Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Little Red - Prussia/Germany/Italy anonymous March 2 2010, 04:38:42 UTC
I just love fairy tales. And this just kind of invaded my mind, and I found it so adorable.

Germany (Grandma's role) is sick and Italy (Little Red's role) is sent to get medicine, gifts, etc for him. Prussia (Big Bad Wolf's role) gets in the way. Whether this ends in something hott or just a funny drabble depends on you. I'd like to see implied Prussia/Germany/Italy.

You get bonus points for surprise guests.


Little Red Tomato Riding Hood anonymous March 4 2010, 02:54:04 UTC
I HAD TO DO THIS. You must have ESP or are me because I love fairy tales too. This may take a long time to continue since I'm writing different fills at the same time. :P

Once upon a time there was a sweet little Italian. Everyone who saw this Italian liked her, especially her German grandmother. Except, this is wrong. The Italian was a male. But no one in the town knew that for the Italian had a girl’s voice. Once, the sweet Italian received a hood from his grandmother. It was white before, but from all the wars it went through with the German grandmother, it turned red. But once the Italian wore it, it matched perfectly and she loved it so. She wore it all the time and eventually was known as the Little Red Riding Hood.

Another place, there was another “Little Red Riding Hood”. But all the people knew he was a guy and laughed at the Italian boy for it. When he received the hood from his German grandmother, he was so delighted that he blushed red. Then, his friend saw him and called him, “Little Tomato ( ... )


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood anonymous March 4 2010, 12:10:55 UTC
Lovino really can't win, can him? This is soooo cuuute! If I could draw I'd definitely draw the two Italies in a red hood. As it is you'll have to settle for some hearts: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood anonymous March 4 2010, 12:48:02 UTC
Little Tomato, how cute~! :D


Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 7 2010, 18:13:32 UTC

The Grandmother lived out in Germany, who knows how much time it takes to get there from Italy. But you must pass Switzerland first. But that was not the real terror. When Little Red Riding Hood entered Switzerland, a wolf came up to him. He didn’t know what a wicked(ly awesome) animal he was, and was not afraid of him.

“Good day to you, Little Red Riding Hood,” the wolf said.

I cannot leave my path, but I can surely talk to this thing right here, right? Red thought. “Thank you, wolf,” Red answered.

“Yes, I know how awesome I am- where are you going s early Little Red Riding Hood?”

“To Grandmother’s”

Damn, I can’t let you have West since he’s mine! The wolf thought. “What are you carrying under your apron?”

“Grandmother is sick, and I am taking her some pasta and beer. They should give her strength,”

Never mind the pasta, I want the beer! the wolf thought. “Where does your Grandmother live?”

“Her house is in Germany, past here, hidden in the potato fields. There’s a bunch of guns there. ( ... )


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 7 2010, 20:19:45 UTC
Aww, love. Now I can't shake the image of Gilbo in overalls with big fluffy wolf ears.


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 8 2010, 07:42:20 UTC
XD A visual would be epic win.

I can't either~


Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 3/3 anonymous March 9 2010, 03:07:55 UTC

At Grandmother’s house, the wolf knocked on the door. “Who’s there?” asked the German grandmother.

“It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I have brought you beer and p-pasta. Please open the door,” the wolf said, trying to imitate little Red.

“Open the door yourself! I’m too weak to get up!” the grandmother called, sounding a bit healthy.

The wolf opened the door. Then, he stripped the grandmother. Now I shall use the name, “Ludwig” for the “grandmother”. Then, Gilbert tried to take Ludwig’s vital regions, but he knew Little Red would come soon, so he tied Ludwig up and put him in the closet. He changed into Ludwig’s clothes and replaced his wolf ears with the cat ears Ludwig had on (why did he have cat ears on?). He got into the bed and pulled the curtains shut.

Little Red came to his grandmother’s house after he could gather all the flowers he could carry. Little Tomato had arrived at the same time, finding out that the wolf tricked him into another path before, so he was a bit late now. Little Red smiled as Little Tomato scowled. They ( ... )


♥♥♥ anonymous March 9 2010, 04:27:56 UTC
What awesome casting for the part of the woodsman! A true hero if I ever did see one!

Great job, anon. This was a very amusing red riding hood!


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