Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Columbia (1/?) anonymous February 17 2010, 07:59:12 UTC
AN: So, Anon paid attention to some of the prompts - the story seemed to take on a life of its own.


Matthew moaned, absently rubbing his temples as he dragged himself down the corridor.

He’d always rather thought that Buchheim had put it best. Meetings between Nations bore a suspicious resemblance to long periods of boredom interspersed with short periods of excitement... The northern nation snorted as he fumbled for his key card. Theses get-togethers could never really be defined as ‘peaceful’, but this one had been surprisingly uneventful. So far. If you discounted Arthur’s attempts to burn down the kitchen, Prussia’s imitation of a singing telegram halfway through Austria’s lecture on chromatic scales, Francis hitting on everything that moved…

Still, all things considered, the day had been - quiet.

Except for Alfred. The blonde sighed in a mixture of resignation and tired affection. His brother hadn’t quite recovered from his cold, but you’d never be able to tell from looking at him. Alfred - Alfred had shone, ( ... )


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous July 31 2010, 04:43:49 UTC
Here's for hoping that your muse might come back at at some point as this fairly well written. And I got to admit the way that you wrote the twins was great.

One thing I think might be interesting to cover that seems to get ignored is the political fallout of this. For example I could easily see Germany and Japan becoming really paranoid about the American military bases within their borders, and some of the more anti-west nations being more willing to accept the USA after they learn about this.

Also given some of the things that's happened to Jewish populations after Israel's fall and rebirth, he/she might be fairly helpful for Columbia to talk to, having some experience in being both betrayed and raped. And I could easily see the South and Central American nations using this to help build firmer trade ties at the very least with their northern neighbors who probably aren't going to want to keep trading with the ones who attempted this.


Re: Important Author's Notes anonymous March 6 2011, 00:28:03 UTC
Dear Anon

This. This just...
how did you do this to me?

I've read this story five times now. I can't stop re-reading this. I feel like a terrible person for wanting to read it again and again but your Canada and femAmerica are so perfect and every detail, from the "Columbia" to the "damage control," and the pacing and the depth and and and it's already wormed its way into my brain and I can't stop.

Thank you for writing thing. Damn you for writing this.


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