Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5b/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:31:06 UTC
Niels starts to say something, but Eirik appears suddenly at the gate, bouncing excitedly.

“I taught Izzy a new trick, come see!” He turns around and races back to the yard, his parents exchanging curious glances as they follow. They stop at the porch where the easily excitable dog sits obediently at Eirik’s side. “Okay, watch!” The boy turns to Izzy and holds out his arm. “Shake, Izzy!”

Izzy wags her tail and wiggles eagerly.

“C’mon, Izzy, shake!”

Izzy lurches forward and bumps her forehead into Eirik’s hand.

Eirik sighs impatiently and plants his fists on his hips. “No, not like that!” He turns back to Mathias and Niels. “She did it a second a go, I swear!”

Mathias laughs and nods. “She only ever does tricks when nobody’s looking,” he jogs across the yard and sweeps up Eirik who shrieks gleefully when the Dane hauls him over one shoulder. “You’re gonna have to get her to do it later though, kiddo, it’s about time for dinner.”

Eirik wriggles and kicks his feet, still laughing. “No, I want to stay outside! Can we eat outside?”


“Not tonight, Eirik,” Niels calls from the porch. “It’s going to be dark soon,”

“Awwww!” Both Eirik and Mathias pout.

Niels shakes his head. “Not tonight.”

Mathias rolls his eyes and starts for the house. He sways and bounces as he walks, much to the child’s delight. “Well, I suppose there’s no helping it then. Tell you what; we can eat outside tomorrow when your uncle and I get back, ja? We’ll drag out the grill.”

Eirik pumps his fists gleefully, still suspended upside down over Mathias’ shoulders. “Yesss!” He pushes himself up slightly. “Is Peter coming too?”

Mathias hops up the steps and follows Niels into the house. He shuts the screen door with his foot and toes off his shoes before continuing in. “Yep. Him and Tino’ll hang out while we’re gone. I think they’re planning on bringing Hanatamago too, so Izzy will have someone to play with.”

Inside, he deposits Eirik onto the couch in the living room and shoos him off to the direction of the bathroom to wash his hands. Once he hears the tap running, he makes his way to the kitchen where Niels is leaning over the stove and several bubbling pots. He saunters up behind the smaller blond and slides his arms around Niels’ waist and rests his head on his shoulder.

“That smells awesome. What is it?”

“Lapskaus,” he prods at Mathias with a wooden spoon. “You’re crowding me. Go set the table.”

Mathias pouts, but leans forward and plants a noisy kiss on the back of Niels head as he moves to the other side of the counter and begins pulling plates from the cabinet. As he begins setting their places at the table, he scratches aimlessly at his chest. “Hey, do you know what time they’re going to be here tomorrow?”

Niels shakes his head and pulls the pot from the stovetop. “Early. They didn’t say what time, though.” He places the pot in the center of the table. “Could you get the potatoes out of the oven?”

Mathias nods. “We should probably be up pretty early too, then,” he muses as he slips on checkered oven mitts.

“Speak for yourself. I’m not getting up at dawn to spend all day in a boat.” Niels begins rummaging in the refrigerator.

“Oh please, you like fishing just as much as he and I do,” he nudges the oven door shut with his hip and transfers the hot dish to the table. He points at Niels through the oven mitt. “You know, Tino said he’d watch the kids. You’re welcome to come with us.”

Niels pulls a carton of milk and two beers from the fridge. “No, that’s alright. I’d rather sleep in.”

Mathias shrugs. “Suit yourself,” he removes the mitts and hangs them back over the stove. He continues to lightly massage at his chest. “Eirik!” He calls. “Dinner’s ready, are you almost done?”

As if on cue, Eirik trots into the kitchen and pulls himself up into his chair at the table. “I put Izzy in the back yard,” he says proudly. Mathias musses Eirik’s hair as he passes him to sit down as well.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5c/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:32:36 UTC
Dinner is for the most part uneventful save for the battle over the last roll, which, in the end, Mathias lets Eirik have. Once they’ve finished, Niels instructs the boy to start getting ready for bed to which Eirik declares will only happen if his parents read him a bedtime story. Mathias is more than happy to agree and he cleans up the kitchen while Niels runs a bath and gets Eirik into bed.

As he places the last dry dish back in the drainer, Niels returns to the kitchen and leans against the doorframe. “He’s getting into his pajamas. We’re just waiting on you.”

Mathias turns around. “Good timing, I just finished up in here.” He starts to turn back around, but Niels’ soft touch on his hip stops him. He turns slightly so that he can face the smaller man, who looks up at him curiously.

“Are you alright?”

Mathias blinks. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Niels brings his other hand up and places it over Mathias’, which is still rubbing absently at his chest. “You keep doing that.”

“Good eye. I didn’t even realize I was doing it.”

Niels scowls at him.

He smiles and turns his hand over so that he can lace his fingers with the smaller blonde’s. “It’s just a little sore. I must have slept funky when I fell asleep in the yard earlier.”

Niels keeps frowning but begins to pull him out of the kitchen. “Alright, if you say so. If it gets any worse tonight though, you shouldn’t go fishing tomorrow. With your luck, it will be the one day your boat tips over. If your chest hurts, you won’t be able to swim and you’ll drown.”

Mathias laughs and follows him upstairs. “You’re such a ray of sunshine.” They stop outside of Eirik’s room. “But, you’re probably right. I’m sure it will be fine, but if it’s not, I’ll stay home.” Niels nods and the Dane pushes the door open to Eirik’s room.

Inside, the boy is just getting into bed. Niels sits down next to him in the bed and fusses with the blankets until he’s satisfied that they’ll stay put all night and then stretches out on top of the covers so that Eirik can scoot next to him, resting his head on the Norwegian’s chest. Mathias pulls a chair from the corner of the room and situates himself by the bedside lamp. They’ve just started reading “The Little Mermaid” this week.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:34:34 UTC
He removes the bookmark from their previous stopping place and begins to read. It doesn’t take long before Eirik starts to wind down, eyelids drooping and snapping back open every couple of paragraphs, but he insists that Mathias reads until the end of the chapter. The boy is fast asleep well before the end, but he keeps reading anyways, just in case. He pauses at the end of the last passage and quietly shuts the book, leaning back in the chair and smiling. Niels has fallen asleep as well, his head tilted slightly to rest on top of Eirik’s.

Mathias places the book on the nightstand switches off the lamp. He leans forward and places a soft kiss to Eirik’s temple and, gently as he can muster, slides an arm under Niels’ legs to pull him up, bridal style, the smaller man making a small, sleepy noise of protest in the back of his throat and wrapping his arms around Mathias’ neck. He shuts the door to Eirik’s room quietly and pads down the hall to their own bedroom. He doesn’t bother with the lights; he knows every nook and cranny of their chambers by heart.

He smoothly deposits Niels onto their bed, laying him out and pulling the covers over him. The blond settles into the pillows and rolls over immediately. Mathias quickly strips out of his shirt and jeans and slides in next to him until his still lightly throbbing chest is flush with the other’s back. He snakes an arm around Niels waist and hugs him tightly until he can comfortably bury his face in the soft blond hair, still smelling faintly of freshly cut grass and sea air. He sighs deeply. As warmth begins to build between them, he bows his head and places a feather light kiss on the Norwegian’s neck.

“Good night, Niels.”

Niels exhales slowly and rolls over to wrap his arms around Mathias’ torso. Once he’s resettled himself, he leans in and gently presses his lips to the Dane’s chest, above his heart.

“I love you,” he mumbles sleepily.

A part of Mathias seems to melt and he smiles. He shuts his eyes, holding Niels a little tighter.

“I love you too.”


A/N: Lapskaus is a type of meat stew. Sorry if this part was obnoxiously sappy! Denmark's sweetest dream is to have a family you see, and the oodles of fluff were kind of unavoidable. More updates late tonight!


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 16:52:33 UTC
ohh, Denmark. This was both utterly adorable and completely heartbreaking. ♥♥

anon, ilu so much for these speedy updates. can't wait for more! :D


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [5d/??] anonymous February 17 2010, 17:43:14 UTC
This is angst!anon from before

Oh, you honestly brought tears to my eyes at the end there. The dream is so very Denmark. It's not sappy at all, it's the perfect combination of sweet and sad. ;__;
Can't wait for the next chapter!

ReCaptcha: Redcoat epileptics
XDD Will Arthur have a fit in the next hospital scene?


OP anonymous February 17 2010, 22:27:39 UTC
Aww, this was both unbearably sweet and sad at the same time. Sweet because I can see Denmark secretly wanting a domestic, peaceful life for all of his boisterousness (and he really does love Norway, d'aww) and sad because we know (and he doesn't know yet) that this is all just an illusion. Now I'm wondering just what turn the dream will take when/if he begins subconsciously realizing what's going on...


OP again anonymous February 17 2010, 22:55:25 UTC
Oh, and I almost forgot to comment on dream!Iceland's uncharacteristic cheeriness - I wonder if that's supposed to signify that Denmark secretly wants Iceland to be more emotionally open as a part of his family too? Or if Iceland was more emotional when he was young? Or if it's one of the "off" signs that's going to clue Denmark into the whole thing not being real?

(And in case you were wondering just how good your fic is so far, apparently another anon got so excited about commenting on your fill that s/he misfired. That says a lot, I believe. :D)


Re: OP again anonymous February 17 2010, 23:13:41 UTC
You're very perceptive, anon! Dream!Iceland's massive OOCness is a bit of both Denmark secretly wishing he was more emotionally involved and wanting to go back to a time before he was matured enough to able to actively distance himself from Denmark. It's always been my headcanon that Denmark/Norway/Iceland once were a bit like a family, with Denmark as more of an outsider but still extremely fond of Iceland. That being said though, I didn't want Denmark's dream to be about drastically changing the ones he loves, and young kids are generally much more emotionally exuberant, hence why Iceland has reverted back to being so young. That way, Denmark can get the returned affection he's always craved without grown-up!Iceland needing to be changed so much.

And it is just one of the many things that will soon become obviously fake in his dream. Oh lordy, wait until he goes fishing with Sweden.

(And I saw that misfire! When I did and realized it was for my story, I dawww'd.)


OP anonymous February 18 2010, 00:22:08 UTC
I see, and everything you said makes complete sense. I'm very impressed with how much thought you've put into this, author!anon, especially about the "does he appreciate them for who they are in reality, or does he prefer what he wishes they could be like in his fantasy?" issue.

...Fishing with Sweden? Lordy, now I have to read this soon.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6a/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 04:44:35 UTC

When the alarm goes off in the morning, the sun isn’t even up yet. He groans lowly and curls forward to bury his head under the blankets while Niels gropes for the beeping clock, effectively silencing it after a few seconds of sleep-drunk fumbling. He rolls over and prods at Mathias.

“Get up,” he mumbles thickly.

Mathias moans dramatically and squishes his face further into the pillow. Niels nudges him.

“C’mon, you’ve gotta get ready before they get here.”

“Nnnngggh…” Mathias flips over and wriggles closer to Niels. “S’cold.”

“It’s four in the morning, of course it’s cold.” He sighs.

Mathias matches his sigh and nuzzles his face in the crook of the barely conscious Norwegian’s neck. “Ten more minutes.”

“No, go get into the shower. They’ll be here soon and I am not going to be the one answering the door.” He reaches forward and pushes against Mathias’ chest. “And you’re hogging the covers.” He frowns when Mathias flinches. “Are you still sore?”

Mathias shakes his head, his hair tickling Niels’ nose. “Your hands are just cold,” he mumbles.

Niels pokes his shoulder. “Then you have no excuse. Get moving.”

Mathias breaths out noisily in protest but sits up and stretches. “I’m up, I’m up…” he yawns. He swings his legs over the side of the bed and grabs his robe from the hanger on the bedroom door, padding down the hall to the bathroom.

After he’s showered, he returns to their room and bundles up in soft flannel shirts and thick socks, careful not to disturb Niels as he dresses. He silently pulls his still damp hair back into a small ponytail after lacing his boots, then steps to the bedside and pulls the blankets up higher over Niels’ exposed shoulders. He bends down and kisses his cheek just as the doorbell sounds.

He makes his way downstairs after closing the bedroom door and switching on the hall lights. Outside, Berwald and Tino stand on the dark porch, wrapped in thick coats, Berwald carrying a sleeping Peter. Mathias opens up for them and quickly ushers them inside before the heat can escape through the open door.

“Hey, guys,” he greets them in a low tone, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy. “Come on in.” He shuts the door carefully and turns around to give Tino a quick hug. “Good to see you. How was the drive?”
Tino smiles warmly and shrugs out of his coat. “Quick and painless. There’s no traffic off of the ferry this time of the morning.”

Mathias takes his coat and hangs it in the hall closet while Tino takes Peter from Berwald. “The guest room is already set up, so you guys can just head up,” he points upstairs and Tino nods.

“Thank you,” he replies sleepily. He adjusts his hold on Peter and Berwald bends down to kiss them both. The Finnish man returns the gesture happily. “Have fun today. We’ll see you this afternoon.”

Berwald nods and Tino heads upstairs with Peter, who still hasn’t stirred. As they leave, Mathias grabs Berwald’s hand and pulls him into an affectionate side-hug. “Hey, man,” he says to the slightly taller man. “You got the car loaded up already?”

Berwald nods. “Yes. Y’got coffee?”

Mathias laughs and pulls back while motioning for Berwald to follow him into the kitchen. “Of course I have coffee, who do you think you’re talking to?”

Berwald smirks as they enter the kitchen. “Niels ‘s a bad influence on ya.”

Mathias rolls his eyes and begins to carefully empty the coffee pot into a large thermos once he’s poured them both a cup first. They drink quickly and exchange idle conversation while Mathias packs up lunch for them both, then return to the front door so that the Dane can slide into his coat. Berwald digs his car keys out from his pocket as Mathias locks the front door and they get into the Swede’s small sedan and head for the docks just as the sun begins to peek out.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6b/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 04:46:49 UTC
They make good time to the lake and better time still getting the boat unloaded. After unpacking their fishing poles and disembarking, the sky is a hazy purple, just enough light to illuminate the water, a thin layer of stubborn fog blanketing the whole valley. It’s still early and they are the only ones out in the small lake. Mathias is sure that will change later, but for the moment, he enjoys the comfortable stillness.

They row in silence until the boat reaches the center of the lake and Berwald drops their weight while Mathias begins stringing their hooks. “S’going t’be a nice day,” the Swede muses, brushing off his hands.

Mathias nods in agreement and hands him one of the poles. “Should be another warm one. It’s weird. I can’t remember the last time we had this many sunny days in a row.”

Berwald chuckles and baits his hook. “S’your own fault fer livin’ in Copenhagen. Might ‘s well live ‘n a rain cloud.”

“Ohh, like Stockholm is any better,” Mathias huffs and casts his line into the water, the stillness of the water finally broken by the soft whizzing of the lure as it sails through the air. Berwald follows suit a moment later and drops his line on the opposite side of the boat.

Mathias sighs contentedly. He takes in the crisp morning air greedily. He has never been quite as out-doorsey as Niels, but if there is anything he can appreciate, it’s the way the air smells in the early morning; it’s still clean and the silence of the morning only enhances how pure it feels when it rushes into his lungs. He takes a few more deep breaths and rubs inattentively at his chest. It’s starting to feel sore again.

He sits back to back with Berwald for a long time in an easy quietness. After a while, (he isn’t sure how long; he’s purposefully left his watch at home.) Berwald turns to him.

“Tino ‘n me were thinkin’ of takin’ Peter camping ‘n a few weeks.”

Mathias hums. “Yeah? Where are you going?”

Berwald shrugs. “’m not sure yet. Maybe hikin’ or down to th’ peninsula. Y’want t’ join us?”

Mathias nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! If you can swing it so that it falls on a weekend, I’d love to. I’m sure it’d make Niels happy too. It’s been forever since we’ve been hiking. And Eirik never passes up an opportunity to hang out with Peter.”

Berwald smirks. “Y’gotta get that kid outta th’ house more. ‘S gonna be as afraid of moose as ‘is father if y’don’t.”

Mathias frowns and throws the plastic bait lid at him. “Hey! That was one time! And it was only because it snuck up on me.”

Berwald chuckles and swats the lid away before it can hit him.

“Oh, but hey, did I tell you?” He shifts slightly so he can face the Swede easier. “He’s got a crush on one of his schoolmates.”

Berwald raises a curious eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yep. He was picking her flowers and everything. He won’t tell us who it is, but Niels thinks we’ll be able to spot her at the parent teacher conference on Monday.” He sighs wistfully and leans back. “Ah, young love.” He nudges Berwald. “Remember when we were that little?”

Berwald tugs at his line. “’m surprised you do with how often y’knocked yerself in th’ head.”

“Hey!” Mathias laughs, “Man, you’re mean today.”

Berwald chuckles. “Nah, ‘m in a good mood.” He transfers his fishing rod into one hand and rummages through his pocket. “Do y’mind if I smoke?”

He blinks. “Nah, man, go for it.”

Berwald taps a cigarette out and places it between his lips before patting his pockets. “Hng. Damn, fergot m’matches. Y’got a light?”

Mathias nods and digs his lighter from his jeans pocket. He tosses it to Berwald who catches it effortlessly. While the other lights his smoke, Mathias laughs quietly. Berwald takes a long drag and hands him his lighter back.

“’s so funny?”

Mathias shakes his head. “Nothin’. I’m just remembering when we used to gang up on Arthur when we were little.”

Berwald smirks. “An’ he’s still mad about it too.”

“For real?”



Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6c/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 04:48:33 UTC
Mathias pauses before laughing again. “That’s incredible.” He turns and punches the Swede’s shoulder lightly. “Ooh, remember the time in high school when we hid his homework in the girls locker room?”

Berwald laughs lowly. “An’ he went in t’get it with ‘is hands ov’r his eyes?”

“And he ran straight into Elizabeta!” Mathias howls with laughter, Berwald chuckling and shaking his head. “Oh man, that was the greatest. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tenth grader with his underwear that far up his ass.” He wipes his eyes, still laughing. “Hot damn. Elizabeta was a cool chick. We should look her up sometime.”

Berwald shrugs. “Y’know, I used t’have a crush on her ‘n high school.”

Mathias grins hugely. “Get the fuck outta here. You had a thing for the Hungarian chick?”

Berwald nods.

“No way, dude, that’s hilarious. Did you ever hook up with her?”

Berwald laughs lowly. “Tried t’ask her out ‘n home-ec class.”

“And she said no?”

“No,” Berwald shakes his head. “I tried t’be suave ‘bout it. Took off m’glasses ‘n tried to brush ‘er hair back.”

Mathias leans forward, grinning expectantly. “Oh no…”

“Missed ‘r hair ‘n grabbed ‘r chest. She hit me with th’ fryin’ pan.”

Mathias gapes at him for a moment before bursting out in hysterical laughter. He clutches his chest breathlessly. “You’re a regular Don Juan, Ber!” He claps his brother on the back. “You get an ‘A’ for effort, but man, do you ever fail the execution.”

Berwald chuckles. “Least I got some.” He elbows Mathias in the ribs. “Unlike some people.”

Mathias huffs indignantly. “Ooh, shut it, Romeo. I got plenty of tail in high school. Did I ever tell you about the time I hooked up with that kid from Estonia? He-whoa!” Mathias’ free hand flies to his fishing rod just as it jerks forward violently. “Oh, dude, I’ve got one!”

He pulls back on the pole. “Hoooo, it’s a big one too!” The rod strains as he slowly reels it in, the line groaning with the effort. Berwald crushes his cigarette out and snatches the net from the bottom of the boat and shifts so that it dangles over the side, waiting for Mathias who, after a moment, manages to yank the flailing fish from the water. It strains and wriggles, trying desperately to get back into the lake, its strong struggles sending splashes of water into the boat. Mathias hauls the line back up again and hollers victoriously when he manages to successfully drop it into the net. “Got him!”

Berwald twists the net opening closed while Mathias clips his line. The fish flounders uselessly for a few moments before going still and claps triumphantly. “Hah!”

Berwald pries the hook loose out of the fish’s mouth and transfers it out of the net and into the cooler. He turns back to Mathias, smirking. “Yer soaked.”

Mathias blinks and checks his coat sleeve, which is indeed dripping wet. He groans. “Well, good thing it’s going to be warm this afternoon.”

“Small victories.” Berwald digs through their bags hands Mathias the thermos of hot coffee. “Warm up. Niels’ll be mad ‘f I bring y’back sick.”

The Dane takes the coffee and nods. “Thanks.”


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6d/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 04:50:09 UTC
After he towels off and takes a few long drinks, Berwald hands him a new hook and he re-casts his line and the two settle back into comfortable silence. The sun has fully raised, fog finally burned away, and more fishers have started to load their boats into the water. Mathias sighs, grinning, and leans back, his shoulders thudding into Berwald’s.

“How long has it been since we did this?” He smiles. “Just us, I mean.”

Berwald shrugs. “S’been a while.”

“What’s up with that?” He elbows the Swede playfully. “I don’t get to see my baby brother enough.”

Berwald rolls his eyes, but nods. “W’should do it more often.”

Mathias sighs again and turns back to the water. “Definitely. This is fun, I’m glad we came.”

Berwald smiles.

“M’ too.”


We’ve officially entered the Negaverse, my friends. Sweden is willingly hanging out with Denmark and making plans to do it again. As with the last chapter, there is something in this part there is glaringly wrong with the situation, though it slightly more subtle than the last.

Aw, man. I wish Denmark and Sweden bro-out time was canon. It’s so cute.

Anyhow, I may or may not have more up tonight! It might be kinda busy at work tonight, so I'm not sure if I'll have time to write or not. I'll do my best though!


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6d/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 05:38:36 UTC
Sick of you? Never! Keep going, keep going. This Negaverse is a fun place to be. Alternatively, damn Denmark. Your fantasies really highlight how depressing your life actually is.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6d/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 05:50:49 UTC
Happiest nation on Earth?

Only when people are looking.

I've always sort of had this idea Denmark is really happy on the surface, but then is very vulnerable and lonely when he isn't maintaining a happy face. Poor guy. :(


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [6d/??] anonymous February 18 2010, 05:47:41 UTC
Anon, this story is turning out so amazing! I adore the fluffy, AU dream, but then I remember back to the actual story and it makes me sad! I love it so far!

I'm also amazed that you chose the same human name for Ice that my sister and I had decided on!

captcha: possible feeling Awwww! ;_;


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