Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

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hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Rough Estimate [1/?] anonymous January 13 2010, 19:20:59 UTC
His head hurt. No, nevermind just his head - everything hurt. His sides, back, arms and legs, everything ached. And his face..his face was absolutely throbbing, something wet and warm sliding down his chin that Denmark belatedly realized must be blood. They’d broken his nose, hadn’t they? The arrogant bastards had jumped him, beaten him, and busted his nose. He could have taken them beating him to within an inch of his life if they would have just left his face alone.

Shifting so his chin wasn’t digging into the cold floor, Denmark coughed and watched dark crimson flecks dot the floor. What the hell was that awful noise? Was that what passed for music in Germany? The record sounded scratched, the music blasting into the room too loud to be enjoyable, whatever it was.

“Brüder, bitte. You know I hate your music.”

“Relax, West. I was just setting the mood.”

“I cannot see how the Prussian national anthem could possibly set any sort of mood.”

Abruptly one of them grabbed the back of Denmark’s jacket and hoisted him to his feet. Germany, apparently, because his shorter, paler brother was the first person Denmark noticed when his vision cleared.

Prussia’s smile showed too many teeth to be authentically kind. “Evenin’, Dornröschen! How ya feeling? You look like shit.”

Powerful hands yanked him backwards into a seat hard enough to wind him when he landed. “Don’t figure we gave him a concussion, do ya, West?”

“Nein,” came the more masculine voice behind him, quieter, but just as intimidating as his brother’s crimson-eyed stare. “We are lucky for that at least. I warned you not to hit him in the head.”

“What the hell is this?” Denmark spat, once he found his voice again. His hands twitched instinctively, lonely without the heft of a weapon.

Here came Germany around front, half dressed and not bothering with the formality of a polite smile. “Was ist das?”

“This is punishment. This is what we must do now that you’ve upset the Fuhrer.”

“I didn’t-.”

“Oh, but you did. We had an agreement, Denmark.” Fingers fisted in his hair and jerked his head back so that he had to look up at Germany, face throbbing. “You agreed to help the Fuhrer complete his plans to cleanse Europe. You agreed, and we agreed to be lenient with your people, to let you have your independance. You only needed send us the escapees. But this is how you repay us?”

“Your boss is a madman! Haven’t you been to those camps, Germany? Can’t you feel your own people suffering? How can you let him get by with this shit? For fuck’s sake, Dachau! Auschwitz! He’s killing them by the thousands! Why can’t you feel that? Why aren’t you stopping him? Austria, Ukraine, his fucking Einsatzgruppen is everywhere!” He was shouting now, muscles tensed, ready to rise up out of that chair and knock some sense into the blond staring down at him so vacantly.

This wasn’t the Germany he knew. This was someone entirely different, a terrible mockup of Prussia, it seemed. He was the only one cruel enough to let people suffer like this. He might have said more, but Germany delivered a backhand swat to his face so hard that Denmark fell back, bursts of black and white clouding his vision again as the pain spiked.

“What a nation would do for his people is entirely different from what he must. I am given no options.” There, finally, a break in his detachment, and the pain on Germany’s face must have matched what he saw on Denmark’s. But only for a split second.

“As I recall, we were discussing your people, the ones you might have protected by extraditing mine. Under our marshall law now, aren’t you? Pity. Tell me, Gilbert, do you recall how many people Denmark sent back to us over the last two years?”

“Nineteen,” Gilbert chirped. “I can name ‘em all off, if you forgot.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Germany towered over Denmark, lip curling. “Only nineteen.”

“I didn’t give anyone up! That was all arranged by my boss! He found them, he sent them, not me! I didn’t want any of them to go to your fucking camps!”

“All dead now. All sent to Auschwitz.” Prussia added, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. “There might be two or three children left, but that’s only because Mengele’s got ‘em. “


Re: Rough Estimate [1/?] anonymous January 14 2010, 09:11:56 UTC
Oh man, Prussia is such a douche, I love it!

Very good start, anon! I was hoping it would go in a direction like this! I can't wait to read the rest!


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