Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 7 2010, 18:13:32 UTC

The Grandmother lived out in Germany, who knows how much time it takes to get there from Italy. But you must pass Switzerland first. But that was not the real terror. When Little Red Riding Hood entered Switzerland, a wolf came up to him. He didn’t know what a wicked(ly awesome) animal he was, and was not afraid of him.

“Good day to you, Little Red Riding Hood,” the wolf said.

I cannot leave my path, but I can surely talk to this thing right here, right? Red thought. “Thank you, wolf,” Red answered.

“Yes, I know how awesome I am- where are you going s early Little Red Riding Hood?”

“To Grandmother’s”

Damn, I can’t let you have West since he’s mine! The wolf thought. “What are you carrying under your apron?”

“Grandmother is sick, and I am taking her some pasta and beer. They should give her strength,”

Never mind the pasta, I want the beer! the wolf thought. “Where does your Grandmother live?”

“Her house is in Germany, past here, hidden in the potato fields. There’s a bunch of guns there. You must know the place,” Red said.

The wolf thought to himself, “That’s a tasty bite for me, beer and West at the same time. But just how am I going to catch both (without getting killed by Vash over here)?” Then he said, “Listen, Little Red, haven’t you seen the wonderful flowers blooming here? Why don’t you go take a look? And I don’t believe how wonderful these people are yodeling,” gun shots were heard, “You are walking as if going back to the… um… awsomeness of me. It is very beautiful here,”

Little Red opened his eyes and saw the sunlight and a rainbow shining upon some flowers in the meadow. Luckily for the wolf, he wasn’t the brightest that this was Vash’s territory, so he was able to escape. Little Red thought, “If I take a bouquet to grandmother, she will be very pleased. Anyway, it is still early, and I'll be home on time.” She ran through Switzerland looking for flowers. Each time she picked one she thought that she could see an even more beautiful one a little way off, and she ran after it, going further and further into the country.


Little Tomato had to make the same trip. When he passed by Switzerland, he saw his stupid little brother picking flowers. Little Tomato just walked on. Past Switzerland, in the woods, he happened to see a wolf. He decided to ask directions.

“Hey, you wolf over there! What’s your name?” asked Little Tomato.

The wolf stopped in his tracks and turned around. “How dare you talk like that to the awesome Gilbert Weillschmidt?”

“Uh yeah. Gil, where’s Germany?”

Oh shoot, not another Red! Thought the wolf. “Where are you going so early?”

“What the hell? I did ask you where Germany was?”

“And what are you carrying under your apron?”

“Are you a robot too? It’s just some beer and tomatoes. Antonio told me to give them to that potato bastard,”

Hey, don’t you dare call my brother a potato bastard! Thought Prussia. “Germany is right beyond these woods,” the wolf lied.

“Yeah, thanks, bye,” Little Tomato said as he ran off.

“Ugh. Two reds? Wait, that’s good, more beer for me, and I still get West…” the wolf thought as he went to Grandmother’s house.


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 7 2010, 20:19:45 UTC
Aww, love. Now I can't shake the image of Gilbo in overalls with big fluffy wolf ears.


Re: Little Red Tomato Riding Hood part 2/? anonymous March 8 2010, 07:42:20 UTC
XD A visual would be epic win.

I can't either~


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