Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Unfortunate [4a/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 19:32:08 UTC
“Lovino,” Antonio whined from the other side of the closet, which wasn't that far away. “Hey, Lovino?”

He could feel a leg poking his own, begging for attention and Lovino grumbled begrudgingly. “What now?”

“It's uncomfortable,” Antonio informed him, as if Lovino was unaware of the lack of soft things to lean onto in the room. “And cold,” another thing Lovino couldn't help but notice as well, with the night creeping in and common sense that assumed that there was no need to heat up a storage room for cleaning equipments. He would've loved to complain about these things too, but with him being part of the reason they were trapped in the first place (he shared the blame with grandpa, Feliciano, Potato-bastard, Gilbert, God and Antonio) Lovino felt like he had little right to complain, if only to avoid being reminded that it was most totally all his fault.

“What the hell do you want me to do about it,” he spat instead, his annoyance growing the more Antonio kept on talking. And Antonio talked. A lot.

“Let me spoon you,” came the too cheerful reply, followed by scooting sounds that were definitely heading towards him.

“You,” Lovino's first defense was a kick aimed at the general direction. “Don't even think about it,” he seethed.

Unfortunately his leg did hit something rather soft, followed by a small 'oof', but was then caught by an arm, surprisingly tenacious.

“That's not cute at all, Lovino,” Antonio pouted, letting go only when Lovino struggled enough, his leg hitting painfully against the wall behind him because he had been pulling too hard and there had been no warning that he was let go. A fine line of curses followed.

“You can shove your stupid obsession with cute up your ass!” Really, there were a lot of things Lovino could list what he hated about people, but if he ever needed to summarize it into a one name alone, Antonio would sound just about right. “I won't have no friend of Gilbert's touching me in any way, so keep to your own goddamn side, bastard!”

“It's true that we are friends,” Antonio started, still sounding cheerful, leg coming to poke Lovino again. “But please don't dump me into the same category as him.”

“Why not? Aren't you all dimwitted bastards,” Lovino asked, slightly disappointed that the spiteful smirk on his face was left unseen. “Why do you associate with him anyway? What kind of a 'friend' leaves you to rot into a closet over night?”

“A bad one, I suppose,” Antonio chuckled.

“You're gonna get even with him, right” he demanded, growing more cheerful now that there was a foul vendetta he could look forward to.

“I'm not sure if I have any reason to,” Antonio said, voice more quiet now, as if he was holding something back. It only managed to arouse Lovino's suspicions.

“And why's that?”

“Because-” the other began, voice raising an octave, “because he locked me in here with you!” And that was when Lovino felt himself being grabbed from the floor, easily lifted like he weighted nothing at all and repositioned onto Antonio's lap, warm arms circling around him to keep him in place when the shock finally evaporated enough that he realized to squirm and protest.

“W-what the fuck,” he all but screamed, twisting and trashing and blushing and oh God. “Chigii! Let go of me you- you pervert!”

But Antonio didn't let go, just kept his hold and let out a strange 'buhyoo' sound in between the mantra of “Lovi is so cute~”


Unfortunate [4b/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 19:37:54 UTC
After enough of futile attempts to be unhanded, Lovino came to accept the fact that there was no getting out of this one, just like there was no getting out of the closet. With his breath run short and energy rather low due to the previous exercise and lack of food in his system, Lovino just promptly went limb in the arms of the other, too exhausted to be pissed that it was a rather obvious sign of a surrender.

“Bastard,” he mumbled, always managing to sound displeased no matter what occurred. “You better not be planning anything weird.”

He felt the other press his forehead against his shoulder lightly, chuckling a bit as he arms around him tightened still. “It's warm, isn't it, Lovino?” And it was warm. Warmer than the floor and the dress shirt of his school uniform anyway. Though Lovino'd be damned if he went and admitted that out loud.

But it was also uncomfortable, and his heart raced faster to make it even more so. Lovino had rarely been held, most of the times it did happen being far in the past and the ones he had received recently being given by Feliciano (and attempted ones from grandpa, but who wanted to hug wrinkly old men in the first place?)

Lovino felt himself grow stiff, unsure how he should be responding now that he had given up on squirming away. And although his hands were bound down by Antonio's arms encircling his torso, they felt awkward just being there, like they should be around the other or something. He wrinkled his nose at his own thoughts, deciding to stuff his insecurities into the dark corner of his mind and make the best of this situation with selfishness instead.

“I'm still uncomfortable,” he said, not denying being warm. He half expected the other to ignore him and continue on as he was -head pressed against his shoulder, murmuring happy Spanish words that made no sense to him- but Antonio whispered a small apology and proceeded to wiggle them into a better position.

Antonio ended up sitting cross legged with Lovino seated on him, his side pressed against Antonio's chest -just to keep warm, Antonio assured- arms still around Lovino and Lovino's own now resting on his lap, fiddling nervously for the lack of better things to do.

Maybe it was because the darkness distressing him after the hours and hours being trapped in it, or because of the insecurity of not knowing when he was going to be let out (or because of biology, psychology or grandpa-fucking-Rome not giving him enough attention, who knew) Lovino was starting to feel more comfortable and secure being held by this stranger he had never even seen.

And when Antonio murmured a happy, “thank you for letting me hold you,” not at all ashamed to admit that he needed the comfort too, Lovino almost thought 'thank you for holding me.' Almost.

A weak, “idiot,” was all he managed instead.
I hope I'm not making Lovino too out of character? :I


Re: Unfortunate [4b/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 20:55:24 UTC
Can I bow down to your awesome fic? Because, really, it sounds so IC that I'm stuck giggling like a creeper!


Re: Unfortunate [4b/?] anonymous December 7 2009, 22:15:40 UTC
Oh god, I almost made some kind of buhyoo noise myself reading that. Seeing this updated filled me with glee, and I think Lovino's perfectly IC, for the record.



Re: Unfortunate [4b/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 04:24:33 UTC
Yay! Happy!anon is happy for the continuation <3

We will be married marriedmarriedmarriedmarriedmarriedmarried...

I'll be awaiting another update <3


Unfortunate [5/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 19:44:15 UTC
The constant flood of words had been slowly drying up, and by the time Antonio was done telling him exactly what he thought about tomatoes that came in the shade of yellow, a big enough yawn followed to inform Lovino that his makeshift chair was getting tired. Not to say that Lovino hadn't been hoping and quite loudly demanding for the other to shut up, but with hours and hours of meaningless chitchat from Antonio's part, the loud silence wasn't as pleasing as he thought it would be.

Lovino loved to sleep, and like a faithful Catholic kept to his masses, he always kept to his siestas. Now though, he found himself rather exhausted, yes, but still unable to even think about sleeping or napping. He had no idea how Antonio could be so relaxed.

“Hey,” he snapped after a long row of silence from the other, getting a sleepy mumble of nonsense as a reply, then realizing he had nothing to continue his demand for attention with.

Lovino had never been a good conversationalist, not with strangers anyway. If it was not to insult or to offend in some way, he felt pretty awkward, his mind slow in finding the right words to say and a persistent blush on his cheeks to prove his unsureness.

“Don't fall asleep before I do,” he said and reached out his hand to pinch Antonio's side, making the other jolt a bit and whine.

“I can't help it,” Antonio yawned, lifting his arms from the loose hug he still had Lovino in to stretch them out. “I was made to sleep.”

If Lovino had ever heard the saying; “a man after my own heart,” he decided to ignore it for now. Instead he went on with whatever little beginnings of a conversation was offered to keep Antonio awake. “That doesn't surprise me one bit. What else were you made for?”

“Hmm,” there was a rather disgusting pop from Antonio's protesting joints, as he finished his stretching. With that done, he was quick to gather Lovino back into his arms. “To show affection!”

It was rather frightening how easily he had grown used to this, Lovino thought as his cheek was pressed against Antonio's chest again, deciding it didn't matter since Antonio had kept from feeling him up for now. It would be more embarrassing the moment they were let out, but the second that door opened, Lovino was planning to run the hell away, never look back and forget that this incident ever even happened. Yep.

So what harm was there to lean back and relax for now, when they didn't know each other and there was little choice to do anything but that?

He was a bit curious to know what Antonio looked like though, so that even if he refused to see him face to face when there was actual light to see something, he would know what to look for when there was enough space and glass -and bushes, perhaps- in between them. Just so he would know who to avoid at all costs to remain unreminded of this unfortunate trip into the janitor's cupboard he unwittingly took once upon a time.

“What do you look like,” Lovino asked then, cheeks heating up again, and he looked away to hide it even though it was totally unnecessary.

“Human, I guess,” was Antonio's lazy and amused reply, his chin coming to rest on Lovino's head.

“Tell me,” he demanded, adding another jab at the other's ribs. It earned him a sound of complaint, but then his hand was caught by Antonio, and the other guided it to his face.

“This is me,” Antonio said, voice still thick with lazy. “Explore away.”

Lovino hesitated, but didn't pull his hand away even when Antonio lowered his own. To hell with it, he was already sitting on the other's lap, how much more damage could this do?

Antonio's skin was warm, warmer than his own, Lovino was sure, and it tingled his fingertips as he ran them along his face, careful not to poke an eye. Lovino had been surrounded by it for some time now, and he could still smell it clearly. Antonio's scent was a mixture of fertile earth (simple) and an ocean breeze (fresh) and Lovino couldn't make himself say he hated to breathe it in. It was calming and just there.


Unfortunate [5b/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 19:48:25 UTC
Lovino moved his hand, letting it linger on the hairline a little bit until Antonio encouraged him to continue with a small, “go on.” He sank his fingers into Antonio's hair, combing it a bit as he felt the thick mess of curls.

“What color,” he murmured, continuing to move his fingers through the hair even if the little sigh of content from Antonio made him think twice what he was doing.

“Dark brown,” came the answer.

“And eyes?” His hand dropped downwards, the tips of his fingers giving the lightest of touches to Antonio's closed eyelids.


The nose and cheeks did little to help him build his image of this guy, not holding any distinctive features to his touch, though Lovino felt his eye twitch a little when his fingers found the lips. “Don't you ever stop smiling,” he growled, quick to pull away from the quirked mouth.


Re: Unfortunate [5b/?] anonymous December 8 2009, 23:48:01 UTC
This is so awesome ♥
Keep doing your magic anon, and I'll be here in the background lurking for updates!
Please ignore how creepy that sounded =_=;; 'm not a stalker, promise. Just a big fan of this fic ^^;;;;


OP anonymous December 9 2009, 20:36:20 UTC
Dearest, darlingest author!anon.

I don't--

why didn't I know there's a second fill, &#@^%^(*

I feel so stupid and sorry, author!anon, I truly am, for this late comment.

This is utterly wonderful and my heart is over- everything, really - and I am so sorry for not reading it earlier.

I will leave much more coherent comment later, one that can actually express how amazing I feel right now after reading this fill, but it's way too late here so I promise to write it tomorrow, kay?

O ~I-will-gladly-lock-myself-in-the-janitor's-closet-with-you~ P

[also, CAPTCHA suggests "duding". I support, whatever it means.]


Author!anon anonymous December 10 2009, 11:35:06 UTC
OP means to tell me they weren't pressing the F5 key repeatedly the past, what, few months, in hopes someone fills the second option? D:

Silly OP xD

I'm glad you approve though!

(U!Dic tells me that duding is buying beer for an underage kid... so, want a beer? I swear there's no daterape included)


Re: Author!anon anonymous December 10 2009, 19:31:00 UTC
yes, but don't tell anyone. I promise to make up for this.

(if you insist? though I don't like beer.)

I'm now going to post my very!long!comment [it's really long. I have a lot to say]. I hope I didn't screw up too much with all the HTML, though. I'm kinda new to all that LJ format.=[


Unfortunate [6/?] anonymous December 13 2009, 11:01:36 UTC
Antonio laughed, but it was a joyous one that left the impression that he wasn't laughing at Lovino at all even though that was most probably the case. Being pressed against him, in a hug as they were, Lovino could feel the vibrations run through him and warm the insides of his stomach in a odd way that felt both uncomfortable and likable at the same time. It made him squirm a bit, try and find a position that would ease the feeling.

The less contact they had, Lovino discovered, the less the feeling pressed him, and so he straightened his back enough that the only bodily connection they had was his ass on Antonio's legs. With a huff of annoyance, he crossed his arms and tried to mentally add more weight to himself to cut off the blood circulation from Antonio's limbs.

“Don't laugh at me,” he pouted, turning to glare at the general direction he assumed Antonio's face would be in, finding it close enough to his own to feel the other's breath on his face when he did so and promptly turned away as quickly as he managed.

“Sorry,” Antonio said, but it hardly sounded like he meant it when it was said through chuckles. “Please don't be mad at me, Lovino.” A hand came to ruffle his hair, sudden and uninvited, making Lovino yelp.

“Gah! D-don't do that, hey!”He raised his hand to grab the assaulter, but Antonio's fingers were persistent to find their way through his hair, just like his had done the moment before. It did nothing to ease the feeling in his stomach, only made it tenfold if anything because a hug was nothing compared to this. (Head was vulnerable, grandpa always said, along with the balls and stomach. That's why Lovino had a heightened sense to protect these areas.)

His worst of fears came true, when Antonio's fingers became a bit too curious and found that one strand of hair that Lovino would've preferred to remain unseen and untouched by the other. “What's this?” The question came out a bit amused, as Lovino felt fingers trace it.

“Why is this hair so long?” It was being tugged and manhandled and oh, it made Lovino shiver in the most embarrassing way. “And it curls too!”

“Let go, dammit!” But it was already too late, wasn't it? Aside from his Italian quality and constant frown on his face, Lovino didn't stand out so much. Except for the curl, that is. And while his brother shared this curse of a curl with him, Feliciano's was more casual hanging off the side while Lovino's stood proudly like a freakin' boner.

He still had trouble picturing Antonio in his mind, but with Antonio being aware of his most distinctive part, the guy would have no trouble recognizing him again even if Lovino managed to run away without being seen the moment the door opened.

Not fair!

“How cute,” was the whisper that sounded like Antonio tried his very best to keep inside but didn't quite manage to.

There was something though, that Lovino had learned about Antonio and could use it to his advantage to make him perhaps forget he ever discovered his curl. While it seemed like a single shout of 'distraction' would be enough to make the other distracted, Lovino, his mind quite not working right at the moment, too in panic about being discovered like this, in the spur of moment decided to go about it the French way.

Well, not as French as he unfortunately had the displeasure to hear some Francis guy had done, because that would be too much, as was this, Lovino's eyes widened as his rational mind caught up with his mess of emotions.

He had leaned in with an angry, “just shut up,” and aimed his lips to Antonio's, hoping to silence him and make him too stunned to function properly. It did work, of course, even though he managed to miss, his lips landing on the corner of Antonio's mouth, rather. But it was also backfiring on him, as the silence stretched on and on, his heart beat growing louder and louder and before he finally realized to pull back with a row of embarrassed splutters and his face feeling hot enough to melt his skin away.

Today, it seemed, stupid was all around him, latching on like a persistent ex.

With that conclusion, none of this was Lovino's fault.


Re: Unfortunate [6/?] anonymous December 13 2009, 18:58:20 UTC
Perfect describtion of Ramono's curl!

freakin' boner lol I'll never unsee it

Please update soon!


Unfortunate [7/?] anonymous December 13 2009, 20:12:53 UTC
Dammit, dammit, dammit, god-fucking-dammit!


Sure, the hands were gone, curl surely forgotten, but now there was nothing but the bitter taste of aftermath that was sure to follow. He had been listening the other talk about nothing for the last few hours, but that was far from getting to know each other. Antonio could still turn out to be a creep with perverse tendencies. (And that he was, Lovino thought, no matter how unintentional.)

But what would the other think of Lovino, attacking him like this when they were but strangers. So much for first impressions. (And this was a friend of Gilbert's too... Oh, the laughter there was going to be.)

“Lovino,” Antonio begun as the gears in his head started to turn again. “Lovino, what's wrong?”

And he was shaking, wasn't he? With tears of frustration gathering at the corners of his eyes as he more or less mentally cursed his uncalled for actions back to where they came from.

“I'm -I'm not like this,” he tried to explain through annoying sniffs that he wished weren't there. “This is all your fault.” And he banged a fist against Antonio's chest, once, twice with halfhearted strength before leaving it there and letting it drag itself down over the fabric of the other's shirt.

“Um, okay?” Antonio sounded a bit confused, more out of it, really, and Lovino felt angry that he would have to be the only one to carry the burden of messed up emotions this thing of his had caused.

“You're so stupid,” he mumbled instead, slumping to lean on Antonio again, making sure he did it with all his weight to give the other the discomfort of taking a hit against the wall. There was a small 'oof' and hands that were quick to sneak around him again, like a bad habit.

“You kissed me,” Antonio said slowly, as if he just caught up. "You kissed me," he repeated with a tone of voice that sounded like his head was going to split open were he to smile any wider. “Well, almost.”

Lacking an argument that wouldn't play against him, Lovino decided to just go with a headbutt, hitting Antonio's jaw as his expression of the mind.

“Do you like me, Lovino?” Antonio asked, excited and quickly recovered from the assault Lovino had planted on him.

“No!” The answer came quick, almost automatic. Lovino tried to pull back a bit, show that he was repulsed Antonio would even consider that to be the case but somehow this guy just drained most of his energy with his slowness and stupid.

“But I like you,” Antonio more or less cooed, emphasizing his feelings by pulling Lovino the closest to him he had been all evening, pressing his cheek against Lovino's and by the temperature of it, Lovino could tell that Antonio was blushing bad, though he might've been wrong with his own cheeks burning like hell.

“Ugh, you're too damn close, you creep!” Lovino growled and tried to regain some decent distance between them by pushing Antonio's face back. “And how can you like me when you don't even know me?”

Antonio paused his gushing for a moment, taking his time to consider this, then shrugged and and continued as he was, only with less fervor. “I like you because you're cute.”

“Again with the cute,” Lovino cursed, but was interrupted.

“I already know that, but I want to know more,” Antonio said, pressing a smile against his shoulder. “Tell me more about yourself, Lovino?”

I feel like they're not getting anywhere with this >A>;;
Oh, and dear Santa, author!anon has been naughty and not thanked for all the reviews she has gotten. Thank you all! ;u;


Re: Unfortunate [7/?] anonymous December 13 2009, 23:56:12 UTC
Awww, they're such a cute couple ♥ Don't worry about rushing it! I think it's going somewhere. Somewhere filled with fluff and humour and it's making me squee like hell.

I'm sorry, I had to reread your A/N a few times to get it. Was like wah?! D: but I have thanked you! xDD


Re: Unfortunate [7/?] anonymous December 14 2009, 04:11:37 UTC
Awwww and awwwww and awwww some more.

I'm sorry Lovi, but you're just the cutest.

I like the way you write them a lot, Author!Anon. It's fun without being too silly. And Spain reminds me of a friend of mine in high school. Hm, I wonder how's doing?

Good job, Author!Anon


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