah, pull it off, so to speak?”

She giggled and nodded. Nils kicked him in the shin. He glared at Nils, questioning.

“So, there’s this party...” Nils started. She looked at Nils curiously, unaware that Roderich was receiving another kick in the shin.

“Er, yes...Nils and I are both attending a Halloween party...at an establishment called The Scam? It should be a rather large party -” another kick - “would you like to go?” he squeaked out quickly.

“Oh!” she laughed out. “I am already! A few of my friends are going, and, well, I didn’t have any other plans. It sounds fun though! Does that mean I’ll see you there?”

He nodded vigorously and Nils asked if she needed help finding anything. She didn’t, and looked around for a moment before leaving.

“That was something Francis would do,” Roderich groused.

Well, shit. He was right. Nils didn’t have a response for that.


October got too massive to include Halloween as well. Because, wow, a lot happens on Halloween. Like, everyone goes to that jam. I am so excited for everyone’s costumes! Plus Gilbert ended up meeting Ludwig sooner than I thought and they cobbled together an Oktoberfest after all, so, eh. Oh and Natalia, you’d do better not to insult the idiots. Nils gets touchy about his pals, so stop that. Hey, anyone got any comments/opinions/criticism/pairings they wanna see/anything? Comments are love :D


OP anonymous August 30 2010, 12:24:04 UTC
I can't leave much of a review because I caught this right before I have to go out, but oh man
1. I really, really, really love Poland. Thank you for doing justice to one of my favorite characters.

Thank you so for this story and for your quick updates, as well, because it gives me something to look forward to reading. This is seriously quality stuff. < 3


Re: LATFF [3f/?] anonymous August 30 2010, 22:14:43 UTC
OMG I love you. <3 This is the most awesome fic. Ahahaha, and I have to agree with the OP, I love your Poland. And Austria. <3 Oh Roddy, you poor man.

I can't wait to see more!


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