Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Civil War MegaRequest anonymous November 14 2009, 04:06:53 UTC
I want an epic history!fic about the Civil War and the events that lead up to it.

I want to see Bleeding Kansas and the Missouri Compromise.

I want to see the resentment of the Northern State-tans over the Fugitive Slave Act.

I want to see the 1860 election.

I want to see the Deep South Seceding when Lincoln is Elected.

I want to see Virginia tear herself apart.

I want to see the States fighting viciously.

I want to see the Trent Affair.

I want to see Gettysburg AND The Fall of Vicksburg, not just any one theater.

I want to see Everything about the Civil War.

Historical Accuracy is a MUST!

Bonus: Alfred, unable bear the thought of taking up arms against his own people becomes a medic who heals both sides without bias.

(Sorry for the big request, just finished the latest Wheel of Time book and need an Epic fix)


This may be relevant to your interests... anonymous November 14 2009, 06:39:42 UTC

That's an old fill of mine involving the Civil War. It may not be exactly what you're asking for, because it personifies most of the conflict as state-family drama, so it leaves out actual battles. I don't know if I can call it 'epic,' but it's pretty long.


OP here anonymous November 14 2009, 15:44:30 UTC
Ick. It has mpreg. I imagine State and Nation-tans just sort of coalescing as polities form. I'm sure it's a fine fill, but I can't read anything with even a hint of mpreg.


different!anon anonymous November 14 2009, 20:24:03 UTC
Rude much?

It doesn't matter how much you like or dislike something, this anon pointed you towards a fill relevant to your interests.

You don't say, "Ew. No." You thank them, whether you read it or not.

And another note: many of your requests have been done before. Search for them yourself.


another!anon anonymous November 21 2009, 21:21:04 UTC
I totally agree with "different!anon"--that was rude. All you needed to say was thank you. You come off as immature and condescending, which isn't good especially considering your massive fill.


OP here anonymous November 22 2009, 00:20:28 UTC
Yes. You're both right. It was wrong of me to react how I did. I would like to formally apologize to the anon who rec'd the fic.

I'm sorry.


Virginia's Closet Cleaning anonymous November 14 2009, 17:40:49 UTC
I wrote this eons ago but abandoned it. OP has inspired me. Anon may take awhile as anon has to rethink the plot to get everything you asked for. The story takes place in a flashback starting a little after the 1860 election so get ready for flashbacks inside a flashback to get those earlier request. italics=present day

“I have to get this done.” Virginia said to herself with determination ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning 2 anonymous November 14 2009, 17:48:53 UTC
Before the genteel Southern state was a mountain - no, several mountains - of various objects from over the decades. They were literally piles of useless junk she had never spared a second glance at since putting in here. Just how big was this closet? How long would this take her? A year ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning 3 anonymous November 14 2009, 17:55:08 UTC
Cannons in the distance and musket fire up close, officers shouting orders and men yelling in anger and fear and pain across the field: the sounds of war surrounded the exhausted Virginia. Lines of soldiers, blue and grey marching towards each other, halting only to aim, fire, and unleash a wave of death upon the opposing side and filling the air with the smell of gunpowder. Lines collapsing as soldiers from one side of the battlefield reached the other and bayonets and small arms replaced the massive fire lines. Fighting each other, slaughtering each other, dying amongst one another ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning 4 anonymous November 14 2009, 17:57:05 UTC
Georgia’s blue eyes struggled to stay open. Slowly, every blink brought them further to a close before they shut completely. Virginia felt her body turn cold ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning 5 anonymous November 14 2009, 17:58:48 UTC
Virginia glared at him and growled, “Not as long as I draw breathe ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning Pt. 2 anonymous November 15 2009, 02:44:03 UTC
January, 1861If Virginia was not a lady she would have been stomping down the hall to her father’s study, cursing loud enough to make New Jersey blush. She would be slamming her fists on the door until becoming fed up to the point of kicking it down with a pair of well worn boots. Lastly she would be demanding an immediate action from her father by standing on her toes and screaming in his face ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning Pt. 2 (2) anonymous November 15 2009, 02:49:26 UTC
“Father, I demand you do something about this!” she growled ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning Pt. 2 (3) anonymous November 15 2009, 02:50:49 UTC
Virginia’s shoulders sagged. She had said that with more temper than she had intended but everything she had spoken was true ( ... )


Virginia's Closet Cleaning Pt. 2 (4) anonymous November 15 2009, 02:52:35 UTC
Then he ruined it by lifting his hand off her shoulder and set it atop her head, ruffling her, until just then, neatly combed hair ( ... )


Re: Virginia's Closet Cleaning Pt. 2 (4) anonymous November 15 2009, 09:20:16 UTC
ouch anon.

this is amazing. keep going!


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