Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Japan/England - Tea and Reading the Atmosphere anonymous November 14 2009, 01:39:04 UTC
So I was reading an article about the similarities between Japan and England, and this sentence came up: "Britons and Japanese alike organize their lives around small, secular rituals like cups of tea, talk about the weather to avoid talking about their feelings, and so forth."

So. Anon would love to see Japan and England doing that while England stays over at Japan's for a night: avoiding their feelings for each other over tea and small talk. Up to author if it's an already established relationship or it doesn't exist yet. But somehow, I don't care how, all that restrained passion and emotion all comes out and tea is spilled and sex is had right there on top of the tea table. Right there.

Bonus: Japan tops. Hard. And England loves it.

Bonus 2: Japan really likes to watch England - watch himself touching England, watch England's reaction, he just loves to watch him, and that is apparent in the fic.

*covers face* PleaseIloveyouplease?


Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 1/2 anonymous November 15 2009, 09:36:58 UTC
They both know why they are here. England's hair is still wet at the tips from the bath, and Japan is doctoring both their flushes with tea, steaming, near-clear, the scent of it pure and heavy and delicate through the winter air.

They have made alliances before, of course- and even if there is something unpleasantly mercenary about the practice of Nations sealing an alliance, there is nothing unpleasant about the lines of England's shoulders draped in silk, nor the elegance and grace of Japan's hands pouring the tea ( ... )


Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 2/2 anonymous November 15 2009, 09:37:52 UTC
He moans when Japan begins to prepare him. He had not been disassembling- his hips angle themselves automatically and his toes curl, he wants it, wants this, and it is apparent in every line of his body, open and welcoming. But for the scars, his skin would be white and soft as any lady's, even his hands clenching themselves in the cloth draped over the table, for England usually wears gloves.

Before what Japan's courtesy would think to be sufficient England is reaching for him, hands urgent, pulling the smaller nation over him on the table and kissing at his neck, his mouth, his throat, mouthing the mmmm Japan allows himself at their erections rubbing against each other, settling Japan between his legs and pressing lightly on the small of his back, asking without words.

Japan acquiesces, eagerly. England is tight, tighter because he has not consented to further preparation, his face is lovely in it's enjoyment, and Japan's pants mingle with the shameless noises the act is forcing out of England, little muffled ohs and ahs. Japan ( ... )


Re: Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 2/2 anonymous November 15 2009, 16:24:40 UTC
Oh Japan. So coy and yet so extremely dirty &hearts

Awesome fill, writer!anon :D


OP Here anonymous November 15 2009, 21:08:23 UTC

aksjko <3

Oh my god. I love you madly, author!anon. Madly.

This was everything I could have asked for. Right down to your turns of phrase and wording. The emotional quality and the sheer raw of the want, the pacing, the beautiful and elegant writing, everything. And god, you can write.

This was beautiful and quiet and fierce. It was everything I think of when I think Japan and England. I... am having a hard time giving feedback 'cause I am still so enamored with it. XD;;

I adored the lunging and the silk. The tea, yes, the tea is just so, just perfect. The table, oh god, the table and the falling off of it and not caring. The scars, England's hands being bare. Japan's coyness and control. England's wanton nature shining through despite their control. The shortened prepping. England's noises. Finding the angle and oh my god, England's reaction, his dark and wild eyes - that is possibly my favorite part, "startled with the amazement of it" and the sudden stillness in the middle of it all. Gorgeous ( ... )


Re: Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 2/2 anonymous November 15 2009, 21:08:30 UTC
I adored this.


Re: Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 2/2 anonymous November 16 2009, 00:52:55 UTC
It's taken me far too long to reply to this, because I didn't know how to convey quite how gorgeous and subtle and well written this is, and so I might have to print this out, cover it in scribbly hearts and then scan it in again just to show you how much I love this.



Re: Tea and Reading the Atmosphere (Fill) 2/2 anonymous July 24 2010, 11:56:34 UTC

For you, anon: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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