Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Gorgeous [Part 1/?] anonymous February 6 2010, 06:38:02 UTC
(This is my first time responding to a fill, as well as my first time writing anything of the APH fandom. My apologies if this turns out crappy!)The texture of a thick rope knotted to bind his hands together behind his back, was the first thing Arthur became aware of as he came to. This was shortly followed by the intoxicating scent of leather, a draft of cool air on his (alarmingly) naked body, and the distinct, overwhelming presence of darkness even as he blinked his eyes open. As he struggled to sit up from where he had been toppled over on his side, the Englishman judged that wherever he was, the floors and walls had been constructed of concrete - likely a basement or cellar of some kind. Above him, the sound of footsteps grew from silence, increasing in resonance until they abruptly ceased ( ... )


Gorgeous [Part 2/?] anonymous February 7 2010, 09:56:46 UTC
"Wh-what in the Queen's name are you wearing, Alfred?"

"Don't you like it?" The younger nation took a second to twist side to side, making sure to show off the entirety of his outfit - 'Not to mention that shapely arse of his...' Arthur flushed at the thought that came unbidden, preferring rather to struggle against his binds as Alfred continued, "I've had it for aaaaages, but tonight, Iggy...Tonight is special ( ... )


Re: Gorgeous [Part 2/?] anonymous February 7 2010, 11:21:51 UTC
*fights for breath* That is effing hot, author-anon. Please continue soon! <3


Re: Gorgeous [Part 2/?] anonymous February 8 2010, 04:13:01 UTC
FUCKING HELL ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F5!!
And put this on the fills list, so more people will suffer through f5ing like this anon currently is.



Re: Gorgeous [Part 2/?] anonymous February 8 2010, 08:38:58 UTC
writer!anon, here~
I'll be getting the next part up after I get up and write it later this morning. Thanks for your comments; I always love to see responses. x3

As it is, I'll be updating (hopefully) every day until the fill is done. Never fear, the whips, chains and denials are near!


Gorgeous [Part 2b/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 08:24:39 UTC

Already half-hard, Arthur's eyes rolled back as Alfred reached between them and took the elder nation's cock in a firm grip. Stroking slowly, at leisure, the Briton's former colony-turned-superpower chuckled warmly, "I'll take that as a yes."

Before he could stir up a response. - although something was certainly responding quite well already - Arthur found his voice muffled by Alfred's mouth as he devoured him in a bruising yet patient kiss. The younger took his time to feather the others lips with his tongue until he was permitted entry, then taking the opportunity presented to lazily prod the other's tongue into action. For a brief second the two fought for dominance, before Arthur at last submitted to the others will and allowed Alfred to lead the heady open-mouthed kiss ( ... )


Re: Gorgeous [Part 2b/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 14:46:03 UTC


Re: Gorgeous [Part 2b/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 05:53:44 UTC
Oh wow, this is so hot asjkdlj

Did you post this on the fills page? I can't remmeber seeing it...


Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 08:23:29 UTC
He wasn't quite sure how Arthur had managed to reverse their positions. One moment, he was about to snap the cuffs over the older man's wrists and have his wicked way with him, and then in a blur of movement, it was he who was cuffed and spread out for the Englishman's hungry eyes to devour ( ... )


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 08:36:05 UTC
Unexpected developments are awesome, but unexpected Daddy!kink is "America, fuck yeah!!!" levels of awesome. XD


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 09:03:09 UTC
YES a reversal! Wonderful so far author!anon. c:


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 09:22:05 UTC
Oh hell yes.

And now I'm not longer just glancing at this fill.

No, now I am stalking it.


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 10:15:43 UTC
I really really liked this fill.

Now I worship it.

OH ARTHUR, YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD YOU. Somehow, him biting down on the whip and then pleasuring himself with the handle made me hotter than anything. *pants* Oh please some more, anon!


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 12:46:52 UTC
Never ever underestimate England, British Empire
The development is so unexpected


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 16:01:08 UTC
Daddy kink FTW!


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 21:54:44 UTC
SO FUCKING HOT though bold f5ing anon doesn't like daddy kink WANTS NEXT PART


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