Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Control 1/? Italy/Germany anonymous December 6 2009, 14:03:33 UTC
Hey, sorry if this isn't exactly what OP!Anon wanted but I hope you enjoy anyway ( ... )


Control 2/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:04:52 UTC
“Hey, Germany, it’s ok to be into that kind of stuff. I mean...yeah...it’s a little bit weird...but you put up with that time I wanted to put tomato sauce all over your body and lick it off, right? I mean...this is maybe a little bit weirder then tomatoes...but ( ... )


Control 3/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:06:12 UTC
Germany walked into the room, his face still red, as Italy fished a collar out of the mess on the floor. He ran it through his fingers, it was leather and Italy did appreciate leather, soft but strong, it was the kind of thing that would caress the neck and bind it in place at the same time. Germany’s blush flared again and he watched Italy run it through his fingers and Italy grinned at him ( ... )


Control 4/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:07:08 UTC
He shrugged stripped quickly and turned around to find Germany stood naked, and oddly enough Germany looked less embarrassed like this, his blush had retreated a little, though it was still in evidence. Germany tended to blush when they got naked together anyway ( ... )


Control 5/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:08:09 UTC
“But ( ... )


Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 14:09:12 UTC
He began to move, Germany bucking under him, trying to drive the pace faster and faster but Italy took his time as much as he could. He found words tumbling out of his mouth as he moved, talking about how much he loved Germany, how great this was, how happy he was...Germany came inside him and he reached down to grasp his own penis, stroking it a few times to finish bringing himself over the edge ( ... )


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 15:51:26 UTC

This was beautiful anon. I was so excited to see an Italy/Germany fic (there aren't nearly enough of them) especially with BDSM.

This was very well done, IC, and the way the bondage was presented was most excellent.



Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 15:55:03 UTC
I think the thing I like the best is that you went with Anatomical Canon and made Germany's penis smaller than Italy's. You saw that one livejournal page, didn't you?

For other readers who haven't, here it is http://zero-rechter.livejournal.com/6433.html

Is the foreskin thing Anatomical Canon too? If so, then I learned something new today.


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 16:20:40 UTC
Sorry to disapoint but Author!Anon hadn't seen that page either, though it is quite amazing. The foreskin bit is something I did look at, most of the sites I found put the percentage of German men circumsised at about 10% so I went with uncircumsised. Circumsision isn't so common in general in Europe so it's likely that most of the European countries would be uncircumcised but America would be :)


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 23:41:13 UTC
oh and ... it's kinda canon http://aph.starry-sky.com/rkgk19.html


OP thinks she might be in love... <3 anonymous December 6 2009, 20:30:51 UTC
You author anon are amazing, truly amazing.

What do you want? Internets, my first born, my soul, the souls I've collected from fillinf other thing? you know what, have them all you deserve it.

Captcha: Gloated first-$4,500
Yes captcha, This fill is definatly worth gloating about. FIrst place worthy indeed...


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 7 2009, 00:11:07 UTC
Late anon is late, but this needs love! You nailed them both, especially Italy, and I loved the description of Germany's penis (=.='). Good job!


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 8 2009, 01:37:27 UTC
This is so damn hot. The world needs more Italy/Germany. I especially loved Germany in this-- this isn't a take on his character you see very often, but it makes so much sense.


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous March 6 2010, 20:31:51 UTC

So cute and so hot at the same time. O3O *faves* Thank you so much, authornon! This is exactly how I like my GerIta. <3


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous March 28 2010, 06:40:24 UTC
Ffffff. WHY IS ITALY ALWAYS SO DAMNED CUTE? WHY?! I'd totally offer my soul, but it combusted when Germany freaked out and ran away and Italy went all 'Come back~! Dx'

OMG CAPTCHA. 'rapture Fort' I do belive captcha approves. O.o;


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