Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Yandere!Denmark/female or Genderbent Nation anonymous November 4 2009, 04:04:45 UTC
So ah, here's the prompt:

Ok, so Denmark's been rather...er...obsessed with a certain nation-tan. He's been stalking her, staring at her from the world meetings, and acting rather possessive of her.

Finally, the female nation confronts Denmark about it, and then he gives her the fucking of her life.

The catch?

Denmark can't be obssesed over Norway nor Ukraine, and needs to be his cheerful self the whole time until he rapes her, then he turns into a creepy yandere.

Dub-con, dominance and submission is requested as well in the fill, please?


Obsession (1/?) anonymous November 21 2009, 22:19:05 UTC
I'm not the anon who offered to fill originally. I hope OP doesn't mind I genderbended Canada for this“No! Stop!” Canada cried out as she was shoved into a nearby closet, the much taller nation simply smirked, slamming the door behind him, “Denmark, w-what's wrong with you?!” Canada winced as he slammed her back against the wall of the closest, gripping at her wrists so she couldn't fight back. Not that she really had the strength to even do so ( ... )


Re: Obsession (1/?) anonymous November 22 2009, 00:14:29 UTC
Dammit Anon, why'd do you have to stop before we got smut?


Re: Obsession (1/?) anonymous November 22 2009, 03:38:09 UTC


Re: Obsession (1/?) anonymous November 22 2009, 06:15:15 UTC
Anon, anon! Please continue! Please!


Re: Obsession (1/?) anonymous November 29 2009, 00:28:16 UTC

that was a very evil cliff hanger xD


Chalk White [1/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 18:52:33 UTC
Denmark had a long and thorough memory; they all did. So he could remember when she was a little brat with tangled hair and deep green eyes. He had never seen eyes like hers before and he had been endlessly fascinated by their color. Of course… he hadn’t known she was female then. To him, she was a boy, the runt of the pack of brothers that ruled the two white isles. But only she had eyes as dark as a mountain forest, a peculiar color so unlike the clear blues of water and sky or the browns of earth and aged wood. He had never seen such a color before trapped within a human face and never saw the exact color ever again ( ... )


Chalk White [2/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 18:53:20 UTC
“Oh- this is very lovely,” she said, looking up to his oddly earnest face. “You really didn’t have to- I do have a wonderful copy for myself…. But thank you.” He all but beamed at her. She flipped over another few pages, treated to a water color of a sleeping Elise being carried by her enchanted swan brothers ( ... )


Chalk White [3/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 18:54:55 UTC
Denmark put down the bottle and laughed, the not wholly unexpected flurry of emotion that had welled up in his chest from her previous words vanishing in the face of such obvious hilarity. She opened one eye to gesture rather rudely at him. “Go to hell, you bastard.” Unsteadily, she leaned heavily on the table to get to her feet again. “I’m heading off ( ... )


Chalk White [4/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 18:59:26 UTC
A hungover England generally led to fewer arguments but at the same time led to more- tempers, given that she was reluctant to raise her voice while having even less patience for fools than usual coupled with any sound louder than a fly buzzing. Nothing more eventful than Switzerland narrowly getting three headshots on France occurred during the last hours, however. It was almost disappointing ( ... )


Chalk White [5/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 19:00:16 UTC
She stood very still, her eyes still fixed on his, refusing to look away from him. His lips curved in another smile.

“You were so small,” he mused. “So very, very small. You might as well have been a fairy, I think. If fairies had twigs in their hair and mud all over them- no, that’s probably what a fairy is. Dirt and all. You were just that little bit odd, after all. That- weird.” He tasted the word carefully, recalling that it was one of those old words that got twisted over time (not that the study of words was his specialty by any means but some things… you never forgot).

“You confused the hell out of the men too. That nice cloak, that torque you were wearing. But you couldn’t have been a chieftain’s child. You were always alone… and you were already older than any one of them. The men, I mean. Not that they would ever know.” He let out a puff of air, still studying her.

“But they liked you. In a way.” He grinned. “They figured that you had to be important to someone. Or useful some other way.” He slowly stood up and he noted ( ... )


Chalk White [6/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 19:03:24 UTC
She always did have too active of an imagination; her eyes turned to glass, blank and too bright. He stole a kiss from her still, parted lips, tongue slipping into her mouth to coax her back to life. His fingers undid the rest of the little buttons of her blouse, parting the sides to expose her breasts. England didn’t resist even as he pulled away the cups of the bra, exposing her nipples to the air and to his fingers. She didn’t so much as wince as he pinched the pale nubs rather ungently before he cupped her breasts. They fit rather well in his hands. He was not surprised that her skin felt so cool, though he was vaguely surprised to see that her underwear was black ( ... )


Chalk White [7/7] anonymous February 3 2010, 19:06:51 UTC
“Suck,” he told her in neither monotone nor mockery. “No teeth.” But he couldn’t resist a brilliantly white grin ( ... )


Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 3 2010, 19:09:35 UTC
The comparison of mead to piss is a reference Neil Gaiman’s spectacular book “American Gods.”

The “melancholy storyteller” is Hans Christian Andersen, if the Ugly Duckling reference wasn’t clear. He was incredibly popular in England though he rather overstayed his welcome, at least according to Charles Dickens.

On that note… swans are vicious bastards. Seriously. They can break your arm with a wingflap should they feel threatened (or if you pose a threat to their cygnets). Do not mess with waterfowl. It’s already bad enough when you get chased by geese.

The author will now go and have a very stiff drink. This damn fill took way too long, even thanks to someone who gave a good deal of help in writing this, particularly in getting someone so stubborn as England to get into this situation because whether male or female, England does not submit.


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 3 2010, 22:29:23 UTC
Oh my god... That was simply amazing. Wow, this was so well written. I think I need to read it again.
And agreed on both counts that swans are incredibly vicious and England does not submit. I loved your characterization of Fem!England.


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 4 2010, 01:15:36 UTC
I loved the writing, and the story and the gorgeous description, but must admit I found it oddly jarring (and a little hard to believe) that England would get so caught up in a memory/imagined scenario that she'd give in like that.

Perhaps it's harder because it's not from her perspective, and only from Denmark's, so I can't see her thought processes, but what he said didn't seem enough to "trigger" the traumatic flashback/catatonic state, especially if he was talking only of meeting her as a child, and not the point in the past where he'd raped(?) her in a similar fashion.

tl;dr, I enjoyed this very much, but felt as if it would have been much more natural for it to have been a violent non-con - or even sort of angry hatesex - rather than passive submission. Sorry!


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