Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Columbia (1/?) anonymous February 17 2010, 07:59:12 UTC
AN: So, Anon paid attention to some of the prompts - the story seemed to take on a life of its own.


Matthew moaned, absently rubbing his temples as he dragged himself down the corridor.

He’d always rather thought that Buchheim had put it best. Meetings between Nations bore a suspicious resemblance to long periods of boredom interspersed with short periods of excitement... The northern nation snorted as he fumbled for his key card. Theses get-togethers could never really be defined as ‘peaceful’, but this one had been surprisingly uneventful. So far. If you discounted Arthur’s attempts to burn down the kitchen, Prussia’s imitation of a singing telegram halfway through Austria’s lecture on chromatic scales, Francis hitting on everything that moved…

Still, all things considered, the day had been - quiet.

Except for Alfred. The blonde sighed in a mixture of resignation and tired affection. His brother hadn’t quite recovered from his cold, but you’d never be able to tell from looking at him. Alfred - Alfred had shone, ( ... )


Columbia (2/?) anonymous February 17 2010, 08:00:28 UTC
Matthew’s head whipped to the side. A familiar face stared up at him; Alfred was sitting on his couch, blue eyes peering at him over the rim of his glasses. Kumajiro was sitting on his brother’s lap; Alfred was practically hugging the bear, arms dark against white fur as his chest rose and fell in harsh, gasping breaths. Matthew couldn’t see much of his brother’s expression; blonde hair fell across his face, obscuring his features.

“Al?” Matthew took a cautious half-step forward. “Alfred, if this is because you watched another horror movie - “

Alfred let out a half-stifled sob; the bear went flying to the side as America lunged forward, wrapping his arms around his brother. “Mattie…” His voice was a choked gasp, shoulders rising and falling in an unmistakable rhythm ( ... )


Columbia (3/?) anonymous February 17 2010, 08:01:48 UTC
“He - he held me down, and he - he put his mouth on mine, and he said that, that I was - that I’d been bad, and that I needed - I needed to know that I wasn’t any kind of hero, that I - And I couldn’t, I couldn’t do anything!” Alfred’s frame tensed; her wail was choked by Matthew’s sweater-vest as she buried her head in his shoulder. “I didn’t want it! I didn’t!” Her teeth gnashed together. Matthew felt the blood drain from his face; his fingers tightened as realization slammed into him like a cannonball. “He - he sat on my legs, and, and Ivan held my hands behind my back so I couldn’t - and he laughed at me…“

Ivan. Some distant, diamond-sharp part of Matthew’s being noted down the name, carefully tucking it away. “Alfred - Columbia.” An old, old name, half joke, half wistful, unspoken desire on his sister’s part for what could have been. If she had been free to be herself. If she had only - “I need to know what they did to you.”

“He touched me, and they - they watched, they all watched, and I told them to stop, I did, and they ( ... )


Columbia (4/4) anonymous February 17 2010, 08:02:52 UTC
“That was your boss.” Canada tried to smile. “He - he’s really worried about you, you know.”

“M-mattie.” America choked. She bowed her head. “Are you - “ her lower lip quivered. “Are you going to -“ She swallowed.

Matthew wrapped his arms around his sister, tucking her head on his shoulder. “I’m not going anywhere, Al.”

“Huh.” America sniffed, scrubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand as she leaned into her brother. “I - I’m not scared of them!” Her voice wobbled. “But if you - if you wanna stay, I mean, if you’re scared of them - I’ll keep you safe, Mattie, I won’t let them get you, I promise…” Her voice was painfully sincere as her fingers clenched in Matthew’s sweatervest.

Matthew was glad his sister couldn’t see the expression on his face. “Al - “ he said hesitantly. “Can you tell me - “ he swallowed. “Who…?”

The words came slowly, one at a time. Alfred spoke each name reluctantly, as if speaking them made it real. Germany. Italy. Prussia. Her shoulders shook; the self-proclaimed hero didn’t stir from the flimsy ( ... )


Important Author's Notes anonymous February 17 2010, 08:10:14 UTC
Just a couple quick words ( ... )


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 17 2010, 10:15:18 UTC



Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 17 2010, 20:13:39 UTC
TT_TT Wah, Al! TTT____TTT

I will sell my left kidney if someone will continue this. Namely if Mattie goes and bashes everyone's brains in with that hockey stick! D:<
Ok, maybe not "bash their brains in", but definitely injure them.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 17 2010, 21:55:35 UTC
Fuck, I couldn't hold my own tears.

I... just, wow. Your writing style is very powerful and touching.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 17 2010, 22:58:14 UTC
w...wow...your version of the rape it's even more cruel than the original*shivers* ...and of course Russia was the one with the mean comment.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 18 2010, 04:08:33 UTC

What - I don't - this. This is perfect. This is everything I could have dreamed and more from a request like that. Epic love for Canada in this, as his every reaction had me catching my breath and going yes, that is how you should feel, that is perfect. And poor, poor Columbia/America. Very much America: terrified but trying for bravado, hitting people with tables and then running to cry to the only person she can trust right now.

And oh, what I'd give for more of this. I crave it. Want to see what Canada does (YES YES TAKE THE HOCKEY STICK TAKE IT BITCHES) and how the others are reacting to America's secret.



Are you sure you won't continue this? For anything? I am willing to offer just about anything.

Very enjoyable fill.


my anonship is being stupid today >.< anonymous February 18 2010, 04:57:56 UTC
here's to hoping that:

-you get re-inspired by this, because it's really good
-I stop being an idiot and de-anoning everywhere >.<

I loved this, because strong fem!America is awesome, and she fared much better than her male counterpart did. She's fucking hardcore.

Also, this fill had already the beginnings of excellent badass!Mattie on the works...any chance this will inspire you again, authoranon? Because it's excellent, I tell you. At least I'd like to see Mattie breaking some skulls, and America getting some of her confidence back protecting her brother...and I wanna see the others freak out at the reveal! (god, everybody must be yelling at France and England for being the worst caretakers ever, not even noticing their child's genderXD).

Oh, on the subject of England and France...there needs to be blood; or at least, some serious guilt-tripping

very good fill, authoranon!


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 18 2010, 06:21:47 UTC
"I hit him with the table."

Fuck YES America.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 23 2010, 02:11:18 UTC
Defending vital regions and giving SOBs concussions with tables.
You're doing it right.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous February 22 2010, 05:15:40 UTC
Ideas? (God this thing is so epic)

1) Canada confronts all of the nations one at a time, questioning them in a "bad cop" manner and then punching them all in the face. But first making them completely understand what they were about to do, and making them BEG for forgiveness. Then punching them in the face.
2)Nations reactions to America being a girl.
3)England's thoughts on what he was about to do.(hes the one that tricked her after all)


OP anonymous February 22 2010, 06:29:59 UTC
Great suggestions! Quite frankly, the only image I had of a sequel was Canada kneecapping someone with his hockey stick.

If someone wants to follow up on these ideas (you up for it?) they have my whole-hearted support.


Re: OP anonymous July 28 2010, 12:14:22 UTC
I just wanted to say to whoever wrote this that I really enjoyed it. Alfred/Columbia comes across very well in this, and was quite likable. Her seesawing between bitter, desperate anger and being so fragile was quite realistic.

And I loved Matthew in this. He starts sorta laid back but you do very good job slowly drawing the part of him that served as England's side as his iron fist during the world wars. I really hope to this get continued someday as their are so many interesting ways it could go.


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