Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Because no one can have everything, not even nations. anonymous February 15 2010, 02:45:42 UTC
Has anyone else read the classic Superman story "For The Man Who Has Everything"? It's an excellent tale about Superman being captured by the Black Mercy, a plant that slowly kills its captive by trapping them in a dream of their deepest heart's desire that they will never want to wake up from. For Superman, his heart's desire turns out to be living an ordinary life on Krypton with a wife and children. And it turns out that the only way to break free of the Black Mercy is to reject it or subconsciously warp the dream into a nightmare ( ... )


A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [1a/??] anonymous February 15 2010, 13:19:10 UTC
(DISCLAIMER: I have never read "For The Man Who Has Everything". This prompt just kinda grabbed me and stuck. I read up on the comic, so I've got a pretty good idea of how stuff went down, but there will be some changes in the fic to make it fit a bit better with the Hetalia universe. Updates should come fairly quickly.)

There is a resounding bang that shakes the foundations of his house when it smashes into his yard. It is enough to startle him out of bed and send him stumbling downstairs in his pajamas, still half asleep, to grab his axe from it’s mount on the wall before bursting out of his back door.

A blast of hot air rushes against his bare chest as soon as his door is open. He blinks and scrubs at his eyes; it’s three in the morning, it shouldn’t be anywhere near this bright outside.“The meeting will now come to order,” Germany sets his briefcase down on the long table. “Is everyone here? Has anyone taken roll yet ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [1b/??] anonymous February 15 2010, 13:20:58 UTC
It takes three phone calls with no answers before Norway finally gives up and snaps his phone shut. He walks briskly down the hall and rounds the corner to the front lobby, checking with the receptionist and poking his head outside to see if maybe the obnoxious blond had simply gotten lost trying to find the meeting room. He sighs, aggravated. They don’t have the time to be playing hide and seek. He half expects to find him wandering the halls as he stalks angrily back to where the others are waiting, but no such luck.

“He’s not answering his phone,” Norway informs them as he sits back down. “He’s not in the lobby either.”

Germany sighs again. “This is a very important meeting…”

Norway rolls his eyes. “You talk like I’m his keeper or something. I don’t know where he is.” He sits forward, snapping his agenda folder open. “Let’s just start the meeting. I’m sure he’ll come barging in any minute now.”

Germany shrugs, but nods. “Alright, everyone, please turn to the first page of your agendas…”

Nobody answers his call, much to his ( ... )


OP anonymous February 15 2010, 18:21:16 UTC
I don't mind the Nordics at all! Denmark is a very interesting choice and I like the setup for him being captured by the Black Mercy. I'm eager to see where you'll take this, anon!


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [2a/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 02:55:18 UTC
It takes the meeting concluding and four more unanswered phone calls before Norway finally starts to worry. Denmark, while not the most punctual of people, has never missed an entire meeting nor has he ever ignored his phone. His phone is his connection to the rest of them and he never misses a chance to talk their heads off, regardless of the situation. Even if they are fighting, if the phone call is from Norway, Denmark always answers ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [2b/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 02:57:05 UTC
It’s late in the afternoon in Copenhagen when their plane arrives and Norway wastes no time renting a car. Denmark’s house is on the far outskirts of the city, away from the main hustle and bustle and tucked away in a small patch of woods; a picturesque little fenced yard surrounding a humble two-story cottage. Norway had honestly expected Denmark to live in something much bigger, or to keep the old house they all once lived in, but in an uncharacteristic display of modesty, the Dane had explained that the small house suited him just fine. Plus, it was wasteful to heat a giant house that only one person lived in ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [2c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 02:59:17 UTC

He jogs across the yard to where the prostrate Dane is lying flat on his back in his pajama pants. Norway inhales sharply when he reaches him.

“Iceland!” He shouts loudly and drops to his knees beside the taller blond. “Iceland, I found him!”

Denmark’s eyes are bloodshot and wide open, his pupils shrunk to pinpricks and darting rapidly in every direction. His lips are barely parted. Hours worth of morning dew has collected in his hair and the damp grass clings to his bare, pale skin. Even his hair looks unusually flat, like he’s just rolled out of bed.

He looks harrowed.

Norway’s hands hover over him. There’s something on Denmark’s chest…no, something in his chest. A rubbery black mass is attached to his upper body, a slick looking pod that throbs and quivers like an anxious heartbeat. Long tendrils are spread out from beneath it’s position over Denmark’s heart, sneaking veins of the same wet, dark matter that are wrapped around the Dane’s torso, disappearing into his body, still visible just under the skin. The ( ... )


OP anonymous February 16 2010, 05:55:54 UTC
I love this so far and can't wait to see what Denmark's dreaming about! And Norway's concern for him is adorable. Even if you don't mean for Denmark and Norway to be a couple of sorts in this story, I still adore them as close buddies.


Re: OP anonymous February 16 2010, 06:35:32 UTC
Glad you're liking it so far! This is my first kink meme fill, so I'm all nervous, haha. OTL

It will be probably two more chapters before we get to Denmark's dream, but that shouldn't be too far off. Chapter three will be up in about an hour or so, and four should be up by the end of the night. I work an overnight shift, so I've got a lot of free time to write. :)


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [2c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 07:36:44 UTC
I had never heard of this story, but I love your fill! I can't wait to see where you take this.

Will there be angst? Please let there be angst.


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [2c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 08:35:25 UTC
There will be heaps of it with a generous side of UST and fluff, haha.

Glad you're liking it so far. :D


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [3a/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 08:50:57 UTC
As nations, they are barred from going to ordinary hospitals. It’s too dangerous and their governments don’t want to risk their exposure to normal human beings. But as the embodiments of entire countries, extremely vulnerable to sickness and war, they cannot be refused care. The Cooperative League for Injured Nation Intensive Care was established as a compromise. A complex network of hospitals over the globe, CLINIC is run and operated by government employees as well as other nations when they can spare the time, alternating in shifts to ensure that everyone is pulling their weight. For the most part, it is run like any hospital. Security is much higher, but everything else remains much the same ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [3b/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 08:52:25 UTC
At the CLINIC hospital, they are met at the front doors by a team of nurses, all of whom are wearing cloth masks over their noses and mouths. One of them, a tall, blond woman, steps forward with a clipboard ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [3c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 08:53:57 UTC
“Sir, please, this is for your own protection. Please let us do our jobs. You may be contaminated, we need to dispose of your clothes ( ... )


Re: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes [3c/??] anonymous February 16 2010, 09:46:25 UTC
Hi, anon. I love sci-fi and I've been following this since the first update, just haven't commented yet. Wanted to tell you that I really like where this is going! I can't wait to see what happens next.


OP anonymous February 16 2010, 10:28:44 UTC
I actually have to go to bed now, but this was the perfect thing to read just before signing off. :D Now I'm wondering if the doctors and nurses actually know what the plant is or if they're just assuming that it could be contagious and are taking all precautions possible. I laughed at these precautions, although I have a sneaking feeling that I won't be laughing for quite some time in the parts to come.

(This is really your first fill? I wouldn't have realized that if you hadn't told me; you've got a great grasp of spelling, grammar, and a clear idea of where you're taking the plot and characters to. I'm really glad that you chose to fill this prompt even though it's your first one. ♥)


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