Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Three and half nations 1/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:28:28 UTC
Harharharharhar! Isn't the title soooo clever? This is written by 2 anons! So yeah…it's awesomeIt's a typical meeting, Al is claiming himself the hero, Im Yong Soo was claiming to be the origin of everything and Arthur and Wang were shouting at said younger brothers. Sighing to himself Ludwig stood up and brought the meeting to order again. A loud rant and Feliciano's proclamation of love of pasta after there was silence ( ... )


Three and half nations 2/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:29:27 UTC
"Good job you did there…" Ludwig growled, growing more irate. He was getting into a useless argument with the American, one that wouldn't help either of them or anyone else (or find their mia brothers,) "Look, I just want to find our brothers…and maybe yell at them so do you know where your brother might be, or not ( ... )


Three and half nations 3/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:32:21 UTC
Alfred ignored what was happening in the background, and concentrated all his attention on Ludwig. "I've had it up to here with you! I'm so pissed I just want to…to…"

"Kiss you." Matt supplied helpfully.

"Kiss you!" Alfred mimicked, before realizing what he had said. "What no!"

While Gilbert laughed at Matt and his' brothers' fight, Ludwig turned a darker shade of red that had nothing to do with anger. "T-This is…!" he fumbled over the words, trying to make them come out and only managed to look more like a gapping fish ( ... )


Three and half nations 4/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:33:31 UTC
"Go close the door then come here Alfie…" Gilbert laughed, wide grin still alive and well, "I'll make you goood and comfortable ( ... )


Three and half nations 5/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:34:35 UTC
"Give him a break, he's a bit a slow. He had become close to Feliciano but he and that kid both screwed it up with the valentines incident. Then after the war he was felt to guilty even try to touch anyone." Gilbert sighed. "We'll break him in nice and slow, but his ass virginity belongs to Feliciano, so we'll take his other virginity ( ... )


Three and half nations 6/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:35:46 UTC
"Ja…" Ludwig gasped, sighed and moaned at the same time, sounding desperate and more then ready ( ... )


Three and half nations 7/8 (I screwed up on counting) anonymous November 6 2009, 02:37:28 UTC
Matthew nodded. "Gilbert has been a wonderful diplomat for you." He said, patting said nations's ass ( ... )


Three and half nations 8/8 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:40:02 UTC
Gilbert quivered while Ludwig's thrusts grew more hurried, desperate for release ( ... )


OP!! anonymous November 6 2009, 03:01:05 UTC

Oh gods that was...yummy! I adored clueless, befuddled Germany and adored Canada to bits and pieces. He's so often the blushing virgin in fics it's nice to see him directing traffic and being more experienced then Al for a change.

Just perfect, thank you anon(s)!


Re: OP!! anonymous November 19 2009, 17:24:16 UTC
author!anon #1 and #2 both have this odd idea that Germany is a complete virgin. Should you ever read any of our other fills, it will seem like a pattern.

Our Canada is also usually snarky and dominating (even to his brother XD)

But so glad you enjoyed <3


Re: Three and half nations 8/8 anonymous November 6 2009, 17:03:20 UTC
Why, hello there new favorite foursome pairing! :D

ANON THIS WAS THE MOST HOTTEST, SEXIST THING I'VE READ ON THE MEME!! I hope de-anon soon so I know who worship properly!


Re: Three and half nations 8/8 anonymous November 6 2009, 20:41:11 UTC
Ah we'll be posting lots of fills here, especially in December. Don't think we'll de-anon since I kinda…'left' fandom and they (being the other party) doesn't really want to uhm…be open.


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