Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



New fills for this part go HERE.
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Vampires and Priests [1/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:29:05 UTC
Hnnng...Like anon said, first time filling. :< Hopefully its not too horrible. I failed at priest!Luddy I think ( ... )


Re: Vampires and Priests [2/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:31:11 UTC
Gilbert what one eart-” He started before being cut off with a quick demanding kiss from the other, still finding himself unable to move away until he let go of his chin. The albino licked the corner of the others lips, grinning upwards. Ludwig made a noise of shocked and roughly pushed the other away from him, opening his mouth to speak ( ... )


Re: Vampires and Priests [3/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:32:25 UTC
The albinos hand slid down, cupping the other before slowly starting to stroke him, eliciting even more noises from the other who clearly was trying to be quiet. Now that just wasn’t any fun. He pulled down his own pants, just as excited as the other was. He flipped the blonde for his chest to face the wall, and Ludwig shifted to the position he knew he needed to take when they were against a wall. Gilbert smiled and kissed the back of the others neck, scraping down with his teeth enough to draw a little blood he gladly lapped up ( ... )


Re: Vampires and Priests [4/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:33:15 UTC
There was a bit of ego added to his already high up head, realizing it was probably so easy to get the other due to the fact that what he was now was made to be a creature of seduction. No wonder Ludwig didn’t whine and bitch like he usually did when he wanted into his pants. The thoughts were short lived as he felt his brothers head rest on his shoulder. He looked down to see the other stroking himself in pace with the thrusts, and pulled out almost completely before slamming back into the other ( ... )


Re: Vampires and Priests [5/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:34:05 UTC
The next morning Ludwig woke, he stared at the clock. Nine thirty. That was far later than he ever slept in, why would he be so late? He snapped up in the bed, remembering the previous nights events. The blonde looked around confusedly, wondering if he had been dreaming. He didn’t entirely feel like he’d just been with Gilbert, he wasn’t that sore, but as he went to rub his neck, he felt the two scar bumps. Ludwig snapped up, tumbling out of the bed and to the mirror ( ... )


Re: Vampires and Priests [5/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 04:10:01 UTC
F-F-fuckkkk...Hot. So damn hot. I love slutty priests. I'm so going to hell


OP Here anonymous December 8 2009, 14:39:08 UTC
"What are you doing?! What has gotten into you! That’s wrong,” He shouted, shaking slightly.

^ That made me laugh uncontrollably for some reason. Oh Ludwig, you prude xD
But UNF, but thank you so, so much! I gave up that anyone was even going to fill this and I get THIS wonderful work! Thank you, thank you, thank you! : DDD!
-Forever in debt & saving-


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