Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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Phoenix Wright/Hetalia Crossover anonymous April 3 2010, 06:02:41 UTC
Original Request/Parts 0-4:

Hetalia/Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney crossover. Any of the games work.

Turnabout Hero: [5a/?]

March 16, 10:33 AM. Alleyway.Eventually Alfred had to be taken away for questioning, so Maya and I decided to go to the crime scene to see if we could find any clues ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [5b/?] anonymous April 3 2010, 06:10:30 UTC
“Alfred said he saw someone else though,” Maya thought out loud, “that must be the real killer!”

“Hate to break it to you pal, but there’s no way that’s possible. Alfred was the only one in the alley when the police showed up.”

“So, the real killer escaped before they showed up.”

“To where? This alley’s a dead end pal. Look,” Gumshoe pulled out a diagram of the alley, “the body was here,” he pointed to an area near the end of the alley, “and the suspect was here,” a circle was drawn between the body and the alley’s entrance, “Where would your real killer have escaped to pal?”

Diagram of the Alleyway:
A diagram of the crime scene. Press Check for more details…whatever that means.“The real killer snuck past him! There’s plenty of room ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [5c/?] anonymous April 3 2010, 06:22:23 UTC
“He said you were asking about it before, so he went and made a copy for you ( ... )


EEEEEEEEE brb going over there to fangirl (OP) anonymous April 3 2010, 07:13:02 UTC

Okay. Now I'm better.
First) With the map, so long as people can get it, I don't think it's that much of a bother. xD
Second) I love this part, despite it's apparently shortness. Funny as always, the parts that probably killed me were the part with Check to see more info... Whatever that means and this:
“What!?!! Mr. Edgeworth actually thinks someone’s innocent?!?”
(Looks like he’s rethinking his whole life’s purpose…)
Why is Author!Anon so witty? OP is a lucky lucky girl. |D
Third) Part 6 coming soon?! OH BOY I AM EXCITE.

okay brb reverting back into fangirl mode.


Re: Turnabout Hero [5c/?] anonymous April 3 2010, 21:57:44 UTC
I am blown away by Writer!Anon's mad MSpaint skillz. No really, these diagrams make the story alot easier to understand, since it's hard to get a clear view of the crimescene from text alone.

You got Gumshoe's character down perfectly, like the fact that he thinks Alfred is innocent solely because that's what Edgeworth believes (insert squeeing about how much I adore Gumshoe).

Yay! Two tsun-tsuns will be interrogated next. ~<3


Turnabout Hero [6a/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:37:10 UTC
March 16, 11:25 AM. Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel, Second Floor.“What room was it again Nick ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [6b/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:47:01 UTC
“Mr. Vargas, I’m going to need you to tell me where you were on the night of the murder ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [6c/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:53:48 UTC
“You’re Alfred's lawyer right?” he asked, “I thought you looked familiar. Sorry I haven’t been around much. I heard you wanted to speak with me ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:57:46 UTC
(More psyche locks. Why is it that everyone seems to have a secret? I guess whatever he’s hiding I can get out of him at the trial tomorrow …)

“Have you been able to find the second bullet yet?” Maya asked.

“No, not yet…not that these bloody American cops will let me anywhere near the bleeding alleyway.”

“Well there don’t seem to be any now, why don’t we look together?”
“I’ve been searching for it for days,” Arthur said, “I doubt you’ll be able to just waltz in here and-”

“Found it!” Maya practically squealed.

“You…what now?”

“It’s right here.” She pointed up near the top of the right wall, and sure enough, after Arthur and I came to examine the spot where she was pointing, there was what appeared to be a bullet hole, complete with a bullet.

“Brilliant,” Arthur mumbled. “How are we supposed to get it out to check if it’s the correct one?”

“I’m sure we’ll think of something.” (I just wonder how it got up there in the first place.)

Second Bullet ( ... )


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 20:31:28 UTC
Felix thought they were strippers??!! Best line ever!

And Arthur calling Maya "love" is priceless, as was Lovi crushing on her.

I'm beginning to worry about who the real murderer is, I can't imagine any of the nation tans doing it, at least in modern times (I may be unimaginative)...

And there's more suspense too, what are Alfred and Arthur's motives, and how did Lovinio get hurt?

Summary: Good luck to both you and Phoenix! I can't wait for the next part!


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 6 2010, 09:44:17 UTC
When Phoenix whipped out the Magatama, I automatically panicked and went, "Shit, what am I supposed to present?!?" Then it dawned on me that this is a fic not a game.

Anyway, I am really, really loving the way this reads exactly like the game. (Well, the game sometimes resembles a fic, too.)

Yay for Arthur finally showing his eyebrows and I can't wait to see how the trial will play out! Please let there be lots of finger-pointing and desk-slamming! Good luck author anon!


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 10 2010, 01:14:48 UTC
Just read the whole thing and dear God, author!Anon, I swear I could even hear the soundtrack playing in the background!

This is seriously awesome, you have this anon hooked(and totally curious about the real killer). <3

And now, time for some good ol' ass-kicking, Phoenix-style. /shot


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 11 2010, 04:22:36 UTC
Pfft, I love the way Romano had all those psyche locks yet they broke so easily xD

And yay! Arthur has finally appeared!

Still stalking you and good luck with the next part!

lol captcha says: jury parlay


Turnabout Hero [7a/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:26:26 UTC
March 17, 9:47 AM. District Court. Defendant Lobby No. 3.“Where is he?” Maya complained. “How can he be late for his own trial ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [7b/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:32:28 UTC
“…Nothing. This just complicates things I suppose. At any rate, my investigation is completely independent, so pay it no mind. Your trial is starting soon isn’t it?” He walked away without another word.


March 17, 10:00 AM. District Court, Court Room 3.Murmur murmur murmur ( ... )


Turnabout Hero [7c/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:42:35 UTC
“Y-you can’t know that for sure!”

“Of course I can. A good lawyer always has evidence to back their statements, Phoenix Wright. One of the officers that showed up was able to take this photo of the crime scene.”

The photo showed Congressman Smith lying dead in the alley where he was found, covered with blood, which was also pooling around him. The gun was lying off to the left side, a little away from the blood, just out of reach, but the real focal point of the picture was Alfred, who was standing off to right, wearing a leather jacket that I hadn’t seen him in before, covered in blood.


“And just to prove I’m not playing games, the prosecution also has the jacket in the picture to present as evidence.”

Photo of the Crime Scene
Taken just after the police showed up. Press Check for more details. Oh wait, you can’t.

Alfred’s Jacket
An old bomber jacket. Worn by Alfred on the day of the murder. Sleeves are covered with the victim’s blood. No GSR found.“What do you think Maya ( ... )


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