Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Control 2/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:04:52 UTC
“Hey, Germany, it’s ok to be into that kind of stuff. I mean...yeah...it’s a little bit weird...but you put up with that time I wanted to put tomato sauce all over your body and lick it off, right? I mean...this is maybe a little bit weirder then tomatoes...but...”

“I’m sorry,” Germany mumbled, not turning round. “I didn’t mean for you to find those things...”

“It’s ok, Germany,” Italy said, trying to make his tone soothing. “Hey...I’m not really into it but if you want to do those things to me I’ll give it a try...even if they do look kind of scary to wear...”

“I don’t want you to wear them.”

“Then why...”

“I want to wear them. I want you to make me wear them.”

And then it all made perfect sense. Germany was still staring down the stairs but Italy felt a grin spread over his face. Of course, it made sense for Germany to be into this kind of thing, and to be embarrassed about it, even more so if he wanted to be the one to have things done to him. Everyone kind of assumed that Germany was the dominant one in everything they did, because he liked to be in control so much, but he’d never tried to dominate in the bedroom. Well, not often. It made a strange kind of sense for him to want this, to want to be completely owned and dominated by someone. The world must be a scary place for Germany...

And Italy would do everything he could to make Germany’s world a better place.

“Look at me,” he said, trying to make his tone demanding, though it came out more petulant. Germany ignored him, continuing to stare down the stairs.

“Hey, Germany,” he said, tugging at the other mans sleeve. “I want you to turn around and look at me now.”

He was surprised when Germany did as he asked, turning slowly on the spot to face Italy. His entire face was bright red, just like a tomato, and Italy would have laughed in any other situation but, sometimes, he did know how to act appropriately.

He reached up and ran a finger down Germany’s cheek, stopping with it against him chin and gently positioning him so Italy could lean up and kiss him. Germany bent obligingly, leaning into the kiss, though Italy lay a hand on his chest to stop him coming too close. Italy pulled away quickly, then smiled up at his lover.

“Is that definitely what you want?” he asked, softly. Germany nodded, his blush moving up a notch, if that was even possible. His hands were clutched at his side, obviously he wasn’t expecting a good thing to happen after this. Italy found himself starting to get hard.

“Then, I guess we can try that...” Italy said, sliding his hand down Germany’s arm and slipping it inside his hand. “I mean...I wouldn’t mind trying that...but it’s going to be my first time doing this stuff so I might need you to help me a bit until I get used to it, ok?”

“Are you sure?” Germany asked, his fingers tightening around Italy’s. “I mean...I’d really like it...but not if it isn’t something you want to do.”

“Come back to the bedroom,” Italy said simply, slipping his hand out of Germany’s and then turning and walking back. He didn’t wait for Germany but picked up the box and tipped it out on the floor. It was a mess of...things...and he didn’t even want to guess what some of these things were meant to be used for because they looked really scary and he didn’t really want to hurt Germany, not too much.


Control 3/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:06:12 UTC
Germany walked into the room, his face still red, as Italy fished a collar out of the mess on the floor. He ran it through his fingers, it was leather and Italy did appreciate leather, soft but strong, it was the kind of thing that would caress the neck and bind it in place at the same time. Germany’s blush flared again and he watched Italy run it through his fingers and Italy grinned at him.

“Just sit on the bed for a second,” he said, and when Germany moved to sit Italy moved to stand over him, then leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips, an oddly chaste kiss considering what they were about to do.

“Hey, Germany,” he mumbled, pulling away. “You need to tell me what we need to do...what you want...since it’s my first time.”

“I want,” Germany started, then he seemed to falter, squeezing his eyes closed for a second.

“Hey, it’s ok,” Italy mumbled, pressing a kiss to the other man’s forehead. “You can tell me, right? We can tell each other anything, right?”

“I want...” Germany mumbled, refusing to meet his eye, “I want you to tie me up...to...to control me. I want to...be controlled. I don’t...I don’t want it to hurt much, not...not now...I just...nothing too adventurous for now, maybe?” Italy didn’t think it would be possible for the other man to get any more red right now. He hummed in what he hoped was a reassuring way and ran a hand through German’s hair. He knew Germany was easily embarrassed by things like this, by admitting he liked weird things, asking for things, especially asking for someone to control him. Italy would have laughed if Germany wasn’t clearly so upset by it all.

“Hey, Germany, do you want to do this later, maybe? Maybe calm down first?”

“No,” Germany’s head shot up, really meeting Italy’s eyes for the first time since he’d walked into the room and found Italy with the box. “I want this, I’ve wanted this for so long. I just...”

“It’s embarrassing?” Italy asked.

“Yeah,” Germany mumbled, and Italy lend down and kissed him passionately, slipping his tongue into the other man’s mouth and moaning slightly as Germany returned the kiss, sucking gently on Italy’s tongue. Italy stayed like that for a while then pulled back and was delighted to see Germany’s blush had gone down. He’d been starting to worry that the other man was going to have a heart attack before they’d even started.

“One more thing,” Germany mumbled, tilting his head to catch Italy’s bottom lip between his teeth and biting slightly. “If I want you to stop, I’ll say puce. I mean, I might just say stop and not mean it, without meaning to...but if I say puce then that really means stop, ok?”

“Ok,” Italy mumbled, pressing a closed mouth kiss to Germany’s lips then pulling away again. He reached down and took the collar from where he’d dropped it on the bed when he’d begun kissing Germany. He raised it and lay it gently against Germany’s neck, then wrapped it around, bringing the buckle together and fastening it. Germany’s tongue slipped out of his mouth, moistening his lips, but he didn’t say anything so Italy guessed that was ok.

“Strip,” he said, turning back to the mess of...stuff...on the floor. A whip and a paddle were readily evident, as were a variety of straps and buckles and ropes and gags...Germany must be really into this stuff to buy this, though a quick flip through one of the magazines showed him there was really nothing too extreme there. And none of it was untouched which meant Germany had probably been using these things on himself. Italy found himself getting harder thinking about it. Is this what Germany did when Italy went home to visit his brother? What if it’d gone wrong some time and Italy had come home to find Germany tied up and unable to escape on the bed. His trousers were really getting uncomfortable now.


Control 4/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:07:08 UTC
He shrugged stripped quickly and turned around to find Germany stood naked, and oddly enough Germany looked less embarrassed like this, his blush had retreated a little, though it was still in evidence. Germany tended to blush when they got naked together anyway.

“Kneel down,” he said, and Germany moved slowly to his knees. Italy looked at him for a minute, it was a strange feeling to have Germany doing what he was told. Normally Germany was the one who had to be in control of everything, though he guessed that was why it was so important that Germany wanted to do this with him.

He turned and reached down, taking a strip of cloth, then straightened and stepped forward, wrapping it around Germany’s eyes, blindfolding him. Germany gulped, his tongue slipping out again to lick his lips, he stayed quiet though. Italy smiled, then turned and grabbed some rope. He didn’t want to waste time working out how the other things worked, there would be plenty of time for that later. He moved behind Germany then knelt down, taking the other man’s hands and guiding them together. He ran a finger down Germany’s back, grinning as the other man shuddered under the touch. He thought for a second, trying not to be distracted by having Germany naked in front of him, waiting for his touch, then he took Germany’s wrists and began to wind the rope around them, wrapping them tight then bringing it back between his arms to clinch the rope and stop him escaping. He then went and grabbed a second piece of rope, repeating the tying at Germany’s wrists to bring them as close together as he could.

He stood back and looked. Germany was...wonderful. The blush had almost gone, though an endearing pink tinge was still there, and he looked...tight. Tense but with anticipation. And he was hard. Italy had always really liked Germany’s penis. It seemed to embarrass the other man but Italy couldn’t help it. Well, he could do whatever he wanted now. He moved around and lay on the floor in front of Germany, leaning on his legs so he could get close enough to look.

“Hey, Germany, I can look at you as much as I want now,” Italy said, grinning. The blush came back on Germany’s face which made Italy grin more. It really was quite wonderful. He reached out and brushed his finger slowly up the side, enjoying the texture. He really really liked Germany’s penis. It was shorter then Italy’s, and the foreskin was longer. Italy lent forward and blew across is gently, smiling as Germany gasped and the foreskin drew back a little bit more. Italy really liked Germany’s foreskin. His own was quite small but Germanys hung all the way down and covered everything, then when Italy played with it, it would roll back like the green part around a flower bud that pulls back in the spring to reveal the petals.

Then the head would peak out. It was now, just. Germany must be really excited. Italy leant forward and pressed a gentle kiss to it, then let his tongue slip between his lips against it, which made Germany make a very good noise and shift a little.

“Please, Italy,” he mumbled, shifting.

“No,” Italy said, grinning up at the blindfolded man. “I’m allowed to do whatever I liked now, and this is what I want to do...”


Control 5/? anonymous December 6 2009, 14:08:09 UTC

“Shhh...” Italy mumbled, breathing on Germany’s tip as he did and effectively shutting the other man up. “I’ve wanted to spend some proper time looking at Germany for a long time,” he mumbled, “You’re not allowed to move until I finish, understand?”

“Yes,” Germany breathed, his voice heavy. Italy smiled then turned his attention back to his prize. His part of Germany, something nobody else know about. Nobody else knew how big Germany was, how nice the colour was, how it folded, how it moved and reacted. He lay his nose against the tip then ran it along the bottom side to the base, breathing out slowly as he did. Germany went to rigid and Italy looked up to find the other man biting his lips, fighting not to move. Some drops of moisture were on the tip but Italy ignored them for now, looking at the base of German’s penis. It seemed to eager, so tight and tense. He looked back up along it from the base, then down at Germany’s testicles. He ran a finger around his testicles and Germany made a kind of choked moan, then Italy moved away again, back up to the head of the penis.

“Please,” Germany whispered, “Please touch it.”

“But I am touching it,” Italy said with a wide smile, running his finger lightly along the length of Germany’s penis again and making the other man’s back arch. “Hey, Germany, if you’re so excited already maybe I should pay attention to something else for a while so you can calm down?”

“No...” Germany breathed, but Italy had already moved, sitting up and moving up Germany’s chest, he ran his fingers over Germany’s body, deliberately avoiding the areas where he knew Germany liked to be touched. He skated just a little too far out around his nipples to give him any real pleasure, and then brushed his fingers up the side of his neck, pausing to trace a pattern around the collar.

Then he leant forward and pressed a chaste, closed mouth kiss to the other man’s lips. Germany reached for more, trying to push his tongue into Italy’s mouth but Italy wouldn’t let him, pulling away quickly.

“You’re so impatient,” Italy mumbled, tapping Germany’s nose. Still, as amazing as it was watching Germany like this, desperate and needy and on the verge of begging, he would have to do something soon, his own arousal was starting to get out of hand, though he could control how he was touched and Germany couldn’t so Germany was, no doubt, more turned on.

It occurred to Italy then that he’d never seen Germany like this before. This desperate, this needy, wanting him so much...it was amazing that Germany wanted him so very very much.

“Please,” Germany breathed again. “Italy, please. Please, touch me. Please let me touch you. Anyone you want, Italy, just...please!”

The last word was a gasp and Italy couldn’t help but lean forward, wrapping his arms around his lover and bringing their lips together passionately, the kind of deep kiss that Germany had been trying to initiate before. He knew now that neither of them would last long, and he knew what he wanted to do so he’d have to move quickly.

He stood up quickly and ran to the bedside table, pulling out the lube they kept there then returning to Germany, squeezing a dollop of the stuff onto his hand as he moved. Then he knelt down and smoothed it over Germany’s penis, delighting in the way the still mostly cold lube made the other man gasp, then quickly prepped himself, fumbling a little but declaring himself ready quickly. He took Germany’s shoulders and pushed the other man back, though his bound arms must have made it uncomfortable, then straddled his hips, moving into position quickly and impaling himself. He gasped, clutching Germany’s shoulders to hold his position. The thing he loved the most was having Germany fill him like this, that wonderful penis buried deeply inside him, as if he could consume it, take Germany inside himself and keep him forever.


Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 14:09:12 UTC
He began to move, Germany bucking under him, trying to drive the pace faster and faster but Italy took his time as much as he could. He found words tumbling out of his mouth as he moved, talking about how much he loved Germany, how great this was, how happy he was...Germany came inside him and he reached down to grasp his own penis, stroking it a few times to finish bringing himself over the edge.

He stayed on Germany’s lap for a few minutes, starring at the arc of his cum splattered across Germany’s chest. The other man was still gasping, his lips open slightly, his back arched, though their position could have something to do with that. He picked himself up, reluctantly letting Germany slide back out of him, then pulling the other man forward to sit up. Germany went willingly, then leaned further forward again, laying his head on Italy’s shoulder. Italy reached round and hugged him tightly, pulling Germany against his chest and stroking his back. Germany made no attempt to move from the position and, for a while, they just sat there pressed against each other.


Germany walked into the bedroom to find Italy sprawled out on the mattress, a variety of BDSM and fetish magazines of various kinds pilled around him, a look of intense concentration on his face. Germany fought the blush, but it was still too new, still surprising. It had only been a few weeks, after all, since Italy had found his stash, and even he couldn’t have anticipated how into it Italy would get...not that he was complaining of course.

“Hey, Germany,” Italy said without looking up, “Have you ever heard of Sploshing?”

Germany leant over to see the magazine Italy was looking at, a spread of a woman who looked like she’d had a tub of chocolate sauce tipped over her, and a quick read of the caption told him that was exactly what had happened. Great, another excuse for Italy to bring food into sex.

“If we try that, we need to go into the bathroom, it’ll be too messy in the bedroom.”

“Boring,” Italy said with a sigh, then sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and tugging at Germany until the other man moved to kneel between his legs so Italy could kiss him, moving his head back so Italy could deepen the kiss.

“Hey, Germany, are you done with work for the day?” Italy asked, his voice deep. Germany nodded and, without further comment, Italy reached for the drawer where they kept the collar.


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 15:51:26 UTC

This was beautiful anon. I was so excited to see an Italy/Germany fic (there aren't nearly enough of them) especially with BDSM.

This was very well done, IC, and the way the bondage was presented was most excellent.



Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 15:55:03 UTC
I think the thing I like the best is that you went with Anatomical Canon and made Germany's penis smaller than Italy's. You saw that one livejournal page, didn't you?

For other readers who haven't, here it is http://zero-rechter.livejournal.com/6433.html

Is the foreskin thing Anatomical Canon too? If so, then I learned something new today.


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 16:20:40 UTC
Sorry to disapoint but Author!Anon hadn't seen that page either, though it is quite amazing. The foreskin bit is something I did look at, most of the sites I found put the percentage of German men circumsised at about 10% so I went with uncircumsised. Circumsision isn't so common in general in Europe so it's likely that most of the European countries would be uncircumcised but America would be :)


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 6 2009, 23:41:13 UTC
oh and ... it's kinda canon http://aph.starry-sky.com/rkgk19.html


OP thinks she might be in love... <3 anonymous December 6 2009, 20:30:51 UTC
You author anon are amazing, truly amazing.

What do you want? Internets, my first born, my soul, the souls I've collected from fillinf other thing? you know what, have them all you deserve it.

Captcha: Gloated first-$4,500
Yes captcha, This fill is definatly worth gloating about. FIrst place worthy indeed...


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 7 2009, 00:11:07 UTC
Late anon is late, but this needs love! You nailed them both, especially Italy, and I loved the description of Germany's penis (=.='). Good job!


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous December 8 2009, 01:37:27 UTC
This is so damn hot. The world needs more Italy/Germany. I especially loved Germany in this-- this isn't a take on his character you see very often, but it makes so much sense.


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous March 6 2010, 20:31:51 UTC

So cute and so hot at the same time. O3O *faves* Thank you so much, authornon! This is exactly how I like my GerIta. <3


Re: Control 6/6 anonymous March 28 2010, 06:40:24 UTC
Ffffff. WHY IS ITALY ALWAYS SO DAMNED CUTE? WHY?! I'd totally offer my soul, but it combusted when Germany freaked out and ran away and Italy went all 'Come back~! Dx'

OMG CAPTCHA. 'rapture Fort' I do belive captcha approves. O.o;


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