Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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anonymous October 18 2009, 08:19:56 UTC
You know what America, Canada, Austria, Sweden, and Estonia all have in common?

The answer is: glasses.

What if all them got mixed-up and has one another's glasses and switched personalities?

Its up to anon!writer to decide who becomes who!


Corrected Vision, 1a/? anonymous October 18 2009, 19:18:02 UTC
America/Sweden requester-Anon decided to fill this. Filler!Anon apologizes for being a little too serious in this section, and for the introduction of OCs!South Africa ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision, 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 19:20:43 UTC
The nations that remainded were, to put it mildly, confused, but began to quickly recover. Germany reopened the conversation with a quick question to Japan on whether or not America's plan was really viable ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision, 1c/? anonymous October 18 2009, 19:34:19 UTC
"No, thank you," England responded. "Your idea of elevenses is Tim Horton's to go."

"Shame," Canada said as he got up. As Canada walked away, he came across a mirror and stared. England saw that he continued to stare. After about fifteen seconds, Canada began walking again, much more rapidly. England could hear him mutter, "No, no, this won't do. This will not do at all!"

"Well, it's break time then!" America said, and as if they'd heard the shot from a starter's pistol, they began leaving via the nearest door. Lithuania and Latvia were two of the first, walking out with each other. Behind them, a faint voice, non-descript, almost not identifiable as a voice, could barely be heard saying, "Hey, guys, wait for me. Guys?"

England, though, stayed seated. What's going on?, he thought. America wants food that sounds vaguely Eastern European, Canada wants to do elevenses, Austria's muttering like someone filled his mouth with marbles, and Sweden sounds like he's from Texas...hold on a mo, Texas? It then became very obvious ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision, One More Note anonymous October 18 2009, 19:59:13 UTC
Meant to mention this, but Xhosa's voice sounding like music is a tribute to the late, great Miriam Makeba.


Not OP, but whoa anonymous October 18 2009, 20:13:13 UTC
She did have a very lovely voice... ;o;

I'm really enjoying this story, and the cultural references make it even better! ^.^


Re: Corrected Vision, 1c/? anonymous October 18 2009, 20:26:48 UTC
Not!Op said great start anon!! I can sense the hilarity that this fill will become!

No glasses switch for Thailand, anon? *whimpers*


Author!Anon here... anonymous October 18 2009, 20:41:21 UTC
Remember, not!OP, seven nations got their glasses switched, and we've only seen five. Thailand is indeed one of the other two. And wait till you see what's happened to him.

reCaptcha: "russell blossom". Russell Brand/Soleil Moon Frye OTP!


Corrected Vision 2a/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:02:33 UTC
England didn't have the energy to lift his head from the conference table. Yes, his magic had backfired in the past. Busby's Chair not being able to out-evil Russia (although he did get a good measure of revenge by having Britannia Angel temporarily turn Russia back into 13th Century Novgorod, an incident for which Ukraine still hadn't forgiven him). The "sex curse" he tried on America that manifested as Hurricane Katrina. The "perpetual body odour curse" on France that only enhanced his sexual attraction. But this one might have won the prize. Four nations, at minimum, had been affected. All of them wear glasses, and that's what my spell was targeting, America's damn Texas glasses. How many nations wear glasses? All of them could be affected somehow. And I can't do anything about it. The spell has to wear off. Shit.


Speaking of shit... "What is it, France?" he asked, not lifting his head off the table ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision 2b/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:04:46 UTC
The plans that Vietnam and Thailand had made for lunch were more of a working nature, with the conference center Chinese restaurant being convenient, inexpensive, and, to Vietnam, delicious, almost reminiscent of her childhood. Thailand was paging through a rather detailed proposal that Vietnam had given him, while Vietnam was giving him the short version verbally ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision 2c/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:05:46 UTC
"What's going on? What the heck are you..."

"Shhhhh!" Thailand added his own smile, much less demure than Vietnam's. "I apologize. It's been a long time since I've done this. I'm a little out of practice. But we have bigger problems than the Mekong Delta. I think you and I can solve them." Vietnam thought that his smile was reaching the "feral" stage. She hesitated slightly before responding, partly afraid, but more curious.

"Problems like what?

"Problems like Laos and Cambodia. You and I may be a little behind the times, but they haven't even entered the Twentieth Century, let alone the Twenty-First. They need to be dragged into the modern world, uplifted, shown the benefits of what we've oh, so painfully learned."

He doesn't even sound like Thailand anymore, Vietnam thought. I know he's under a lot of strain right now. His boss has been around forever, he loves him so much, and he isn't well right now. His political situation is in chaos, but this...this is something different. I've got to find out what. "I hate ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision 2d/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:14:09 UTC
The two got up and left the restaurant, leaving a perfectly-good meal behind. As the two walked down the hall, Hungary passed them, not giving them a glance. She hadn't had a struggle with Austria. All she did was get him to their room, lay him down on their bed, take off his glasses, loosen his shirt, and slip a Rohypnol into his coffee. He was behaving normally almost immediately, and was now out like a light. She needed to get something to eat, then head back to the conference. Who knows how much potential perversion took place in there after she'd left? The cameras she had hidden wouldn't tell the whole story ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision 2e/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:18:29 UTC
"You want to..." Hungary paused as she collected her thoughts. "You want to open bars and nightclubs in Ulan Bator ( ... )


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 19 2009, 00:20:39 UTC
(reCaptcha: "and mooed". That's what I expect that some of those Mongolian ladyboys will be doing soon ( ... )


OP is here! anonymous October 19 2009, 07:25:48 UTC

Gah, OP does not know how to reply and accidently made another topic.
An~yways, I am so happy that its already filling out! Hooray!

I love you awesome!anon writer! And you too, not!OP for adding those cool bonuses!

Awesome!anon writer, I really want to see more so do continue!


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 20 2009, 14:28:36 UTC
I worship you for bringing these two in. *o* -gives you cookies-


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