Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Turnabout Hero [7a/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:26:26 UTC
March 17, 9:47 AM. District Court. Defendant Lobby No. 3.

“Where is he?” Maya complained. “How can he be late for his own trial?”

“Who knows? Maybe he got held up in traffic, maybe he was shot by the angry mob outside…anything could have happened.”

“How can you just stand there all calm and stuff!?”

(To be honest, I’m just too nervous to do much else. The only thing I really know about this case is that Alfred didn’t do it, but other than that…)

“Oh good, you’re here!” A voice shouted. Alfred had finally shown up, wearing a military uniform.

(Military…?) “You’re in the army?”

“Huh? Yeah sorta. I was talking to my boss earlier and he said it might win me some points.”

“Is that why you’re so late?!” Maya asked.

“Yeah, I had to change and stuff…Sorry I made you worry, Miss Maya.”

“Who is your boss?” I ventured to ask, “Yesterday Arthur said he couldn’t tell me…”

“Ah, well, I can’t exactly tell you at this time either…when did you talk to Arthur yesterday?”

“He took us out to lunch.” Maya explained rather cheerfully.

“…I’m sorry, are you okay? It’s very noble of you to try and eat Arthur’s food but you don’t have to force yourselves.”


“Good morning Mr. Edgeworth!” Maya called out. Sure enough, when I turned to see where she was calling to, Edgeworth sauntered over, glaring at Alfred.

“Hello Edgey!” he greeted, thousand watt smile in place, either completely oblivious to the intimidating aura Edgeworth was giving off or simply choosing to ignore it.

“…Can you stop glaring at my client like that? He’s nervous enough as it is…”

“No, I’m good!”

(Well, I’m nervous enough as it is, and a glaring Edgeworth isn’t helping.)

“You…” he finally spoke, “Why can’t I find a file on you?”

“I dunno,” Alfred grinned, “I guess you’re just not looking hard enough.”

“I’ve checked with my contacts in all three branches for every position available including the one’s you clearly weren’t like Senator, Justice, and President, and I could not find a file for Alfred F. Jones. Why?”

“Clearly you just weren’t-”

“I was looking hard enough! Why don’t you exist, Mr. Jones?”

“Of course I exist! I can’t be standing in front of you right now if I wasn’t, and everyone in Washington has a file. How far back did you look?”

“All the way to 2000. Seeing as you’re only 19, even that’s pushing it quite a bit.”

“Only to 2000? I’m starting to wonder about your dedication to this task Edgey. HAHAHA!”

“Don’t call me Edgey! And what exactly do you mean by that?”

“Ah, you’re the one who decided to investigate me; you should figure that out for yourself. If I just told you that wouldn’t be very fun now would it?”

(Edgeworth did say he wanted to look into Jones, but why is Alfred treating it like a game?)

“You should get going,” Edgeworth said, “the trial’s about to start, but I will see you,” he jabbed a finger into Alfred’s chest, “afterward to talk about this some more, so don’t try and run.”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” Alfred winked before disappearing into the courtroom.

“…Mr. Edgeworth what was that all about?” Maya asked.

“Something about Mr. Jones doesn’t sit right with me. I can’t explain it so I’ve been looking into him. I went to talk to him about it yesterday, and he knew exactly what I was talking about, but he refused to tell me anything more except that my hunch was correct and that I should find out for myself.”

“What hunch is that?” I asked.

“Mr. Jones is…different. Special in some way I suppose is more accurate, almost like there’s a government conspiracy surrounding him, and he confirmed that there was.”


“More accurately, he said that many people have tried, and failed, to find out his ‘Secret.’ He wouldn’t elaborate any more on it than that, but he welcomed me to try.”

“That’s sorta like what Lovino was saying yesterday,” Maya said, “That Alfred was powerful enough to cover everything up…”

“He what!?” Edgeworth exclaimed, “Who told you that?”

“Lovino Vargas. He’s Alfred’s friend from Italy. He’s really nice.”

(Yeah, to you…)

“What did he say exactly?”

“Um…something about Alfred being higher up than a Congressman.”

“What’s wrong Edgeworth?”


Turnabout Hero [7b/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:32:28 UTC
“…Nothing. This just complicates things I suppose. At any rate, my investigation is completely independent, so pay it no mind. Your trial is starting soon isn’t it?” He walked away without another word.


March 17, 10:00 AM. District Court, Court Room 3.

Murmur murmur murmur.


“This court is now in session for the trial of Alfred F. Jones. Are the defense and prosecution ready?”

“The defense is ready, your honor.”

“And is the prosecution -YEOW!”

“Foolish fool! Of course the prosecution is more than ready.”

“A-Alright then, Ms. Von Karma…your opening statement please, with as little whipping as possible if you can.”

“The prosecution’s case is perfectly simple: Alfred F. Jones killed Congressman Smith. There is no other option, no matter who tries to spin it.”

(Why is she looking right at me?)

“During the trial I will perfectly prove beyond all reasonable doubt Alfred’s guilt. That is all.”

“…Okay then. Feel free to call your first witness Ms. Von Karma.”

“YEOW! What was that for?!”

“You should be on your toes at all times, Phoenix Wright. The prosecution would like to summon Detective Dick Gumshoe.”


“Name and occupation!”

“Yeow! The name’s Dick Gumshoe and I’m a Police Detective.”

“And you led the investigation?”

“Well, no. Everyone else was busy, so they let me come here. They told me what to say though.”

“Well, tell us what you know then, Detective.”

--What Happened--

“Jones called Congressman Smith out to the alley at around 9:00. Most likely to discuss something, but as of this moment, the police aren’t sure what.
It doesn’t matter though. The point is the Congressman said something that Jones didn’t agree with and they started fighting.
In the heat of the moment, Jones pulled out his gun shot him in the chest.
The police arrived at the scene only moments later and arrest Jones on the spot.”

“Well, it seems pretty clear what happened, I suppose.”

“Of course it is. That’s what happened. At this time the prosecution would like to enter Jones’s pistol into evidence.”

Alfred’s Pistol
The murder weapon. One of several owned by Alfred. Allegedly stolen the day of the murder. No fingerprints were found on it. Fired twice.

“Alright Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination.”

(This should be pretty easy to take apart…)

--What Happened--

Jones called Congressman Smith out to the alley at around 9:00. Most likely to discuss something, but as of this moment, the police aren’t sure what.

“HOLD IT! You said Jones called him? Can you elaborate for us? How exactly did he ‘call him out?’”

“Yeah, we found a vaguely threatening letter in the Congressman’s office.”

“Can we see them?”

“Uh, sure…”

Vaguely Threatening Letter
Found in Congressman Smith’s office. Request they meet in the alley at 9:00. Signed ‘AFJ.’

“How do you know Mr. Jones sent this?”

“How many other AFJ’s do you know around here pal?”

“Well I’m sure there are a few…YEOW!”

“If you’re so confident, Phoenix Wright, then name one!”

“I…uh…well I can’t think of one right now, but I’m sure there are a lot!”

“Ambrose Fitzgerald Jenkins!”

(Maya who are you talking about?)

“Oh? And who’s that?”

“I don’t know I just made him up…”

“Either way, that’s still circumstantial at best.”

“I think the fact that Alfred Jones showed up is proof enough, but if you want more proof Phoenix Wright, than let’s hear the rest of the Detective’s testimony.”

The police arrived at the scene only moments later and arrest Jones on the spot.

“HOLD IT! Can they do that? Just arrest someone for being at the wrong place at the wrong time?”

“OBJECTION! Alfred Jones just finished committing murder. The police have every right to arrest him-”

“OBJECTION!” SLAM! “That hasn’t been proven yet! And how were the police to know that if they just stumbled on the scene?”

“Tsk, foolish Phoenix Wright, it was obvious who the murderer was as soon as they arrived!”


Turnabout Hero [7c/?] anonymous April 13 2010, 06:42:35 UTC
“Y-you can’t know that for sure!”

“Of course I can. A good lawyer always has evidence to back their statements, Phoenix Wright. One of the officers that showed up was able to take this photo of the crime scene.”

The photo showed Congressman Smith lying dead in the alley where he was found, covered with blood, which was also pooling around him. The gun was lying off to the left side, a little away from the blood, just out of reach, but the real focal point of the picture was Alfred, who was standing off to right, wearing a leather jacket that I hadn’t seen him in before, covered in blood.


“And just to prove I’m not playing games, the prosecution also has the jacket in the picture to present as evidence.”

Photo of the Crime Scene
Taken just after the police showed up. Press Check for more details. Oh wait, you can’t.

Alfred’s Jacket
An old bomber jacket. Worn by Alfred on the day of the murder. Sleeves are covered with the victim’s blood. No GSR found.

“What do you think Maya?”

“Well, we know Alfred didn’t do it, so Gumshoe’s got to be wrong. Just do that thing you usually do and everything should turn out fine.”

(Thanks Maya…I think…)

In the heat of the moment, Jones pulled out his gun shot him in the chest.

“OBJECTION!” SLAM! “Detective Gumshoe, I assume you know what happens when a gun is fired, correct?”

“Of course I do. Someone usually gets shot pal.”

“Can you explain to the court what GSR is?”

“Well, it’s sorta…kinda like a…Yeow!”

“GSR, or gunshot residue, is principally composed of burnt and unburnt particles from the explosive primer, the propellant, as well as components from the bullet, the cartridge case and the firearm used. But what does that have to do with anything? Or are you just grasping at straws, Phoenix Wright?”

“When a gun is fired, the GSR ends up all over the shooters clothes, correct.” POINT! “Then why, if he really fired the gun, does Mr. Jones’s jacket not have any!”

“OBJECTION! I-it was raining that night! The GSR on the jacket must have just washed away.”

“OBJECTION! There’s still blood on the jacket! If the GSR was washed away by the rain…Then why wasn’t the blood?!”

Mutter mutter mutter.


“Order! This is a surprising turn of events. Detective, if Mr. Jones didn’t fire the gun, who did?”


“Alfred F. Jones was the only one in the alley other than the victim. He was the one that fired the gun. He must have taken his jacket off before the fight, shot the victim, then put the jacket back on.”

“OBJECTION! Then how did the blood do you explain the blood on the jacket?”

“Simple, he touched the body after the deed was done, most likely to check to see if he was actually dead. The blood was transferred to his sleeves then.”

(Franziska…does she really think the Judge is going to buy that?)

“Well I buy it.”

(Of course you do…)

“But I’m still not convinced enough to safely declare a verdict. Detective Gumshoe, would you mind testifying again?”

“Well, the thing is pal, I’ve already said my piece so…Yeow!”

“You’ve already served your usefulness! The prosecution has another witness lined up to erase any doubts the court might have.”

“By all means, Ms. Von Karma, call your next witness.”

(Here he comes…)

“The prosecution calls Arthur Kirkland to the stand.”

A/N: So like, whenever I play the games and I'm at the trial, things always make so much more sense in my head than they do in the game and I end up losing a lot of points that way, but I get it in the end. Anyway, the same thing happened here when I was writing, so if you just had a moment of "Um...wth was that?" that is because my head is a crazy crazy place.

And no picture for you. Sorry, but my artistic abilities don't extend that far. If a kind artistic!anon would like to try and draw it with my description, then go ahead, but I may have kept some details of it out for the sake of plot twists.


Re: Turnabout Hero [7c/?] anonymous April 18 2010, 07:30:39 UTC
I'd like to offer you my heart and soul. Would you like it gift-wrapped?


Re: Turnabout Hero [7c/?] anonymous April 20 2010, 04:39:21 UTC
I love this game so much. You're amazing and I'm absolutely wrapped up in this.


Re: Turnabout Hero [7c/?] anonymous April 20 2010, 13:41:39 UTC
I feel almost as if I'm playing the game in real time! with all the hard bits done for me too =w=

I'm so glad I decided to try out something new.
This piece is amazing <3


Turnabout Hero [8a/?] anonymous April 21 2010, 22:57:43 UTC
March 17, 10:15 AM. District Court, Court Room 3.

Mumble mumble mumble.


“Witness, please state your name and occupation for the court…and where did you get that tea?”

“Arthur Kirkland. I work for the British Government, and I brought the tea from home.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about the witness drinking tea while testifying…”

“It’s an ancient British pastime,” sip, “You never get between an Englishman and his teatime, your honor.”

“Still, Yeow!”

“It matters not if he drinks tea or 17 cups of coffee. All that matters is his testimony!”

“How exactly are you related to the case, Mr. Kirkland?”

“Well I-”

“He is a witness. He witnessed the crime.”

“But I thought you said Mr. Jones was the only one in the alley during the murder? So if someone else was there-Yeow!”

“Everything will be made clear in time, Phoenix Wright.”

“Mr. Kirkland, please tell us what you know about the case.”


--What I Saw--

“Alfred and I had just parted ways.
I decided to take a shortcut back to the hotel when I may have gotten myself lost.
That’s when I heard the gunshot.
I peeked into the alley and saw Alfred, covered in blood, dropping the gun.
The police showed up moments later, and that was that.”

(If that was the case, why didn’t he tell me that yesterday? Something doesn’t add up.)

“Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination.”

--What I Saw--

Alfred and I had just parted ways.

“HOLD IT! What do you mean by ‘parted ways’?”

“I mean we split. He went one way and I went another sort of thing.”

“But you were both going to the same place weren’t you? Why not go together?”

“I, um, well, we sort of had a disagreement of sorts…”

“A violent disagreement?”

“What the…no! Just because you feel the need to carry a whip doesn’t mean everyone…ow! Don’t do that!”

“What did you and Mr. Jones disagree about?”

“It doesn’t matter…can’t even remember all that well myself to be honest.”

“It’s clear what happened: Alfred Jones initiated the fight so he could get to the alley at the appointed time and murder the Congressman.”

“OBJECTION! You don’t know who started the fight!”

“Witness, who started the fight?”

“…I did.”

(So much for that theory, Franzika.)

“Yeow! I didn’t say anything!”

“It was all over your face!”

“Witness, what happened next?”

That’s when I heard the gunshot.

“HOLD IT! How many gunshots were there?”

“One…well, I only recall hearing one.”

(What?! Arthur was the one looking for the second bullet…but he only heard one gunshot?!?)

“There may have been-”

“OBJECTION! The witness already said he only heard one. Any other information from outside his memory is irrelevant at this time.”

(So he only heard one…but still believes Alfred’s story over his own memory? That makes even less sense!)

“Well, what happened after you heard the singular gunshot?”

I peeked into the alley and saw Alfred, covered in blood, dropping the gun.

“HOLD IT! Did you see anyone else in the alley?”


“Mr. Kirkland?”

“…No, just Alfred and the victim.”

“Tsk tsk, Phoenix Wright, you’re not getting it that easily.”

“Well, when did the police show up?”

The police showed up moments later, and that was that.

“HOLD IT! Why didn’t the police question you if you were there?”

“Well, I got out of there as soon as they showed up, but there wasn’t anything really to say to them.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, I already told the operator everything.” Sip.

“Wh-WHAT?! When did you talk to an operator?!”

“Did I not mention? I placed a 911 call as soon as I heard the gunshot. How else do you think the police got there so fast?”

(Why didn’t he mention that before?!)

Murmur murmur.


“Witness! Why didn’t you mention you were the one that called the police in the first place?”

“I didn’t think it was necessary.” Sip.


Turnabout Hero [8b/?] anonymous April 21 2010, 23:03:24 UTC
“Well, it is. What did you say to them?”

“Exactly what I told you, I believe.”

“The prosecution has acquired a copy of the transcript. Unfortunately we couldn’t obtain the actually recording itself, but this should suffice.”

911 Call Transcript
A transcript of a call placed on March 10 at 9:30 PM.

Operator: 911 Emergency response.
Caller: Whoa hey whoa hey okay.
O: Um Sir? Can you please state the nature of your emergency?
C: …You sound kinda hot.
O: Sir, do you have an emergency or not?
C: What, yeah! Yeah! Yeah I’ve got an emergency! Some guy’s just been shot!
O: Where are you?
C: Uh, hang on…I just learned the street name like five seconds ago…uh…5th Street. Yeah 5th Street.
O: Sir, do you know the condition of the man who’s been shot?
C: He’s bleeding, like a lot. The other guy’s helping him, but…
Background: Is that Alfred?! Shit, we gotta go now!
C: Uh, I gotta go, but call me later!
O: Sir?


“I…may have had a bit too much to drink that night…”

“I was under the impression you were at a work meeting with Mr. Jones until that point.”

“No one said it was a dry meeting.”

(True enough…but something’s still off.)

“What I don’t get is who was the one that identified the defendant? It seems like there’s more than one person in the background. Ms. Von Karma, do you have an explanation?”

“Just a drunken straggler in the background; it’s not of any concern to this court.”

“OBJECTION! A drunken straggler that knew Mr. Jones? Who just happened to run into Arthur on his way home? I don’t think that’s likely.”

“Well it doesn’t matter what you think, Phoenix Wright.”

“Your honor, I request that the witness gives more testimony about the 911 call.”

“Very well, I’m a bit curious as will. Witness, if you don’t mind.”
Sip. “Of course not.”

--The 911 Call--

“I made the call right after I heard the gunshot.
I was a tad drunk, and a bit disoriented. I guess I just never expected Alfred to be in that kind of situation.
The police showed up a lot faster than I expected…
No one else was with me when I made the call, I know that much.”

“You didn’t leave anything out this time.”

Sip. “Not to my knowledge.”

“Alright then, Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination.”

--The 911 Call--

No one else was with me when I made the call, I know that much.

“HOLD IT! Then how do you explain the voice in the background?”

“A random straggler who knew Alfred I suppose. He lives in Washington so I assume a few people here know him,” Sip, “I didn’t know they were there when I was making the call.”

(Should I press him on that? Or maybe I should just let it be…I won’t get anything running in circles.)

“How could you not know they were there? In order for their voice to be heard, whoever it is must have been pretty close.”

“I wasn’t in a state of mind to notice all that much, what with the alcohol and the bloody Alfred. I didn’t even know another voice showed up in the call until later.”

“Well Mr. Wright, is what the witness just said important?”

“Yes very,” POINT! “I want that added to the testimony!”

“Grabbing at loose ends will only end in your failure, Phoenix Wright.”

“I only learnt about the other person after the fact.”

“Nick, does something seem…off to you?”

“Yeah, but I can’t pin down exactly what…”

“Maybe it’s just because he talks funny. There’s just something about a British accent that makes you believe he has to be telling the truth.”

(Even when he’s not…)

I only learnt about the other person after the fact.

“OBJECTION!”SLAM! “Mr. Kirkland, are you really the one who placed the 911 call?”

“Of course I am you twat! Who else would have?” Sip.

“You said something funny just now: ‘I only learnt about the other person…’ Who uses learnt?”

“That’s proper English git! What’s off is your ‘learned’ nonsense. Utter rubbish. Who would use that?”

“Apparently you.”

“I beg your pardon?!”

“The caller from the 911 call said, and I quote, ‘I just learned the street name.’ Either you slip into an American accent when drunk or, it wasn’t you who made the call!”


Murmur murmur murmur.



Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 21 2010, 23:17:16 UTC
“Witness! Is that true?”

“O-of course not…whoever transcribed the call was an American and Americanized my English…”

(Ack! I hadn’t thought of that…)

“Ooh! Ooh! Wait wait! I have one of those objection thingys!”

“Mon ami, you’re doing it wrong. You have to bang the table and point in order to get their attention.”

“Right right, I’ve got this…” SLAM! POINT! “AWESOME! I mean, OBJECTION!”

“Who…who are you?! This is a murder trial, not some circus!”

(What the…)


“Herr Wiellschmidt, just what do you think you’re doing?” WHIP.

Catch. “No it’s cool Franzi. I just remembered! See, it’s been bugging me ever since you brought it up, but that phone call sounded awfully familiar.”

(D-don’t tell me…)

“You were the one who placed the 911 call?”

“No, not exactly. It’s my awesome voice that’s in the background though!”

Murmur murmur murmur.


“Order! You mean you were with the witness when he came across the crime scene?”

“God no; everybody knows to never go drinking with Arthur. He’s a depressing drunk and a real buzz kill. The lawyer’s right though, Arthur didn’t make the call.”

“Witness…is that true?”


Murmur murmur.


“Witness I will not tolerate lying in my court! Miss Von Karma, did you know about this?”

“No. He admitted to the call so I didn’t bother looking into it. That was my mistake.”

“Why would you say that?”

Sip. “I have my reasons.”

“Care to explain them to the court?”

“Not really.” Sip. “I assume you’re not going to let me testify after that yes? I’ll let myself out.”

(Arthur Kirkland…a mystery wrapped in an enigma.)

“Well, Mr. uh…”

“Gilbert Wiellschmidt.”

“Mr. Wiellschmidt, since you were there would you mind testifying?”

“What is it Ms. Von Karma?”

“W-we don’t know if he was there! The prosecution doesn’t approve of just letting some lunatic testify in this court of law!”

“Aw Franzi that hurts…”

(Well if Franziska has an objection to it…) “The defense has no problems and insists on proceeding.”

“Very well. New witness, state your name and occupation.”

“Gilbert Wiellschmidt. And my job is being awesome.”

(That’s not a real job!)

“Well, tell us what you remember.”

--What the Awesome Me Remembers--


“You don’t remember anything do you?”

“Not true! I was drinking…with Francis…and some other guy…we called him Antonio, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t his name…and we ended up on a roof somewhere…”

“That’s it?!”

“Fool! You’re wasting the court’s time!”

“Since the witness’s testimony proves insufficient, I have no choice but to-”


“Yes Mr. Wright?”
“Mr. Wiellschmidt’s testimony could explain everything! We can’t just toss it out.”

“There’s nothing to toss out. He can’t remember anything.”

“He might…if we give him some time…maybe…”

“It’s already been a week!”

“No the lawyer’s got a point! One time I accidentally sold Feliciano when I was drunk and didn’t remember it until a week later! Lovino and West were so pissed…good times.”

(Do I really want him to testify…?)

“Herr Wiellschmidt, just stop speaking.”

“At this time I am not in a position to deliver a verdict. I am willing to postpone this trial another day in order for Mr. Wiellschmidt to recall what he did that night and for both the prosecution and the defense to continue their investigation and find out who really made the 911 call.”

“Yes your honor.”


“Then court is adjourned.”


A/N: Short trial day is short. They'll get longer when more stuff happens. If you didn't get it, Gilbert caught Franziska's whip there. He, Ludwig, and Alfred will do that. The nations will probably all have different reactions to getting whipped (like Arthur was offended, Francis'll just think it's kinky, ect.) and everyone well will say ow or ouch or somehow vocalize their distress. I don't know why you'd ever want to know that, but I'm just saying.

And thank you all for your comments and for sticking with this! I'd respond to each of them, but it looks like this is going to fill up soon too. And I just moved in and everything...


Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 02:14:49 UTC

Prussia sold Italy. I just... lol. And England <3

“I…may have had a bit too much to drink that night…”

“I was under the impression you were at a work meeting with Mr. Jones until that point.”

“No one said it was a dry meeting.”

Just... Ily..

RC: twosomes small


Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 02:30:01 UTC
Lol Arthur, your Britishness was your undoing! I actually thought he was the one to make the call, mostly because I could see him coming onto the 911 operator while drunk...

Gilbert's involvement in this is all hilarious, the fact that he remembers absolutely nothing, and how Francis had to give him advice on how to make an objection. Catching a whip with your hands is both difficult and painful actually, but since Franziska is German I guess that's why Gilbert can pull it off.

I really have no idea where this fic is going (unlike alot of the cases in the games). I can't figure out Alfred or Arthur's motives, and am very curious to find out which nations and what details are actually related or not.



Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 04:02:45 UTC
I haven't commented yet, because I usually don't comment until a fill is finished, but I have to say.

I am. IN LOVE. with this fic.

I want to see a fangame made of this so badly!!


Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 04:59:34 UTC
Oh, Gilbert, you never cease to be awesome, even going so far as to catch Franzi's whip! (Though if someone were to yank it away from her hands that would be epic...)

I get it! Arthur and Alfred are covering for Tony and England's fairies! WAHAHAHA! *shot*

...seriously though, this is very intriguing and got me hooked to a higher degree! <3

captcha said 'swiss wobblies' - nuu, just 'cuz Vash is trigger-happy doesn't mean he's involved...


Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 05:15:33 UTC
*hums* Maybe someone was in a sniper position behind or on the crates mentioned earlier and those on the roof saw it?


Re: Turnabout Hero [8c/?] anonymous April 22 2010, 13:21:07 UTC
I'm so excited to see an update!

I love how Arthur sips his tea throughout his testimony >w


Late OP is late and back anonymous April 22 2010, 22:10:46 UTC
Apologies for lack of comments. School and life and plans and whatnot.
UGH ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I would list favourite lines but like.
I love it all.
You capture the characters amazingly, both Hetalia and PW, and and and.
Buh. ♥
“Very well. New witness, state your name and occupation.”
“Gilbert Wiellschmidt. And my job is being awesome.”

Besides, finding this fill on the fill list while plying Ace Attorney Investigates simply puts icing on the cake.


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