Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Because no one can have everything, not even nations. anonymous February 15 2010, 02:45:42 UTC
Has anyone else read the classic Superman story "For The Man Who Has Everything"? It's an excellent tale about Superman being captured by the Black Mercy, a plant that slowly kills its captive by trapping them in a dream of their deepest heart's desire that they will never want to wake up from. For Superman, his heart's desire turns out to be living an ordinary life on Krypton with a wife and children. And it turns out that the only way to break free of the Black Mercy is to reject it or subconsciously warp the dream into a nightmare ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4a/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 12:16:08 UTC
(Okay, this chapter kind of rambles on forever, haha. Please forgive any glaring medical inaccuracies. I think everything it fairly correct, but the internet HAS been known to lie before.)After toweling off and redressing himself, Norway immediately goes for the intercom and demands to speak to Iceland. It takes over an hour of restless pacing and thumb twiddling before the speaker finally crackles and Iceland’s voice resounds through the room ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4b/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 12:18:36 UTC
NO ONE SAW THAT DE-ANONDespite the uncomfortable conditions, he manages to sleep for nearly ten hours before he’s woken up by the sound of the door opening. He sits up in bed just as Iceland pushes through the door followed by Japan and several doctors. Japan approaches the bed and bows to him and then moves to shake his hand, smiling gently ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 12:19:34 UTC
“Where are Sweden and Finland? Have they been in yet ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4d/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 12:20:49 UTC
Norway straightens up, staring at Japan. “You mean he’s sleeping ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4d/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 16:40:54 UTC
I really like this. Can't wait until we get to jump into Denmark's dreams. Good job!!


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [4d/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 19:49:19 UTC
Author!anon, this is absolutely wonderful! T^T
I can't wait to read moooooore >o< <3<3<3


OP anonymous February 16 2010, 22:55:03 UTC
You have no idea how happy your quick updates are making me. (I wish I could update as fast as you ;.;) Japan's appearance was unexpected but very welcome, and I really do like how you took your time to think through what the other nations would react if they found one of their members in this state and what would happen after that. It makes the whole situation seem more real and urgent, especially since they don't know just what's happening to Denmark.

And if I'm not mistaken, the next part should be where we begin seeing what Denmark's dreaming about, right? If so, then I can't wait to see what you have in store for that!


Re: OP anonymous February 17 2010, 12:02:21 UTC
I'm very glad you're enjoying it so far! It's been a pretty long time since I've written anything, so I'm pretty rusty. I was worried that this whole thing was a bad idea, but I'm really enjoying writing again.

The next part does indeed focus on Denmark and should be up within a couple of hours. :D


A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5a/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:29:16 UTC
(Okay, time for some sleepy time Denmark. Just for a quick reference, everyone’s names are as follows:

Denmark - Mathias
Norway- Niels
Iceland - Eirik
Sweden - Berwald
Finland - Tino
Sealand - Peter

Lol, those last three were probably unnecessary, but JUST IN CASEEE.)He awakes to the sound of soft crying ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5b/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:31:06 UTC
Niels starts to say something, but Eirik appears suddenly at the gate, bouncing excitedly ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5c/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:32:36 UTC
Dinner is for the most part uneventful save for the battle over the last roll, which, in the end, Mathias lets Eirik have. Once they’ve finished, Niels instructs the boy to start getting ready for bed to which Eirik declares will only happen if his parents read him a bedtime story. Mathias is more than happy to agree and he cleans up the kitchen while Niels runs a bath and gets Eirik into bed ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:34:34 UTC
He removes the bookmark from their previous stopping place and begins to read. It doesn’t take long before Eirik starts to wind down, eyelids drooping and snapping back open every couple of paragraphs, but he insists that Mathias reads until the end of the chapter. The boy is fast asleep well before the end, but he keeps reading anyways, just in case. He pauses at the end of the last passage and quietly shuts the book, leaning back in the chair and smiling. Niels has fallen asleep as well, his head tilted slightly to rest on top of Eirik’s ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:52:33 UTC
ohh, Denmark. This was both utterly adorable and completely heartbreaking. ♥♥

anon, ilu so much for these speedy updates. can't wait for more! :D


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 17:43:14 UTC
This is angst!anon from before

Oh, you honestly brought tears to my eyes at the end there. The dream is so very Denmark. It's not sappy at all, it's the perfect combination of sweet and sad. ;__;
Can't wait for the next chapter!

ReCaptcha: Redcoat epileptics
XDD Will Arthur have a fit in the next hospital scene?


OP anonymous February 17 2010, 22:27:39 UTC
Aww, this was both unbearably sweet and sad at the same time. Sweet because I can see Denmark secretly wanting a domestic, peaceful life for all of his boisterousness (and he really does love Norway, d'aww) and sad because we know (and he doesn't know yet) that this is all just an illusion. Now I'm wondering just what turn the dream will take when/if he begins subconsciously realizing what's going on...


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