Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Yandere!Denmark/female or Genderbent Nation anonymous November 4 2009, 04:04:45 UTC
So ah, here's the prompt:

Ok, so Denmark's been rather...er...obsessed with a certain nation-tan. He's been stalking her, staring at her from the world meetings, and acting rather possessive of her.

Finally, the female nation confronts Denmark about it, and then he gives her the fucking of her life.

The catch?

Denmark can't be obssesed over Norway nor Ukraine, and needs to be his cheerful self the whole time until he rapes her, then he turns into a creepy yandere.

Dub-con, dominance and submission is requested as well in the fill, please?


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 4 2010, 02:42:35 UTC
I agree with you wholeheartedly. This is not one of my finer pieces and frankly, it became rather wretched for me. That's never a good state for a story to be for a writer. -sigh-

The only trouble is that at this point, should Denmark force his attentions on her, England would have killed him. And I do not exaggerate for comedic value.

But thank you very much for your honesty!


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 4 2010, 22:26:44 UTC
oh dear, I'm sorry the experience of writing ended up being less than positive! I'd like to read your other pieces, actually (are you the fem!England writer or the one who wrote the other deliciously creepy Denmark/England piece?)

I understand, totally - it's either having England slightly out of character or ending up without the sex and leaving the OP's request unfulfilled.

I hope the comment didn't come across too harsh - your writing is honestly beautiful, and I think Denmark's fixation on fem!England and his wanting to see her react to him (whether lovingly or in anger) is absolutely perfect. ♥
I hope there's an Alternate Universe where they hook up.


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 4 2010, 22:35:53 UTC
I don't take any offense at all. Constructive criticism is always something I welcome with relief and pleasure; it's so hard to bloody find it, unfortunately.

I write a lot of fem!England (I call her "Alana" but I've been using it less and less) but this is the first time I've ever written Denmark (except as a passing reference here or there). I'm tempted to write a more historical piece with England/Denmark based on one of their royal marriages (Princess Caroline Matilda of England and Christian VII of Sweden) and a funny little head canon I have (when Nations form new treaties and alliances, they consummate them, which is where I got on my England/Prussia kick).


Re: Chalk White [Author's Notes] anonymous February 4 2010, 19:02:55 UTC
Deliciously creepy fill, anon. While I agree with what was said before that it's hard to see England in any form simply lying back and allowing him/herself to be violated like this (unless perhaps, they were hurt to the point where s/he knew they had no chance to escape, in which case I can see them acting like this to preserve what dignity they could, in a 'lalala I don't care what you do to me, I am England, bitch' way) that doesn't take too much away from the effectiveness of the piece. It delivers what it promises, creepy!Denmark in particular and your writing style is wonderful. This anon is very happy to see more Denmark/England around!


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