Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Scotland/fem!England anonymous February 8 2010, 02:23:56 UTC
Anon doesn't know why they want this, but they do...

Something with historical basis would be awesome, e.g Stirling Bridge, Bannockburn, 1707 (Scotland becomes part of the United Kingdom), any of the Jacobite rebellions... and so on.

Feel free to add any other kinks you like~


Untitled ;A; [1/3] anonymous February 10 2010, 13:18:26 UTC
Author: I had to do this prompt when I saw it...I hope you enjoy it!

“Prince William…he passed away two days ago my lady.” England silently cursed to herself as she marched towards her brothers room. She wanted to be angry at everyone else for not telling her but knew she couldn’t, she knew how much Scotland cared for the boy. As soon as news reached them about the young Prince’s illness messengers were constantly coming and going from her brother’s study. A steady flow that stopped two days ag ( ... )


Untitled ;A; [2/3] anonymous February 10 2010, 13:23:42 UTC
 It was when Denmark came over during Anne’s coronation that, for the first time since she could remember, England was jealous of somebody getting close to her brother.

France had always hinted that he wasn’t interested in woman, citing her attempts to woo Scotland into her bed and ‘properly bond through their alliance’ only to be rejected and that in the one time he gave in, he was unable to be excited at the prospect. England always scoffed at the thought, pointing out her brother‘s fascination (and near mental break down) over his Mary.

“That’s one woman in, how long? Face it, your brother is too accustom to being the Scandinavians’ whore and can‘t truly comprehend the wonders of a woman‘s touch.” At that point, the argument was usually ended with a hard slap on the face from England but, as she continued to hide behind the book shelf and occasionally peak out from it, it seemed the frog bitch could be right ( ... )


Untitled ;A; [3a/3] anonymous February 10 2010, 13:27:32 UTC
 Scotland gave England a strange look when she came into his room, though it may have something to do with the fairies still hiding in her hair, reluctantly leaving when she gave her head a shake. “Is something wro-”

“Do you love me?”

She watched as her brother frowned. “Of course I do.” He said, though it was clear that he had no idea where this was going.

“More than a sister?”

Now the realization hit him and England could feel herself blush as Scotland became flustered, trying to figure out an answer. “Y-yes I do. I’m s-what was that for!” the last bit came out as a hiss as he touched the still stinging spot from where he had just been slapped ( ... )


Untitled ;A; [3b/3] anonymous February 10 2010, 13:30:12 UTC
 Anne sighed as she watched the fleeing France being quickly persuade by a musket wielding England (screaming goodness knows what kind of curses at her) and, her in turn, a (as usual when England went into one of those moods) blushing Scotland. “I see they are most definitely together now.” She said, glancing at the amused Wales ( ... )


Historical Notes~ anonymous February 10 2010, 14:20:09 UTC
The Prince William referred to throughout this fic was the only child of Anne's to make it pass the age of two. Of eighteen pregnancies, only four others had not been stillborn or miscarriage. The young Prince (who also had the nasty rumour that he wasn't actually Anne's) suffered from illnesses throughout his life which made him a slow developer before finally dying of what was thought to be smallpox just after his eleventh birthday ( ... )


Re: Historical Notes~ anonymous February 11 2010, 01:20:34 UTC
Really like this fill, and the notes are interesting too.


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