Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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From Russia, With(out) Love anonymous February 10 2010, 01:25:36 UTC
Привет, fanbase ( ... )


Re: From Russia, With(out) Love anonymous February 10 2010, 02:23:47 UTC
Dear Russia,

Why don't you ever return my calls anymore? Don'tcha miss those long hours where I'd stare deeply into your landmass?

Your snookie snookums,
Sarah Palin


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA anonymous February 10 2010, 02:25:07 UTC
Oh, oh lord.



From Russia, With(out) Love anonymous February 10 2010, 02:31:26 UTC
Dear Crazy lady,

Please to be stoppink callink me. I do not vant to come watch you be a hockey mom who has no idea how the world ees workink. You are just as scary as my seistra who ees currently tryink to break into my office. I am hidink behind the desk and vhen the phone ees ringink she knows I am here.




(FRWL Author) anonymous February 10 2010, 02:35:43 UTC
((You know how hard it was for me to keep a straight face after reading that, Sarah Palin anon? That made my night. Now I want some crazy Sarah Palin -> Russia.))


(Palin!Anon) anonymous February 10 2010, 02:41:05 UTC
(xD Whee~ Now I'm not the only one with the cracktastic picture of Sarah trying to seduce stalk Russia. And awesome Russia accent, barely ever see it written down all the way through a piece.)


Re: (FRWL Author) anonymous February 10 2010, 12:04:59 UTC
Have you guys read the fill with Sarah Palin stalking America? It's so funny.


Re: (FRWL Author) anonymous March 23 2010, 08:27:32 UTC
Where would this be?


Re: From Russia, With(out) Love anonymous February 10 2010, 02:52:20 UTC
Dear Sarah Palin

Bitch, get the fuck out of the kink meme!

Yours Sincerely... not.
Barack Obama


You African American Muslim Social Elitist Guy anonymous February 10 2010, 02:59:25 UTC
Dear Barry-Hussein-Hitler,

You mighta've kept me out of the White House this time, but I'll be back, just you wait mister!

Besides, I've got a reason for being here. My new energy plan that's super dooper fantastic will run on these memes. Let's seeya beat that.

I Know You're Secretly A Muslim Extremist (Stay away from my Russia-Wussia),
Sarah 'Stalker' Palin


Russia Objects to the new nickname. anonymous February 10 2010, 03:05:15 UTC
Dear psychopathic Amerikan woman,

Please to not ever be referrink to me as 'Russia-Wussia' again. That ees the name Belarus calls me vhen she ees tryink to get me to marry her. If you become the president of Amerika later... I vill actually feel bad for Amerika's mental health. I am thinkink the only energy you can be producink would be hot air, da?

Трахните Вас,


What Would Be A Better Name, My Popsicle? ((Anon Can't Stop Loling)) anonymous February 10 2010, 03:18:14 UTC
Dear Love-Whom-I-Am-Viewing-Through-A-Telescope,

What would be better my big polar bear? No matter what I call you, you'll always be my sweetums, no one in the world could change that. We all know who you'll be marrying anyway...isn't that right hun?

You really think I have a chance of becoming president? That's so sweet of you, supporting me when everyone else keeps forgetting that I'm a maverick! All my hot air power will surely get me the oval office!

Love Your Sub-Zero Temperature,
Sarah 'Soon-To-Be-President' Palin


...I am hopink you are meanink that in a non-sexual manner. (Me either) anonymous February 10 2010, 03:26:36 UTC
Ms. Palin наркоман,

I do not vant you to call me anythink. And I am thinkink throwing myself to Belarus ees better than dealing vith you. Even eef she vants to be married. My door has just about been clawed through by now anyways. I am thinkink I only have a few more minutes to live. So I vill tell you now that you are a fate worse than Belarus. That ees not a compliment.

You vill become president vhen hell freezes over and Siberia grows sunflowers. And if by some fluke eet does, I vill enjoy my new sunflower fields as the world falls apart.

Я ненавижу Вас,


Don't Be A Negative Nebraska anonymous February 10 2010, 03:40:35 UTC
Dear Russi~a,

Oh, I know you're in denial now, I denied our love at first too. I thought 'He's a commie, just a red commie bastard'. But then I realized that I tend to like red things too. Arn't they just great?

And how did you know that Hell, Michigan routinely freezes over? If you keep giving me all these compliments they'll go straight to my head!

You still arn't answering my calls though. I keep hearing someone crying in the background and the sound of someone beating a moose with a hockey stick. Arya watching horror flicks? If so, you can always come over to the good ol' U.S. of Alaska and I'll make sure to chase all those scary thoughts away.

Okey Dokey Then,
Sarah 'Will Find You' Palin


How am I beink a state? anonymous February 10 2010, 03:58:28 UTC
Dear Ms. Palin,

I am not 'in denial' about anythink. I am not in love vith you. I think you are a very creepy lady. But da, red ees a very nice color.

I vonder eef I keep 'complimenting' you your tiny head vill burst. I am hopink so.

I am now hidink in Lithuania's house after escapink my seistra. My life ees a horror flick vhen seistra comes around. Or vhen you keep botherink me. I am not goink back to Alaska. I already had no interest in eet once, vhat makes you think I vant to go back?



Now You're Just Being Coy....I Like anonymous February 10 2010, 04:15:30 UTC
Dear Russia-Bear,

I knew we could agree on something! If you got to know me more, maybe show me those 'vital regions' I keep hearing about, we'd get along even better! Then you'd see how much ya really do love me.

Are ya sure you don't wanna come back to Alaska? It's really pretty, we could shoot things together and make it even better if you want! And if you're here I'd get to show ya the bridge I'm building. I won't tell you where it leads right now, but let's just say I won't be needing a helicopter to come visit you anymore. You never seem to be home when I do come over though....

Oh! And didja know that your head can't burst from compliments? I just google'd it, one of the few things this new generation is getting right.

Be Seeing You Real Soon,
Sarah Palin <3

Where does your sister live? I want to....send her something.


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