Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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Turnabout Hero [6b/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:47:01 UTC
“Mr. Vargas, I’m going to need you to tell me where you were on the night of the murder.”

“I…was out with Antonio. He wanted to go sightseeing.”


“Yes really! It’s not like you can tell me different, jerk.”

“Actually, Mr. Vargas, I do have something that shows without a doubt you were not with Antonio the night of the murder…TAKE THAT!” I showed him the arrivals list for March 10 that I received a few minutes ago from Roderich.

“Mr. Vargas, do you know what this is?”

“No, and I don’t care, so you can take your paper and-”

“It’s a list of everyone who arrived here on March 10. Antonio was supposed to show up, but it says that he didn’t actually get here until the next day, the day after the murder.”

“…A-Alfred is, not very good with paper work…he must have been mistaken…”

“I didn’t get it from Alfred, I got it from Ludwig.”


The psyche lock broke and the chains disappeared.“So where were you really on the night of the murder?”

“…I was with Gilbert and Francis. They were bar hopping and needed a third player. Since Antonio wasn’t there, they dragged me along.”

(That’s it?) “Why lie?”

“Have you met Gilbert and Francis? Plus they were so wasted they don’t remember I was there, so it’s not a very good alibi.”

“I already said-”

“I know! You can never be too careful when there’s murder involved though, especially since Alfred’s taken an extra dose of stupid pills or something.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Che, you’re not much of an investigator are you.”

Maya finished bandaging his arm and sat up. “What do you mean Lovi? Please tell us!”

The Italian sighed, “Since you asked so nicely,” (I’ve been asking nicely the whole time!) “Well, you know we’re all government officials by now, yes?” Maya and I nodded, “So, in this day and age where corruption runs rampart and governmental cover-ups are the norm, why do you think this case is so public?”

“Well…um…it’s a murder case. A government official was killed. It’s much more serious than an affair or a bad check.”

“Governments have been covering up nasty murders for years, believe me I know. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: Alfred is much higher on the chain of command than some Congressman.”

“So,” Maya said, thinking deeply, “you’re saying that if Alfred could have…covered the whole thing up?”

“Exactly. It is completely within his power to pretend the whole incident never happened and dear Congressman Smith was killed by natural causes out of town. Or it was. It’s spun out of his control by now, mostly due to his media and his inability to just shut the fuck up.”

“What…but…that doesn’t make sense!”

“Thus the extra dose of stupid pills.”

(If Alfred could have just covered this up…why go through with the trial? Whoever he’s protecting would be safer if this whole thing just went away! Why is he doing this?)

Just then Antonio chose to come back, holding the bucket of ice and talking on his cell phone in rapid Spanish.

“Lovino, you have a call,” he said, handing the phone over.

“Damnit Antonio I don’t want to talk to him!”

“Please? He says it’s important.” Lovino grumbled, but snatched the phone and started rambling something in Spanish.

“Sorry, but could you two come back later?” Antonio smiled, guiding us to the door, “This could take a while. You understand si?” And with that we were locked out.

“…Well now what?” Maya asked.

(How should I know?!)

March 16, 11:45 PM. Alleyway.

“Nick…” Maya complained, “Why are we back here? Gumshoe said the police already got everything…”

“You never know. The police have missed stuff before.”

“We’re not supposed to be here though…”

“Its fine, no one’s here.”

“Who’s that?!” Maya quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me behind one of the crates as a figure came down the alley.

“Oh! I know you!” Maya jumped out suddenly, startling the man who backed up against the nearby wall.

“Bloody hell!” he shouted, “You gave me a fright there, love. What are you doing here?”

“Maya…who is this?”


“Eyebrows?” (They are really big…)

“Git. The name’s Kirkland. Arthur Kirkland. Don’t go forgetting it now.”

Arthur Kirkland
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Works for the British government. Was with Alfred on the night of the crime. Says he’s a gentleman, but has an abrasive personality.


Turnabout Hero [6c/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:53:48 UTC
“You’re Alfred's lawyer right?” he asked, “I thought you looked familiar. Sorry I haven’t been around much. I heard you wanted to speak with me?”

“Um, yeah, if you don’t mind…”

“Don’t let his Britishness intimidate you Nick!” Maya whispered.

“Mr. Kirkland, how is it you know Mr. Jones?”

“Alfred and I go way back. A lot farther than I’d care to admit actually. Our relationship hasn’t always been…pleasant, but it is better of late.”

“Is that why you’re roommates?”

“That is more of a trial and error thing actually. Few people care to put up with Alfred’s hero complex.”

(I'm sure you have a few quirks of your own.)

“You were one of the ones who came the day before right?”

“Yes, that’s right. Alfred and I were to have a private meeting beforehand.”

“But, I thought everyone was here for a meeting of some kind,” Maya said, confused.

“Yes, we were, but Alfred and I needed to have a private meeting to go over some things before we went to the official meeting.”

“So many meetings…must get boring after a while…”

“I suppose, but there are some other perks about the job that keep it interesting. I’d tell you a bit more if I could, but-”

“Classified?” I guessed. “That’s fine. Can you tell me about the night of the murder?”“There’s not much to tell. Alfred and I had our meeting, but I can’t really say much about that.”

“How many people were there, or was it just the two of you?”

“No, there were three of us, Alfred, his boss, and me. Well four technically if you count my boss, but he was only there through a video conference.”

“Who’s Alfred’s boss?”

“I can’t answer, classified and all that. You understand lad.”

“What about-”

“My boss? Same problem. They are most certainly not involved in this in anyway, I can tell you that much.”

“What about after you left?” Maya chirped in, “Alfred said you had a fight.”

“We usually do. The boy doesn’t take criticism very well, which is a shame, because he needs it.”

(The boy? He’s only four years younger than you!)

“Can you be a bit more specific?”

“Unfortunately no, I can’t. Sorry, but it’s just about some classified government information.”

(Why is everything classified?)

“One of the hazards of taking on a government case, lad,” Arthur shrugged, “Believe me though, if this had any relevance or was able to help get Alfred off, I would tell you.”

“Um, Mr. Kirkland…” Maya asked hesitantly.

“Yes love?”

“Why won’t the police let you near the crime scene? The cop we talked to seemed pretty adamant about making sure you weren’t allowed anywhere near here. And why are you here now?”

“Ah well,” he blushed and looked away, “I’ve been looking for the second bullet ever since that night. The police-and the prosecutors-believe him to be lying about that…but don’t misunderstand! I’m not doing it for him! I’m doing this for myself!”

(What do you have to gain from trespassing on a crime scene to hunt for a lost bullet?)

“Why do they think he’s lying?” I asked, “I’ve heard his story and it seems reasonable. Besides, Mr. Jones is a pretty bad liar.”

“The prosecutors have this crazed theory that his bad lies cover up for when he really needs to lie, but that’s not the point. They, um, have some convoluted sort of ‘evidence’ to suggest otherwise.”

“What kind of evidence?”

“I can’t reveal the prosecutor’s case to you. That’s almost like cheating!”
“You’ve been talking to the prosecutors?”

“Well, yes…I’m sort of, er…a witness?” He blushed again and refused to make eye contact.


(Edgeworth did mention something about this yesterday, but still Arthur?)

“You witnessed the crime?!” Maya asked, completely shocked.
“Well, sort of…it’s a bit…complicated…”

“Did you see Alfred shot the guy or didn’t you?” I asked.

“What the…of course I didn’t! How could I see something that didn’t happen?”

“Then how can you be a witness for the prosecution!?”

Arthur blanched and swallowed. Suddenly chains sprang out of nowhere accompanied by several psyche locks.

“That’s not really important right now, now is it? You chaps feeling famished? I could sure go for some fish and chips right now…Blimey I haven’t been this exhausted since that football match that one time…”


Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 18:57:46 UTC
(More psyche locks. Why is it that everyone seems to have a secret? I guess whatever he’s hiding I can get out of him at the trial tomorrow …)

“Have you been able to find the second bullet yet?” Maya asked.

“No, not yet…not that these bloody American cops will let me anywhere near the bleeding alleyway.”

“Well there don’t seem to be any now, why don’t we look together?”
“I’ve been searching for it for days,” Arthur said, “I doubt you’ll be able to just waltz in here and-”

“Found it!” Maya practically squealed.

“You…what now?”

“It’s right here.” She pointed up near the top of the right wall, and sure enough, after Arthur and I came to examine the spot where she was pointing, there was what appeared to be a bullet hole, complete with a bullet.

“Brilliant,” Arthur mumbled. “How are we supposed to get it out to check if it’s the correct one?”

“I’m sure we’ll think of something.” (I just wonder how it got up there in the first place.)

Second Bullet
Another bullet found in the alleyway. Found in the wall above where the murder took place. No way to check for ballistics yet.

“Hey! What are you three doing here?” A police officer shouted from the other end of the alley.

“Bollocks, they’ve switched shifts finally,” Arthur muttered.

“W-we were just leaving…”

“See that you do! This is a crime scene you know.”

After that, Arthur agreed to treat us to lunch and take us back to the hotel so we could prepare our defense. There wasn’t much and I still had a few questions left to be answered, but hopefully the trial tomorrow will answer some of them.

A/N: And that ends Investigation Day 1. Next is the trial. Wish me and Phoenix luck!


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 5 2010, 20:31:28 UTC
Felix thought they were strippers??!! Best line ever!

And Arthur calling Maya "love" is priceless, as was Lovi crushing on her.

I'm beginning to worry about who the real murderer is, I can't imagine any of the nation tans doing it, at least in modern times (I may be unimaginative)...

And there's more suspense too, what are Alfred and Arthur's motives, and how did Lovinio get hurt?

Summary: Good luck to both you and Phoenix! I can't wait for the next part!


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 6 2010, 09:44:17 UTC
When Phoenix whipped out the Magatama, I automatically panicked and went, "Shit, what am I supposed to present?!?" Then it dawned on me that this is a fic not a game.

Anyway, I am really, really loving the way this reads exactly like the game. (Well, the game sometimes resembles a fic, too.)

Yay for Arthur finally showing his eyebrows and I can't wait to see how the trial will play out! Please let there be lots of finger-pointing and desk-slamming! Good luck author anon!


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 10 2010, 01:14:48 UTC
Just read the whole thing and dear God, author!Anon, I swear I could even hear the soundtrack playing in the background!

This is seriously awesome, you have this anon hooked(and totally curious about the real killer). <3

And now, time for some good ol' ass-kicking, Phoenix-style. /shot


Re: Turnabout Hero [6d/?] anonymous April 11 2010, 04:22:36 UTC
Pfft, I love the way Romano had all those psyche locks yet they broke so easily xD

And yay! Arthur has finally appeared!

Still stalking you and good luck with the next part!

lol captcha says: jury parlay


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