Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Take that, fandom! With love, Nation A anonymous February 9 2010, 04:46:33 UTC
Irritated by the fandom’s take on your favourite character? Don’t sweat! Because this is your chance to get back at them!


Anon wants to see letters written by the characters to the fandom, where they complain about usual fanon misconceptions that are totally not them! Or maybe characters that are really happy at the way the fandom writes them (I’m looking at you Purssia). Angry nations, frustrated, scolding, teaching, congratulating, enthusiastic…whatever you want.

We know what the fandom thinks of the character….what do the characters think of the fandom?


Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Nation A anonymous February 9 2010, 04:59:04 UTC
I can't see this ending well. :/


Take that, fandom! With love, Prussia anonymous February 9 2010, 05:17:58 UTC
What's up, fandom?

This is the great and almighty Prussia speaking! I just got my computer back from Estonia (thank God for nerds, they can fix anything), and I've been searching up my own name on the internet! Why? Because I'm awesome.

And guess where I ended up?

That's right, you're not as dumb as you look!

So I've been reading some of your fanfics. And let me tell you, they sicken me. I mean, I get that I'm amazing and all-powerful (not to mention drop-dead sexigorgeolicious), but come on, I don't express feelings. I'm not in love with West, or that chic with the frying pan, or specs. I don't like them like that.

Besides, why would I need them? It's not like I'm lonely. Kesesesesesese! I don't need anyone. Though I do like some of these fics where I get to bang people at random. Like Italy's older brother? Where the fuck did that come from? Not that it's not hot. (I'm in it, so it must be.)

Not to encourage you diss your ideas or anything, but could you fill some more of these requests with me in them stop degrading my ( ... )


OP anonymous February 9 2010, 05:51:57 UTC
Prussia fucking SHINES coming from your hands, anon. OP thanks you SO MUCH, since Gil is one of her favs ^^

I love his (lots of) self love, and his small letter and his totally fantastic vocabularyXDXD
...and that he's a Prussia/Romano fanXD

But I think the part with Gilbird was my favourite, specially the contrast

…aw, isn't that cute. He thinks he can type.

So anyway, stop making me a sissy with a heart!

ur no baby cute fluffy squeeable chicks lover, Prussia, don't worry xD
I love you, authoranonPrussia ♥
I'm already pregnant with Prussia's babies, but I wanna carry yours too, writeranon


Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Prussia anonymous February 9 2010, 20:26:37 UTC
So Prussia likes seeing himself paired with completely random people, as long as no feelings are involved?

This is so many different levels of awesome.

Good job, anon!


Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Prussia anonymous February 9 2010, 21:29:55 UTC
FUCKYEAH. Prussia totally doesn't have feelings and he doesn't need anyone! *though anon is a shameless Prussia/Germany fan* <3


Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Prussia anonymous February 17 2010, 05:14:04 UTC
Your Prussia is made of epic awesome win.

"Like Italy's older brother? Where the fuck did that come from? Not that it's not hot. (I'm in it, so it must be.)"


"Become pregnant by looking at my awesomeness!"

Oh god, why didn't you mention Mpreg >< ? WHY ? *get shot for liking creepy stuff*


from Finland anonymous February 9 2010, 05:05:45 UTC
Dear Hetalia Fandom,

This is Finland. Yes, you know that cute northern nation who brings you presents on Christmas. (shhh, that’s a secret.)

I just want to inform you that I am not Su-san’s wife! Su-san does not have a wife, and if he did, it most certainly would not be me, because I am a boy!

Also, Sealand is not our kid. Sealand is England’s kid who he abandoned and we took in later.

Also, Estonia is not my lover-on-the-side. (Please stop spreading this rumor, especially to Su-san. I do not fancy having to whip out my rifle and fight another war with Russia.) Estonia is my friend and that’s all!

So if you want to get that precious doujinshi you were drooling over this coming Christmas, please keep these things in mind.

However, Hanatamago is very happy at the attention you are showing him. Please continue to shower us with your love.

Hugs and kisses from your friendly northern neighbor,

P.S. Also, I definitely will not be spending Valentine’s Day (!) together with Su-san in any romantic context what-so-ever.


Re: from Finland anonymous February 9 2010, 05:08:46 UTC
OP thanks you for this, it was really really cute, and exactly what she had in mind ^^

*goes back to check if there's hidden white text there about the truth xD*


Re: from Finland anonymous February 9 2010, 05:14:44 UTC
I'm glad you liked it OP! Seeing as how this is something I whipped up in 5 minutes flat -__-
Your prompt is so awesome I couldn't resist and Finland was the first who popped into my mind! I can't wait to read what others write for this! Sorry there's no white text. I html fail OTL


Re: from Finland anonymous February 9 2010, 05:15:43 UTC
Awesome anon! This sounds just like Finland!

Only thing is, I was considering doing Finland as well as a bunch of other nations too.... so do you or OP mind if I do doubles of any country written here before I get time to write?

Below anon who spazzed about Poland


Re: from Finland anonymous February 9 2010, 05:24:25 UTC
Author! anon here
Please feel free to write another version of Finland.
I'd look forward to reading it ^__^ (along with your Poland, Polish! anon here)

captcha: next winston NOOOOO Poland doesn't smoke! or does he? XD


OP anonymous February 9 2010, 05:43:29 UTC
double and triple all fills you want, anon! this OP has no problems with it, more fills=happier OP ^^


Re: from Finland anonymous February 10 2010, 09:04:43 UTC
P.S. Also, I definitely will not be spending Valentine’s Day (!) together with Su-san in any romantic context what-so-ever.

That's actually shockingly accurate and non-denial-ish (shut up, it's a word now), because in Finland, Valentine's Day is referred as "Friend's Day" (ystävänpäivä). I shit you not.


Re: from Finland anonymous February 11 2010, 18:27:02 UTC
Oh wow really? Huh, you learn a new thing every day.
I thought I was just writing Finland being in denial lol.
Thanks for letting me know! That sounds so cute! awww


Hahahaha!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! anonymous February 9 2010, 05:07:22 UTC
I am SO going to do Poland here. He's not stupid!

Just give me some time. Got college, so probably won't happen before Friday, but no one else take him!!!

(Sorry, anon got a bit carried away) In fact, I may do several of these because I tend to interpret the characters in more serious ways than most people do.


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