Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [1/?] anonymous December 1 2009, 16:35:37 UTC
*1513 AD*
Francis looked up at the chapel ceiling. The finished work was truly beautiful. He remembered watching Michelangelo work on it. The painter was very agitated when he had caught Francis observing. But, what could he say? It was a work of beauty, and Francis had always been drawn to beautiful things.
He studied each intricately portrayed face for a few moments. The scenes were so lifelike, that Francis could almost imagine himself present at each event. The scene of the Creation of Adam and Eve kept bringing him back though. Something about that portrait was so irresistible, even if Francis could not figure out what it was. It was a beautiful scene, yes… But there was something more to it too, something that kept Francis studying that particular scene. Eventually, he shrugged and left the chapel, knowing he would come back soon.
*1519 AD*It was Christmas again, and Francis had found his way back to the Sistine Chapel to gaze at the ceiling again. After six years of gazing, he had finally pin-pointed exactly what it was that he ( ... )


Re: Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [1/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 01:10:43 UTC
This anon is very excited to see the rest of this fill. I like how you've started it and I cannot wait ;_;


Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [2/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 05:33:57 UTC
Short part is short... OTL Writernon apologizes. Hopefully this is going the way OP wanted though! Next part should be up soon.

*1523 AD*Francis was back again, gazing in rapture at the beautiful angel. He had long forgotten about all of the other scenes on the ceiling. He would much rather spend his time staring in wonder at that beautiful angel. Although truthfully, there was not anything particularly striking about the angel at all ( ... )


OP Here anonymous December 2 2009, 07:43:43 UTC


This is...beautiful. Absolutely beautiful! It's...perfect so far. I'm completely delighted.

This...this is the first fill I've been given so far...I've requested so much too...*Sniffle*

OP loves you very, very much. *Much hugs and luff*


Re: Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [2/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 12:25:37 UTC
I like the buildup you're doing before the character interaction between Matthew and Francis.

I would just like to fix three thing really quickly:
splendidé doesn't need the accent over the last e, it can be just splendide.
Le ange should be l'ange, as in French you don't usually have two vowels in front of one another.

Only things I really wanted to point out but I do enjoy it~


Re: Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [2/?] anonymous December 3 2009, 00:50:07 UTC
Eeee really loving how you're handling Romano and France in this fill! I don't see a lot of interaction between them very often... Also, I loved the lines after Romano realized he'd been cussing in a church XD

Can't wait for an update! (and for Matty to appear)


Re: Le Mien Pour Toujours et à Jamais Amen [2/?] anonymous January 9 2010, 17:58:28 UTC
Ah, I know I'm a month or so late but your story is beautifully written thus far~! I can't wait for the next entry. ^^

Thank you for Posting.


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