Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Prussia x Denmark x Germany - noncon anonymous January 11 2010, 17:59:32 UTC
Germany and Prussia double-teaming Denmark during WWII, making an example out of him after after his efforts in fighting back.

Bonus: double penetration.

Extra huge bonus: Norway or Sweden have to watch and/or clean Denmark up after it's over.


Re: Prussia x Denmark x Germany - noncon anonymous January 12 2010, 07:10:13 UTC
Oh, this is getting filled just as soon as I have a spare second. Brushed up on exactly what Denmark might've done to piss them off so bad...and wow, definitely found some inspiration.

;3 Getting back to you shortly, OP.


Re: Prussia x Denmark x Germany - noncon anonymous January 12 2010, 08:54:06 UTC
Hurrah! I'm so excited, thank you ever so much, anon!


Rough Estimate [1/?] anonymous January 13 2010, 19:20:59 UTC
His head hurt. No, nevermind just his head - everything hurt. His sides, back, arms and legs, everything ached. And his face..his face was absolutely throbbing, something wet and warm sliding down his chin that Denmark belatedly realized must be blood. They’d broken his nose, hadn’t they? The arrogant bastards had jumped him, beaten him, and busted his nose. He could have taken them beating him to within an inch of his life if they would have just left his face alone.

Shifting so his chin wasn’t digging into the cold floor, Denmark coughed and watched dark crimson flecks dot the floor. What the hell was that awful noise? Was that what passed for music in Germany? The record sounded scratched, the music blasting into the room too loud to be enjoyable, whatever it was ( ... )


Re: Rough Estimate [1/?] anonymous January 14 2010, 09:11:56 UTC
Oh man, Prussia is such a douche, I love it!

Very good start, anon! I was hoping it would go in a direction like this! I can't wait to read the rest!


Rough Estimate [2/?] anonymous January 14 2010, 23:10:29 UTC
Denmark sagged in his chair. “Sick fuckin’ bastards. How can you keep doing this ( ... )


Re: Rough Estimate [2/?] anonymous January 16 2010, 19:45:23 UTC
F5ing like a madman!

Re-Captcha: "and handgun". OH NO. D:


Re: Rough Estimate [2/?] anonymous January 18 2010, 18:45:00 UTC
Oh man, how did I miss this prompt? Germany x Denmark is my favorite hatesex otp.

Go, author anon, go! I'll be keeping a very close eye on this fill; I love it so far!


Rough Estimate [3/?] anonymous January 20 2010, 10:24:11 UTC
They undressed him in a matter of moments, cutting his shirt down the back when he refused to lift up to help and yanking his pants down, belt and all, in one quick motion. It wasn’t until Germany got a hand up his shorts that Denmark started fighting in earnest, trying to kick back against Germany and swing at Prussia, now that the smaller nation had let go of his wrists.

Prussia took a glancing blow so hard it knocked him from knees to ass, but he was laughing as he fell, clearly enjoying the struggle. “Hell, West! He knows just how to turn me on!”

“You...get the fuck off me! You can’t do this shit!”

“Really, you have left us no other options. Betrayal of that sort requires a fitting punishment. And we could think of nothing better than abusing you, the same way you chose to abuse our trust and hospitali-"

"Fucking hospitality? What hospitality?" As much as he wanted to thrash and kick at Germany, Denmark couldn't do anything but tremble, skin crawling where Germany's breath fell warm against the backs of his thighs ( ... )


Rough Estimate [4/?] anonymous January 20 2010, 10:27:30 UTC
He didn't notice the fingers knotted into his hair were Prussia's now, not until the other nation lifted his head and smirked. "Now..since West gets that end first, I get this one. And if I feel teeth, I'll pull every single one of 'em outta your head and fuck your bleeding mouth ( ... )


Re: Rough Estimate [4/?] anonymous January 20 2010, 12:25:24 UTC
FFFF Denmark! ;A;!!!!

Yes, it was pleasure, and an intense pleasure at that, but Denmark wasn't enjoying it at all. As far as he was concerned, it was an involuntary reaction, something to be suffered through just as much as the small, stinging pain from the tears Germany's forced entry had created.

This. This this this. I hate it when noncon stories turn into fun for everyone stories. I'm also very glad Denmark is still putting up a fight. I can't imagine him ever just rolling over and taking it.

Back to F5ing anxiously!


Re: Rough Estimate [4/?] anonymous January 21 2010, 00:35:35 UTC
-shiver- Oh my, anon. Gods above and below... this is hot. The brutality and detail is just amazing and astounding. The paired, dual cruelty of Prussia and Germany sends absolutely delicious shivers down my spine, even as my heart breaks for Denmark and for Sweden (and gods my heart also twinged at Denmark's shrieked outrage at seeing his fellow Nordic there). I'm just waiting for more of this ever so dark but ever so amazing- beauty.


Re: Rough Estimate [4/?] anonymous January 21 2010, 12:52:13 UTC
Jesus, anon, this is brutal. Your Prussia is so deliciously evil and Denmark is just so spot on with his still having an attitude during all of this. I also agree with the above anon on the subject of his not enjoying it. All too often, rape fics wind up seeming a bit too fun for my tastes. I think you really found the good middle ground.

I'm very anxious to read the rest! My stomach is in knots for poor Denmark. I'm also intrigued to see what Sweden's reaction to the situation will be, both during and after.


Rough Estimate [5/?] anonymous January 22 2010, 21:47:12 UTC
“Thought I was going to lose a finger,” Germany muttered. Prussia laughed and made some snide comment in German, something Denmark might have been able to decipher had he not been in so much pain ( ... )


Rough Estimate [6/?] anonymous January 22 2010, 23:26:08 UTC
Now Prussia would whip around on him, light into him with another hailstorm of kicks, blows and curses until he had no choice but to lay still. Denmark expected him to, even braced himself for a boot to the kidney when he heard Prussia shuffling into motion. But he was headed elsewhere ( ... )


Note from Author!Anon anonymous January 22 2010, 23:44:56 UTC
I couldn't find a suitable Danish slur for Germans, so I borrowed 'mof', which is actually Dutch and originated in the Netherlands. I believe.


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