Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

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hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Untitled ;A; [3b/3] anonymous February 10 2010, 13:30:12 UTC
 Anne sighed as she watched the fleeing France being quickly persuade by a musket wielding England (screaming goodness knows what kind of curses at her) and, her in turn, a (as usual when England went into one of those moods) blushing Scotland. “I see they are most definitely together now.” She said, glancing at the amused Wales.

Scotland had finally caught up to his furious sister, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her as he tried to calm her down. Didn’t stop her taking one last shot at France.

Wales nodded, following his queen as they left the window to continue their saunter down the hall, “There will be times were they will fight like a couple…and like siblings.” he admitted, “But realize, even if they do part ways, no one will fight for their safety than they will for each other.”

A sad smile tinged the Queen’s lips. “William would be happy, he never did like it when his nations sad.”

“Well there’s no doubt in my mind,“ Wales began with a bow, “That, where-ever he is in heaven now, he will also be proud to know that it was him who made their happiness.”

Anne’s smile brightened as she nodded, “Thank you Wales. Now, if you excuse me, there is a group of Whigs in their I must speak to though I do wish that you and your siblings could make them disappear for good.”

“I believe Scotland and England would gladly deal with that for you without magic.”

Neither Lord Somers or Lord Halifax could understand why Queen Anne entered the room laughing, only that it undoubtedly meant a long meeting for them.


Historical Notes~ anonymous February 10 2010, 14:20:09 UTC
The Prince William referred to throughout this fic was the only child of Anne's to make it pass the age of two. Of eighteen pregnancies, only four others had not been stillborn or miscarriage. The young Prince (who also had the nasty rumour that he wasn't actually Anne's) suffered from illnesses throughout his life which made him a slow developer before finally dying of what was thought to be smallpox just after his eleventh birthday.

With the William's death, before his mother had even ascended to the throne, meant there was a crisis over who should take over the throne after Anne's death especially as her de-throned farther, James II and VII, had since had two more children, both of whom were followers of the Catholic faith like him and could legitimately make a claim for the throne.

Thus the Act of Settlement, preventing any Catholics from taking the throne (and paving the way for the Hanover family), was made. The Scottish parliament, also known as the Estate, wished the ability to chose if they felt the new English ruler would not be suitably for them and thus created the Act of Security. In response the English parliament came up with the Alien Act, deeming any Scot in England as foreign nationals as well as an embargo on Scottish goods, hurting them as England was (oddly enough) their biggest buyer, especially on the new continent.

The economical effect this had was just part of the reason that the Estate agreed to the Act of Union of 1707.

That's right, the then United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created all due to the death of one child.


Denmark's appearance is in part because Anne's husband was Prince George of Denmark and because him and Scotland have a history longer than Scotland and France. Norway would target the many and I mean many islands around Scotland while Denmark went straight for the mainland.

After that had died down, they happily traded with each other as well as sent each other consorts for their kings. Orkney and Shetland was actually given by Denmark to Scotland as a dowry for Margaret marriage to King James III, without Norway (who's rule they were technically under) consent. King James VI and later I of England's wife was also a Danish Princess called Anne (who was Prince George's great aunt).

The comment about Scotland being the Scandinavian's whore is because the countries that attacked, stole from and molest him were also pretty much the first he thought he should make allies with and it was only when he and England started to fight a lot that he even thought of France. Seriously, Stockholm Syndrome anyone?


Re: Historical Notes~ anonymous February 11 2010, 01:20:34 UTC
Really like this fill, and the notes are interesting too.


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