Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Smile: Part 1 anonymous November 12 2009, 12:24:45 UTC
GOD. DAMN. YOU. ANON. Yes, this is ranting-anon from before, with a plot bunny to end all plot bunnies. I warn you, there will be one semi-serious moment, but it will begin and end with cute. SO MUCH CUTE.


It started with someone knocking on his front door. Very loudly. With their foot.


Germany rolled over in bed and looked at his clock. Six in the morning. And it was a Saturday. He half-fell out of bed, wondering what Romano wanted to tell him that couldn't wait until a more decent hour.

He didn't even bother brushing his hair, let alone putting some actual clothes on, before he swung the door open and promptly held a hand up to block the foot he knew was coming.

Instead, he got a face full of something small, mostly white, and poofy.

"What did you do?" Romano demanded again, and Germany blinked a few times to clear his still-asleep eyes. Finally, it registered that the band of brown-red was in fact hair, and Romano was holding...a child ( ... )


Re: Smile: Part 1 anonymous November 12 2009, 14:02:15 UTC

More soon, please, I hope?


Re: Smile: Part 1 anonymous November 12 2009, 14:08:14 UTC

Oh, Lovino~

Can't wait for more! ♥


OP Squees anonymous November 12 2009, 17:39:57 UTC
Oh gods this is just...beyond what I had been expecting and it's only the first part! Just...I love your style and your characterizations and just...everything. Poor half asleep befuddled Germany, poor confused Italy and his naughty grandpa Rome. And Romano oh gods he's just...I just laughed so hard at everything that came out of his mouth. I can so see him finding Italy and immediately blaming Germany who's not even in the same country at the time. Of course what he's really saying underneath his rant is... "Germany will know how to fix this, Germany will do everything in his power to fix it" but it comes out in that lovable Romano way instead... *snerks*

And the image of Germany holding Italy when he's all chibi...just...*sighs*

Seriously I love this beyond words already and can't wait for more. And intermixed seriousness is totally fine especially when it's wrapped in cute and silliness.

Oy...was that flaily enough for you... *snerks*


Re: OP Squees anonymous November 12 2009, 23:21:09 UTC
XD You sound a bit like author-anon responding to a recent fill to her request. (A fill that has yet to be continued since part 7 closed, much to my sadness...)

Thank you! There is more cuteness to come!


Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 15 2009, 03:53:20 UTC
"I've got no clue."

Germany's hand made contact with his face for what might have been the third time since England's arrival.

"No idea how this happened," he said softly.


England had, since his arrival, swirled no less than twelve different kinds of talismans and charms around Italy, made him drink stuff that was six different colors (okay, one of them was more like a weird rainbow), and drawn more chalk circles on the floor and walls for Germany's comfort. And he still had no idea.

"I guess you'll just have to ask your Grandfather what he wants you to see when you go to sleep tonight," England sighed. Germany could tell he wasn't being sarcastic, which is why that reply hadn't earned England a punch to the eyebrows.

Romano, on the other hand, was sputtering on the couch, making confused hand gestures in Italy's direction, then in Germany's, and then towards somewhere near the back wall.

"What do you mean you have no idea?" He finally managed to get out. "You're the one who knows the most about this--this--this ( ... )


OP anonymous November 15 2009, 04:33:48 UTC
This fic...just makes me all sorts of happy. Loved Prussia's entrance/reaction and the fact that he just takes off with Italy without a second thought. Just perfect!


Re: Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 15 2009, 13:17:30 UTC
Bwahahaha! Niice!

Did you update this on the Fill Index page, by the way? (Sorry if you did already - It's just that I didn't notice it there...)


Re: Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 16 2009, 09:30:49 UTC
...no, I didn't XD I was gonna wait until I get to part 3 or so before I posted another link. Just so I don't spam the list (it could be not spamming it at all, and I could be doing the whole oh please don't let me bother you thing, but still XD).


Smile: Part 3 anonymous December 10 2009, 09:53:25 UTC
Germany arrived at Austria's house only to be greeted with the sight of Austria, seeming to have finally snapped, beating his brother senseless with Hungary's frying pan while the bruised German in question just laughed himself sick.

"That was not" clang "by any means" clang "funny!Germany saw Hungary in the living room having some tea with Italy, who was still just as small as ever, and bypassed the two to join them ( ... )


OP!! anonymous December 10 2009, 16:52:21 UTC
Yay!! *claps* I was just beginning to wonder about this one and here the next part has popped up into my inbox it certainly did bring a smile to my face. OMG...of course the first thing Prussia would thing to do with the return of Chibitalia is to use him to torment Austria I have to wonder what other plans he he'd cooked up. Probably tormenting Spain and France in much the same fashion.

I adored the small bit of Austria and Italy interaction. I wish more people would address their connection in fics it's so incredibly rare which is strange because it's really not that different then America/England when America was a child or Spain and Romano. I suppose it's because Austria is just not that popular a character in the fandom.

Anyway thanks again for taking this up and I can't wait to see more!


Re: Smile: Part 3 anonymous January 24 2010, 01:57:29 UTC
Just discovered this one today. This is simply adorable! Please say this hasn't been abandoned...


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