Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Unfotunate [1/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 17:56:28 UTC
Option 2 was still unfilled, wasn't it? Aah, I'm sorry about grammar and such, I just kinda spread this out real quickly. xD
Sometimes Lovino liked to sit down and ponder over the inferiority complex he harbored for his little brother. (He used the word "sometimes" but it was more like his whole life, really.) Usually it made him feel, well, inferior for the lack of a better word, but now it was nothing but utter irk and self loath ( ... )


Unfotunate [2/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 18:06:35 UTC
“Aw, c'mon, Lovino! Open up the door for me, why don't cha?” Gilbert cooed from the other side, apparently already recovered from the kick Lovino had planted on his shin.

About to curse his chaser to whatever hell he had spawned from, Lovino stopped on his tracks when he heard another voice from the room.

“Eh? Who shut the door?”

“Huh?” Gilbert said, head obviously pressed against the door. “Antonio, is that you?”

It was still pitch black in the room Lovino had run into, so he couldn't see the other person in there, but if the damned German knew him, it couldn't be good news.

“Dude, open the door!” The door was rattling, locked and at least giving Lovino the satisfaction in knowing that Gilbert was stuck on the other side. “My prey just ran in there,” came the whine.

There was a small, confused voice from character Antonio, but he moved towards the door anyway, bumping into Lovino while he was at it. “Ah, lo siento,” he heard the other mutter in the dark. It took mere seconds for Lovino to consider between having to see ( ... )


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 18:10:30 UTC
So yes, Lovino could feel inferior to his brother who-did-not-get-stuck-in-closets all he wanted, and he could hate his grandfather for making him stay after school with all his heart. But sometimes, in example right now, as he could practically feel Antonio turn around slowly to search the outlines of his figure in the dark, Lovino just felt like sinking to the floor and weep how he resented life in general. Life, it seemed, deemed the feeling to be mutual.


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 19:17:59 UTC
Poor Lovino XD

♥ this, anon! please continue!


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 19:41:21 UTC
“And young.”

FFFFFFFF I lol'd. Actually, I laughed throughout most of this because you are clever (FIVE METER RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST GILBERT, oh god) and awesome and have Lovino's voice down so damn well already. Your grammar's just fine, too, so I don't know what you're worried about.

Looking forward to more!


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 20:00:24 UTC
aghhh anon!! go on please and don't leave me hanging like that ;A;


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 21:42:19 UTC
Am I horribly twisted for not being able to think anything but "Bilgert can still reach you, Lovi~" when the five meter restraining order was mentioned? Eh, probably.

And oh ♥ I can just picture Antonio freezing up and turning towards Lovino when Gilbert tells him he's cute and young. I was half expecting to hear a buhyo as he entered his pedo-mode... 'm sorry Spain but you are

This fill is great x) Looking forward to the next part.

Captcha apparently knows I'm watching Alien vs. predator right now o.o


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 21:44:38 UTC
Bilgert... BILGERT?!

XD clearly that was supposed to say Gilbert...
orz orz orz orz


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 16:50:59 UTC
It's okay, it seems like I misspelled THE FREAKIN' TITLE!! xD Let's fail together. ;u;

Bilgert sounds kinda naughty though~


Re: Unfotunate [2b/?] anonymous May 25 2013, 00:35:52 UTC
I'm sorry I know this is a really old comment but I thought you did it on purpose and then I found out it was an accident and just-- crying. X'D

Also very much enjoying the fill, Author!anon, just in case you ever venture back here. :3


UnfoRtunate [3a/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 19:44:37 UTC
I-I managed to misspell the title. OTLLong gone were the last echoes of Gilbert's Schadenfreude, the hallways now hopelessly empty of people with enough of a heart to take pity on them and help open the door. It was a situation that took a while for Lovino to digest, but he was getting there ( ... )


Re: Unfortunate [3b/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 19:50:06 UTC
“What if I don't want an old and ugly boss like you?” Lovino grumbled back, wrapping his arms tighter around his knees.

“Hey, I'm not either of those,” Antonio protested, almost making Lovino's heart jump in joy in thinking that the other could get offended after all. So the misery in this room wasn't all one-sided.

“Or so you say,” Lovino said, taunt in his voice. “But I can't really see you so how can I be sure?”

“We share the same school, so I can't be that old,” the other reasoned, and Lovino wondered why Antonio hadn't used that fact to get disappointed over Lovino not being that young either. “And I'm quite handsome, too,” Antonio continued, his assumed smile filling the whole room ( ... )


Re: Unfortunate [3b/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 21:06:17 UTC
Spain, why so cute? writer!anon, his dialogue was cracking me up. ♥

I read this at work, so I wasn't able to squee like I wanted to. A second reading is planned!


Re: Unfortunate [3b/?] anonymous December 4 2009, 20:50:37 UTC
Please continue <3


Re: Unfortunate [3b/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 00:56:26 UTC
Oblivous!Spain is so cute, lol.
Please finish? ReCaptcha offers $600 if you do!


Unfortunate [4a/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 19:32:08 UTC
“Lovino,” Antonio whined from the other side of the closet, which wasn't that far away. “Hey, Lovino?”

He could feel a leg poking his own, begging for attention and Lovino grumbled begrudgingly. “What now?”

“It's uncomfortable,” Antonio informed him, as if Lovino was unaware of the lack of soft things to lean onto in the room. “And cold,” another thing Lovino couldn't help but notice as well, with the night creeping in and common sense that assumed that there was no need to heat up a storage room for cleaning equipments. He would've loved to complain about these things too, but with him being part of the reason they were trapped in the first place (he shared the blame with grandpa, Feliciano, Potato-bastard, Gilbert, God and Antonio) Lovino felt like he had little right to complain, if only to avoid being reminded that it was most totally all his fault.

“What the hell do you want me to do about it,” he spat instead, his annoyance growing the more Antonio kept on talking. And Antonio talked. A lot.“Let me spoon you,” came the ( ... )


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