Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 15 2009, 03:53:20 UTC
"I've got no clue."

Germany's hand made contact with his face for what might have been the third time since England's arrival.

"No idea how this happened," he said softly.


England had, since his arrival, swirled no less than twelve different kinds of talismans and charms around Italy, made him drink stuff that was six different colors (okay, one of them was more like a weird rainbow), and drawn more chalk circles on the floor and walls for Germany's comfort. And he still had no idea.

"I guess you'll just have to ask your Grandfather what he wants you to see when you go to sleep tonight," England sighed. Germany could tell he wasn't being sarcastic, which is why that reply hadn't earned England a punch to the eyebrows.

Romano, on the other hand, was sputtering on the couch, making confused hand gestures in Italy's direction, then in Germany's, and then towards somewhere near the back wall.

"What do you mean you have no idea?" He finally managed to get out. "You're the one who knows the most about this--this--this stuff!"

"I've done every test I know of. I can't find any discernible reason for this. If this Grandfather of yours is behind it, it might be because he's trying to tell you something. None of my business. Good day."

Romano was still at a loss for words when England made his way out the door--

--only to be knocked aside by Prussia as he came charging through the door.

"WEST!" He called. "You'll never guess what I found at--"

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Italy, sitting in an armchair that made him look downright tiny and currently in the process of eating a chocolate coronet, smiling happily, not seeming to mind the fact that England had been of no help (and apparently no worse for the wear after the bizarre things England had made him drink). He swallowed his mouthful of chocolate and waved to Prussia.

There was a long, long moment of silence between the nations, interrupted only by England finally making his way out the door, muttering something obscene.

In an instant, Prussia's entire appearance changed. His eyes went from narrow and focused to wide and just a little less edgy (which for Prussia was downright soft). His arms dropped from their previous bold extension. His jaw dropped open just the slightest bit. Even the little bird sitting on his head seemed to drop what it was doing and stare at Italy.

The bird seemed to recover first; it flew up to Italy and began to circle around him, chirping happily. Italy finished his coronet and reached up to try and catch the bird, but it flew away from him and began to fly back towards Prussia. Italy promptly hopped off his chair and chased after the bird, following it as it flew in lazy circles around the room.

Prussia finally found his voice.



"Who is that?"

"It's Veniciano. We've got no clue how it happened."

Prussia snorted with laughter.

"What's so funny, you perverted schnitzel?" Romano threw one of the couch pillows at his head. Prussia ignored it.

"I just got the most awesome idea."

Without another word, he picked up Italy (who had finally managed to get the bird to land on his hand and had been petting it gently) and took off.

It was all of half a second before Germany and Romano were running after him.


OP anonymous November 15 2009, 04:33:48 UTC
This fic...just makes me all sorts of happy. Loved Prussia's entrance/reaction and the fact that he just takes off with Italy without a second thought. Just perfect!


Re: Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 15 2009, 13:17:30 UTC
Bwahahaha! Niice!

Did you update this on the Fill Index page, by the way? (Sorry if you did already - It's just that I didn't notice it there...)


Re: Smile: Part 2 anonymous November 16 2009, 09:30:49 UTC
...no, I didn't XD I was gonna wait until I get to part 3 or so before I posted another link. Just so I don't spam the list (it could be not spamming it at all, and I could be doing the whole oh please don't let me bother you thing, but still XD).


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