Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Vampires and Priests [1/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:29:05 UTC
Hnnng...Like anon said, first time filling. :< Hopefully its not too horrible. I failed at priest!Luddy I think.


The night was cold outside, and the German sat in a pew simply listening to the silence. It was true that silence was golden, at least he’d learned that since the new Italian alter boy showed up. If the Italian wasn’t praying or eating, he was speaking. So, moments like these were quite a relief for Ludwig. He sighed and leaned back, looking up at the decorative ceiling. His blue eyes focused for a while, thinking of nothing in particular as the clock struck eleven. Ludwig sighed and said a quick prayer then, getting up to go home. He dusted off his outfit as he headed towards the doors.

The blonde stopped though as he reached the end of the church doorway. Ludwig wasn’t sure what it was, but there was an off feeling about it. There was something pulling him back, back into the church, but something stronger was pulling him forwards into the night suddenly. He blinked and stepped forward, the restricting feeling gone.

He shivered in the cold, wishing that he had brought a coat. The weather hadn’t said it would be so cold out. Ludwig started walking back towards his own home, the usual friendly night suddenly gained the same feeling he had just before he stepped outside the church. It wasn’t unpleasant though, so he didn’t stop to seek shelter anywhere. It was quite the contrary actually. The feeling was something like home. Ludwig couldn’t place why.

As he turned down the alleyway to cut down an otherwise long trip, he stopped halfway through it and looked around. He frowned to himself, not that he smiled much anyways, and spoke,” Who’s there?”

When there was no response Ludwig shook his head. Perhaps he was just being paranoid. He continued walking but froze as there was a clear, but quiet, noise of feet landing not too far behind him ,“Bruder, it’s just me here.”

Ludwig didn’t even turn around. What he just heard could not possibly be right. That was his brothers voice, Gilberts voice, his DEAD brothers voice. It sent shivers through him, and immediately thought someone was pulling a far too cruel joke on him. Who would be so rude as to imitate his brother, who hadn’t even passed away more than half a year ago?

With a bit of anger he turned around, to lecture whoever the person might be, and tell them they should probably stop by Sunday morning for a good sermon. Instead his mouth dropped when he was met by the two red devilish eyes of his brother. Ludwig took a prompt step back to stare at the other. Yes, that was definably Gilbert. Those eyes, that silvery hair, and that arrogant grin that he just knew something; all of it was Gilbert.

“Aren’t happy to see me?” The Prussian blinked, and his head tipped to the side.

He barely had time to ask the question before he was enveloped into a tight hug,” I thought you were dead.”

The blonde felt the others arms wrap around him, and…did his brother just breath on his neck, or was it a sniff? He blinked overlooking it until he felt the other actually Lick his neck. Ludwig jumped back, and looked at the other with a confused and shocked expression. Gilbert simply blinked and tipped his head to the side, his glance never leaving the other. It didn’t take Ludwig long to realize the gaze was of a predator.

“What’s wrong with you,” He stared, rubbing his neck.

“A lot, you’ll find out soon enough, don’t worry bruder, you’ll like it well enough,” The albino smirked back at him, slowly starting to walk over to the other.

Ludwig put an effort towards moving away, but found he simply couldn’t move. He stayed put, his eyes locked on the others.

“In fact, you’ll like it more than ‘well enough’. Knowing you, underneath all this bullshit goodie-goodie stuff, you’ll take to it faster than I will,” Gilbert grinned, reaching the other, tipping his head down a little to put them eye to eye still and kept his hand placed on the others chin,” So much faster.”


Re: Vampires and Priests [2/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:31:11 UTC
Gilbert what one eart-” He started before being cut off with a quick demanding kiss from the other, still finding himself unable to move away until he let go of his chin. The albino licked the corner of the others lips, grinning upwards. Ludwig made a noise of shocked and roughly pushed the other away from him, opening his mouth to speak.

“What are you doing?! What has gotten into you! That’s wrong,” He shouted, shaking slightly.

The smug look never fell from the red eyed mans face,” You make it sound as if we haven’t done that before, and honestly West, the hell is with the priest thing?”

Stutters and half muttered
“excuses spewed from his mouth before he just glared at the other avoiding the second half of his questioning,” We shouldn’t have, it was wrong.”

“You’re such a prude on the outside,” He sighed, staring at the other again, and Ludwig couldn’t help but lock eyes with him again,” I wouldn’t have come back for you if I didn’t love you, so appreciate this, why don’t you, klien bruder.”

The mans face flushed red, having difficulty taking in everything that was happening. Gilbert never would say things like that, not so openly, and he was supposed to be dead of all things. “I don’t understand, you’re supposed to be…how can this,” The blonde said, jumping from thought to thought, running a hand through his hair.

“Shhhh,” The other said, and was instantly in Ludwig’s face again. The blonde went to back up and found himself up against the wall within seconds. Gilberts hands snaked down to the others thighs, rubbing and massaging them in the way he knew would make the other react positively. He succeeded as Ludwig’s back arched and he heard the other gasp.

Ludwig moved his arms back around the other on reflex, pulling him in more, asking for more without saying anything, and it made the Prussians smirk grow. Gilbert moved a hand to the top of the others collar, dragging a finger gently down the outfit, the material ripping under the fingernail. “B-bruder what are you,” Ludwig asked, before moaning when his brothers leg moved between his leg, rubbing against his crotch.

“A vampire, west,” He cooed back, moving his leg as he watched the blonde squirm against the wall as he panted. The German was about to respond before Gilbert licked up his collarbone to his ear, and nibbled on it, which resulted in another moan,” and soon you will be too bruder.”

Ludwig didn’t even object, to enthralled by the others simple touches to think of anything than not wanting him to stop. The word ‘vampire’ barley processed in his mind, and not enough to matter. Gilberts eyes flickered as he heard the other groan, the bulge in the priests pants begging to be let out. He nibbled against the others neck without breaking the skin, teasing himself for the treat to come later.

“You’re lucky I ate already bruder, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to do this,” He laughed, watching the other grind on his leg, head rolled back against the wall with his back arched. “Always so eager once we get started,” He purred, sliding his nail down the others pants so they slid off the others well shaped form. He repeated the cutting with the others underwear, relieving him of the boundaries.


Re: Vampires and Priests [3/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:32:25 UTC
The albinos hand slid down, cupping the other before slowly starting to stroke him, eliciting even more noises from the other who clearly was trying to be quiet. Now that just wasn’t any fun. He pulled down his own pants, just as excited as the other was. He flipped the blonde for his chest to face the wall, and Ludwig shifted to the position he knew he needed to take when they were against a wall. Gilbert smiled and kissed the back of the others neck, scraping down with his teeth enough to draw a little blood he gladly lapped up.

“A-aah, bruder G-gilbeeeert,” He gasped at feeling his skin break on his neck.

“I’m not going to bite you yet,” He laughed quietly moving his hand to the others mouth, which the blonde gladly began to suck on as he rolled his tongue on the others fingers, lathering them in his spit. Gilbert moaned now, pushing his fingers deeper inside the others mouth as he felt him suck on them. He removed them a few moments later, and moved his hand back down to the others entrance, pushing a finger in.

Ludwig grunted at the penetration and on reflex tightened up. The albino swore under his breath at feeling him clench on the digit, getting a bit more eager. He licked his lips, “Fucks sake Ludwig, you didn’t do anything while I was gone did you? Obviously no one could ever compare to the awesome me.”

“No,” He replied breathily, answering both questions at once, pushing back lightly at the others intruding finger. Gilbert frowned slightly, pushing in the second finger. Ludwig hissed slightly at that, then yelled out as without warning the third followed only moments afterward. “H-haaah, aaah, a-aah,” He moaned out, pushing himself more against the wall to try and avoid his sudden discomfort, resulting in his member rubbing against the cold slick concrete.

The vampire slowly stretched the other out, listening at the noises coming out of his brother as he fingered him. Ludwig pushed back against the other, any consideration about the situation long gone. It’d been too long for him to care, especially after such grief to think he lost him. He felt the fingers slip out, and he made a whine in complaint. He felt another kiss and scrape on his neck, before the tip of his brothers erection pushed against him, and then in, in a single thrust.

He screamed again, clenching down on the other. Gilbert grunted, moving his hands down to the others hips again, trying not to release as soon as they started, but it was a little hard when the other wouldn’t stop squeezing his ass so tight around his member. “Relax dammit,” He hissed and the blonde nodded with an open moaning mouth, eventually and slowly complying with the others request.

Finally when he relaxed, it allowed the vampire to move, slowly starting to move out before slamming back into the other. Ludwig yelled out again, vision seeing white, some part of him having the decency to wonder how he found the spot on the first thrust. It seemed to be a bit of a surprise to the Prussian as well as he stopped at feeling him clench again, before he continued thrusting into the other, his moans echoing the others as Ludwig pushed back against him best he could.


Re: Vampires and Priests [4/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:33:15 UTC
There was a bit of ego added to his already high up head, realizing it was probably so easy to get the other due to the fact that what he was now was made to be a creature of seduction. No wonder Ludwig didn’t whine and bitch like he usually did when he wanted into his pants. The thoughts were short lived as he felt his brothers head rest on his shoulder. He looked down to see the other stroking himself in pace with the thrusts, and pulled out almost completely before slamming back into the other.

“Bruder!” He screamed,” B-bru-aaah! I’m g-going to cum!”

Gilbert moaned, not quite ready to finish himself; there was a downside to the longer endurance. He moved his hand from the priests hip, pulling away Ludwigs grip on himself, taking hold again and holding down to prevent the other from peaking. “Not,” He said panting out a breath and moaned, thrusting again,” Yet.”

The other let out a noise of protest, pushing back more and purposely clenching down as hard as he could, and was rewarded by hearing the other snarl and moan his name,” A-ah Ludwig!”

The blonde relaxed, hoping that would be enough to peak the other, but instead found the one hand push him back against his crotch and demanded,” Again.” Ludwig moaned and squeezed, shaking slightly from being denied his release and from the other brushing against his prostate lightly this time. The precum was covering the Prussians fingers as Ludwig bucked into the hand as the other pushed into him again. “Bruder bitte,” He groaned, getting tired and slowed his pushing back against the other.

The albino started to wish he’d changed the other before this, so they would’ve lasted at a more even pace, and pushed into the other hard as possible one last time, shuddering at hearing his younger brothers lustful, pleasured scream of his name, and let his grip on the others dick go as he came, the liquid covering up the wall and his stomach. Gilberts ruby eyes widened feeling the other clench down tightly onto him, and he pushed the other up against the wall completely as he shuddered, hearing the other scream his name repeatedly.

“Gilbert! Bruder! Bruder! A-ah! Gott! Gott! Bruder, bruder, Gott! Gilbert, oh Gott!”

The vampire moaned as quietly as possible, loving hearing the other screaming for him like that. Yeah, he was awesome. So awesome. That screaming he hadn’t heard in six months, and even then was rarely able to get out of the damn prude other than when he was particularly drunk.

Hearing him scream his name was surprisingly too much for him to handle, especially like that, and the other still clenching down on him. He knew it was purely for him since the blonde had finished and was panting against the wall. The blonde grunted as he was rubbed against the wall as Gilbert finished his final thrust. At the same moment the Prussians mouth opened, and the two fangs extended as he bit down into the youngers neck. Red dribbled down Ludwigs neck from the puncture as white seamen seeped down his thighs out of his ass.

There was a shocked gasp of confusion as he was bitten before the different screaming began. Gilbert slipped out of his brother and instead held the other gently as he could; the poison entering into Ludwigs system to change him. The German grabbed at the smooth surface of the wall for something to grip onto, finding nothing, still yelling at the burn that was now starting to flow through him. “Shhh, it’s okay,” He heard the other whisper in his ear quietly, lovingly, wrapping his arms tighter.

“Bruder, stop it,” He begged as if the poison could just leave at that simple request. He didn’t think until now about the consequences. No, the others natural ability to seduce had done enough to distract him from any logic he normally had.

“Let’s go home, it’ll be easier there,” He whispered to the other, wrapping him up in the shredded remains of his clothing, and quickly made it to the house they used to live in. It would be easier there.


Re: Vampires and Priests [5/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 03:34:05 UTC
The next morning Ludwig woke, he stared at the clock. Nine thirty. That was far later than he ever slept in, why would he be so late? He snapped up in the bed, remembering the previous nights events. The blonde looked around confusedly, wondering if he had been dreaming. He didn’t entirely feel like he’d just been with Gilbert, he wasn’t that sore, but as he went to rub his neck, he felt the two scar bumps. Ludwig snapped up, tumbling out of the bed and to the mirror.

He froze at seeing himself. The only obvious difference was his eyes, eyes that now matched his brother; red. The brought a hand to touch his face, and immediately started firing questions in his head. For one, how could he see himself right now? He didn’t see the other come up behind him, but felt the light skinned arms wrap around his torso.

Ludwig looked back, his confusion showing on his face with a bit of irritation. His expression was met with smug albinos smirk.

“You’ll get used to it West. You aren’t fully like me yet, so you can still watch yourself as you change,” He said, kissing the others cheek,” but you’ll like it.”

Ludwig stared back at the mirror, the image of only himself. He’d only joined in on the church after he’d lost the other. It was a way to make him feel better about if his brothers death. He’d regretted not being with the other more, spending their time frivolously when they were, and if the way that his brother was holding him said anything; he regretted it too. Now that he had him back, it didn’t really matter too much. He had what he wanted, and an eternity of it.

“I already do.” He said back simply.


Re: Vampires and Priests [5/5] anonymous December 8 2009, 04:10:01 UTC
F-F-fuckkkk...Hot. So damn hot. I love slutty priests. I'm so going to hell


OP Here anonymous December 8 2009, 14:39:08 UTC
"What are you doing?! What has gotten into you! That’s wrong,” He shouted, shaking slightly.

^ That made me laugh uncontrollably for some reason. Oh Ludwig, you prude xD
But UNF, but thank you so, so much! I gave up that anyone was even going to fill this and I get THIS wonderful work! Thank you, thank you, thank you! : DDD!
-Forever in debt & saving-


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