Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Three and half nations 3/9 anonymous November 6 2009, 02:32:21 UTC
Alfred ignored what was happening in the background, and concentrated all his attention on Ludwig. "I've had it up to here with you! I'm so pissed I just want to…to…"

"Kiss you." Matt supplied helpfully.

"Kiss you!" Alfred mimicked, before realizing what he had said. "What no!"

While Gilbert laughed at Matt and his' brothers' fight, Ludwig turned a darker shade of red that had nothing to do with anger. "T-This is…!" he fumbled over the words, trying to make them come out and only managed to look more like a gapping fish.

"Do it." Matt said, stopping momentarily to watch them. "It'll be good for diplomatic relationships."

Alfred shook his head stubbournly. "Hello no! I'm not kissing that sausage lover!"

"Heh, he's in D-E-N-I-A-L…" Gilbert laughed in his typical arrogant but amused way.

Matt chuckled at that, his eyes still on his brother. "Do it or I'll tell them about Nantucket."

"You wouldn't!" Alfred said, in shock.

"I would." Matt replied evily.

"Fine." Alfred said with a glare and grabtable Ludwig's shoulders in order to pull him in for a deep kiss.

"AHMK?!" Ludwig grasped, ridged as a board and probably about as fun to kiss too.

"West you totally suck…" Gilbert sighed, feeling bad for his little Brüder, "I thought Feli-chan would have at least shown you how to kiss."

Alfred wiped his lips after pulling back. "It's like kissing a dead fish."

Matt grinned at that. "He's insulting you Ludwig."

"I…wait…HUH?" Ludwig gaped, looking at the three completely confused.

"Bring him here and close the door, we'll show you both how it's done." Gilbert laughed, smiling his 'shit eating grin'.

Matt nodded at that. "I like where you're going with this. Yes, come here Ludwig and bring my brother."

"N-no way." Alfred said, shaking his head and looking about ready to run.

"Hm…what was that about Nantucket Mattie?" Gilbert asked, grin only getting wider.

Matt grineed evily. "Well when you-"

"Fine!" Alfred shouted, grabbing Ludwig and pulling the other towards Matthew and Gilbert.

"Wait!" Ludwig shouted as he stumbled along, "The meeting and…!"

"Close the door too!" Gilbert said, still smirking as he grabtable his brother and forced him down, holding his arms. "Now West, we're going to teach you to relax, okay?"

"This isn't 'teaching me to relax'!" Ludwig shouted, trying to struggle in his brothers' and now Matthew's arms. "We're all missing the meeting!"

Matthew chuckled and kissed Ludwig's neck. "I doubt they'll think too much of us being gone for a little bit."

Alfred stood beside them looking awkward and uncomfortable.


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