Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

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hetalia kink meme
part 7



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Corrected Vision 2a/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:02:33 UTC
England didn't have the energy to lift his head from the conference table. Yes, his magic had backfired in the past. Busby's Chair not being able to out-evil Russia (although he did get a good measure of revenge by having Britannia Angel temporarily turn Russia back into 13th Century Novgorod, an incident for which Ukraine still hadn't forgiven him). The "sex curse" he tried on America that manifested as Hurricane Katrina. The "perpetual body odour curse" on France that only enhanced his sexual attraction. But this one might have won the prize. Four nations, at minimum, had been affected. All of them wear glasses, and that's what my spell was targeting, America's damn Texas glasses. How many nations wear glasses? All of them could be affected somehow. And I can't do anything about it. The spell has to wear off. Shit.


Speaking of shit... "What is it, France?" he asked, not lifting his head off the table.

"Did you fuck something up? This is your standard position you do that. Of course, the only thing you're able to fuck well is up." England didn't need to see the condescending, smarmy smile that France was wearing to know that it was there.

"Yes, I did. Now shut up and leave me alone. I'm in no mood for your standard sexual-based insults right now."

"I am perfectly capable of insulting someone in a non-sexual fashion," France said. "I just choose the sexual ones because I know they make all of you feel insecure. Especially you. If you want to be the World's Biggest Pervert, you have to be more secure about your sexuality, you know."

"Oh, God, just go away, France..."

"Does this have something to do with the strange way some of our fellow nations are behaving?"

"Nothing gets past you, does it?"

"In that case, merci beaucoup, Angleterre!"

This caused England to lift his head up and turn it in the direction of France's voice. "What are you thanking me for?"

"For sparing me from the utter, complete ennui of this conference. At least it's now interesting. Get up and we can get something to eat."

England pushed his chair out and did as France said.

"For your efforts, lunch is on me," France said. "And by that, I mean that I'm going to strip naked, lay down, place food all over my body, and you can manger to your heart's content."

England looked askance at the suggestion for a second, then simply said, "All right."


Re: Corrected Vision 2b/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:04:46 UTC
The plans that Vietnam and Thailand had made for lunch were more of a working nature, with the conference center Chinese restaurant being convenient, inexpensive, and, to Vietnam, delicious, almost reminiscent of her childhood. Thailand was paging through a rather detailed proposal that Vietnam had given him, while Vietnam was giving him the short version verbally.

"...and there's been so much positive publicity over the enormous amount of new species discovered in the Mekong Delta that I thought this would be a good time to make a push at the UN for some protection," Vietnam said. "None of us in Southeast Asia have the money for such an extensive environmental project, so we're going to need help on this one. I've got a lot of co-signatories on the measure, but I thought that another one of us making the pitch for this would be a good..."

"Yes, I agree," Thailand said abruptly. "I'll definitely join you on this. Before we continue, I need to say something."


"That is an incredibly lovely dress you're wearing." For the conference, Vietnam had ditched her normal, rather drab outfits for a knee-length black silk number with a blood-red belt and bright red trim. With a pair of black silk stockings completing the ensemble, the only word that could describe her was "elegant".

"I find I never have anything to really wear on occasions like this, so I rely on the old colonial connection, call up Chanel, and Karl whips up something special for me. I like this one, and I'm glad someone noticed." She smiled in a rather demure fashion, which caused a reaction from Thailand. That smile...she's so...so beautiful. She's the...she's the only one worthy of being my consort, to be at my side when we...

"You make communism phenomenally sexy, you know," Thailand said. Vietnam could hear his pitch decrease by nearly half an octave. The only way she could describe it was one-quarter compliment, three-quarters hunger.

"Are you coming on me?" This was a bit of a sore spot with Vietnam. After what she'd been through with France and America, nations coming on to her could have been nothing but a sore spot.

"Yes, I am." Thailand began to stare at her with intensity that seemed to be magnified by his glasses. His breathing started to grow heavy, which caused Vietnam to immediately put her mental guard up. Her expression didn't change, but Thailand thought that he saw a bit of fear in her eyes. And a bit of excitement too. Ah, she's incredible!


Re: Corrected Vision 2c/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:05:46 UTC
"What's going on? What the heck are you..."

"Shhhhh!" Thailand added his own smile, much less demure than Vietnam's. "I apologize. It's been a long time since I've done this. I'm a little out of practice. But we have bigger problems than the Mekong Delta. I think you and I can solve them." Vietnam thought that his smile was reaching the "feral" stage. She hesitated slightly before responding, partly afraid, but more curious.

"Problems like what?

"Problems like Laos and Cambodia. You and I may be a little behind the times, but they haven't even entered the Twentieth Century, let alone the Twenty-First. They need to be dragged into the modern world, uplifted, shown the benefits of what we've oh, so painfully learned."

He doesn't even sound like Thailand anymore, Vietnam thought. I know he's under a lot of strain right now. His boss has been around forever, he loves him so much, and he isn't well right now. His political situation is in chaos, but this...this is something different. I've got to find out what. "I hate to ask this, Thailand, but have...well, have you been paying visits to the Golden Triangle lately?"

"No, I'm more high on the possibilities of...a strategic alliance between you and me." The pause needed a diamond saw to cut through. "My army needs a purpose before they start causing more trouble, maybe even lapsing into the old ways of protecting drug dealers. They move in from the east, your People's Army moves in from the west. We could even use your environmental plan as justification, say that we're invading to protect the Delta. To protect Angkor Wat and the other historical sites in danger. Combine the old techniques with Western spin. As I said, show those two the benefits of being part of us."

"Part of us? What 'us' is there?" Vietnam learned how to express incredulity early on, from China, and she used this ability to full effect. "Do you know how different we are? I'm a People's Republic. You're a constitutional monarchy. That's a little tough to mesh, you know."

"That won't be a problem," Thailand said very calmly. "Not after we declare the Indochina Khanate."

"The what!?"

"One nation, one army, one Indochinese people. And once we meet, we continue west, through my land, and take care of the biggest problem we have. No more of this 'Myanmar' shit. Burma becomes ours. We can even invite Malaysia and Bangladesh in on the fun. We eliminate their military government, free Aung San Suu Kyi, and give Burma's people the help they deserve." Thailand leaned over the table and gently lifted Vietnam's chin. "You and I. Together. We can do it."

Vietnam just looked at him with a blank stare, not truly comprehending what was happening. She still hadn't reached the point of comprehension when he began kissing her. Her resistance didn't last a fraction of a second, not after she looked into his eyes again and saw a fire blazing in them, one that she'd never seen in him before. She hadn't seen it since...well, not since poor Cambodia was in his Khmer glory. She couldn't help but be consumed. After all, this wasn't napalm.

The kiss broke, and Thailand was still smiling in a nearly-predatory fashion. Vietnam got up from her chair, straightened her dress slightly, and looked at him. "So, this alliance you propose."

"Yes. The alliance first, then the Khanate."

"One thing at a time, joyboy. I wish to try this alliance out before I commit. I believe my room is closer." Now her smile was near-predatory.


Re: Corrected Vision 2d/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:14:09 UTC
The two got up and left the restaurant, leaving a perfectly-good meal behind. As the two walked down the hall, Hungary passed them, not giving them a glance. She hadn't had a struggle with Austria. All she did was get him to their room, lay him down on their bed, take off his glasses, loosen his shirt, and slip a Rohypnol into his coffee. He was behaving normally almost immediately, and was now out like a light. She needed to get something to eat, then head back to the conference. Who knows how much potential perversion took place in there after she'd left? The cameras she had hidden wouldn't tell the whole story.

"Hungary? Wait up! I need to talk to you!"

The voice behind her sounded familiar, but she couldn't really place it. Until she turned around.

"Mongolia!" she yelled, spitting out the words like poison she'd sucked from a wound. "You'd better stop right now! You know the deal. The restraining order is still in effect. No more than three meters."

Someone that Estonia described as a "short little nerd with bad dress sense", who sported the nerd glasses to give him the full effect, shouldn't have needed a restraining order against him for anything. But the nebbish looks and shy manners belied his past. Very few people who saw him remembered him the way he was. This was the nation that had once conquered more territory than Grandpa Rome. And he hadn't done it in a polite fashion.

"Come on, Hungary," Mongolia said, almost whining, as he stopped, judging the distance between him and the woman to be sufficient to not be hauled into the Hague on charges. "It's been eight centuries."

"It's going to be eight millennia before I even start to forget about what you did," Hungary responded, not changing the look of disgust on her face. "Ravaging my lands, forcing your language on me, killing Magyar. And that was nothing compared to what you did to Russia and China. No wonder they keep you on a choke chain. That nerd act doesn't fly with us."

Mongolia looked to the ground. "Yeah, I did that," he said, just loud enough for Hungary to hear (which had to be loud considering the distance between them). "And that's why I wanted to talk to you."

"What would you have to talk to me about?"

"A business proposition, actually." Mongolia lifted his head. No, Hungary's expression hadn't changed.

"Your business propositions go something like, 'I want ten percent of everything, and if you don't give it to me, I'll kill your men, rape your women, and steal your lands.' Sorry, but I'm an EU member. We tend to have rules against that sort of thing."

Mongolia blushed again. "Okay, I admit that I've always had a hard time meeting women, and puberty was a real bitch for me."

"You're blaming the Golden Horde on your hormones?!"

"I thought that if anyone would understand about bad puberties, it'd be you." Hungary thought about that one for a moment, recalling her disappointment about getting her first period rather than, as she thought, growing a penis. Her expression softened slightly.

"You have thirty seconds to explain your proposition. Starting now." Hungary lifted her left wrist and started looking at her watch.

"Okay," Mongolia began. "Well, we're trying to increase tourism, because, well, we haven't got anything other than that. The market for shaggy ponies, rodent fur, and handmade compound bows is pretty bad right now..."

"Eighteen seconds left."

"So, we've decided to diversify," Mongolia said, speeding up. "I've decided to open some tourist hotspots in Ulan Bator..."

"Ten seconds."

"I think Mongolian guys make the best ladyboys in the world, and you're the expert on that subject, so I need your help with some bars and nightclubs." Mongolia then took a breath, then noticed that Hungary's expression had changed to one of complete "Huh?!"


Re: Corrected Vision 2e/? anonymous October 19 2009, 00:18:29 UTC
"You want to..." Hungary paused as she collected her thoughts. "You want to open bars and nightclubs in Ulan Bator?"


"Bars and nightclubs that feature ladyboys?"


"Am I to presume that these ladyboys would be participating in the sex trade?"


"As in, they would be having sex with other men?"


"Will you stop saying 'yeah'?"

"Yeah...uh, yes, ma'am. Is that okay?"

"Fine." Hungary looked as closely as possible from a distance at Mongolia. He didn't seem to be putting her on. "So, what kind of problems do you think I could solve?"

"Well, wardrobe for one. Mongolian men have a rather limited sense of couture." A bit of relief came over Mongolia's face, followed by one of sheer enthusiasm.

"Poland can help you in that area. If I get involved with this, and that's a big 'if' right now, I'll have to bring him in."

"No problem. The more, the merrier."

"What other problems?"

"We'll need some foreign investment to get some cosmetics. We're definitely going to need a large supply of depilatory. Mongolian men tend to have hairy legs."

"Now, there's one thing I seem to remember about you from the old days. Mongolian men never bathe, do they?"

"We don't worship those gods anymore, so that's not a barrier. Good-quality soap and a consistent supply of hot water are the problems these days." Mongolia resisted the temptation to take a sniff at his own armpit.

"Any religious restrictions about being filmed?"

"Not that I know of."

Now Hungary's enthusiasm increased. "Good. There's a market out there for Mongolian gay porn, ladyboy or otherwise. The Japanese are getting really bored with their homegrown stuff, but they definitely prefer Orientals. Mongolians and Siberian tribesmen, if you can get them, could make for an interesting new niche."

"And if the money starts rolling in, we can build up the Internet infrastructure!" Mongolia decided to ramp up the enthusiasm to the next level. "We would have to rely on Russia for that, though, and..."

"Woah there, little horseman, one thing at a time." Hungary decided to give a little pregnant pause at this point; it helped from a drama perspective. "Let me tell you where I stand right now. Put together a proposal to give to me, including expenditures and a P&L projection for the next five years. If I like it, I'll get Poland and a few other parties who may be interested involved. And we'll have to consult the World Court about making an exception to the injunction against you."

Mongolia started to glow. "I'll have that for you as fast as possible! Sorry to take up your time!" He turned around and started to run from her, almost skipping down the hallway.

Hungary continued on her way to the restaurants, thinking as she went. If it's good, I'm definitely bringing in Ukraine and Belarus. For some reason, I think they'll find it...rather gratifying to watch Mongolians fuck themselves instead of their people.


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 19 2009, 00:20:39 UTC
(reCaptcha: "and mooed". That's what I expect that some of those Mongolian ladyboys will be doing soon.)

The "lunch is on me" joke is as old as the hills, so I'm not specifically ripping off Red Dwarf. England's deadpan response to France's suggestion, though...happy 40th anniversary, Monty Python.

Thailand's boss, King Bhumibol, has been on the throne since 1947; he's the world's longest-reigning monarch. He's 82 years old and not in the best of health right now. The Thai government has been in a very chaotic state for a while now, and a resolution is not in sight. This is why Vietnam is concerned; she thinks that he might have cracked because of this, and, it's unspoken here but obvious, she's dealt with Russia, so she knows the ramifications of this.

Vietnam, while France's colonial possession, must have picked up Coco Chanel's philosophy of the timelessness of the Little Black Dress, and uses Meetings of the World to spread the word. And France would have certainly taught her how to properly wear a Chanel.

I really hope that I don't have to tell anyone about the military dictatorship in Burma/Myanmar, or who Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi is. If you don't know, look it up.

Recent reports from researchers have described literally hundreds of new species found in the Mekong Delta and river system in Indochina. The area was never properly explored due to the perpetual wars and military actions taking place there. It's one of the greatest biodiversity finds of the last two decades.

If anyone would have a handy supply of Roofies, it'd be Hungary, wouldn't it?

Himaruya has mentioned it, but the Mongol invasion of Eurasia, starting in the 13th Century, reached all the way to Hungary. Hungary's language is Uralic, like Estonia's and Finland's, not Indo-European, something partially attributable to the Mongols.

It's my conceit that Hungary actually has a restraining order against Mongolia, issued and enforced by the World Court in the Hague. I like the idea that if nations have problems of a personal nature with each other, there's always the World Court to resort to. You think France might have been hauled in there after the Christmas Bloodbath?

The story that is told of the first Mongol encounter with a Russian town is that a Mongol woman came to the town. She knew enough of the language to make her demand understood: "Ten percent! Ten percent of everything!" When the woman was ignored, the Mongols didn't give any additional chances.

The Mongols actually did have a religious proscription against bathing. They thought that bathing offended their gods.

And to relate this to the topic of the story, Thailand and Mongolia swapped glasses. Thailand is having flashbacks to Mongolia's time as the Golden Horde, possibly caused by the stress mentioned above, while Mongolia wants to boost tourism with Thai-style ladyboys and sex tourism.


OP is here! anonymous October 19 2009, 07:25:48 UTC

Gah, OP does not know how to reply and accidently made another topic.
An~yways, I am so happy that its already filling out! Hooray!

I love you awesome!anon writer! And you too, not!OP for adding those cool bonuses!

Awesome!anon writer, I really want to see more so do continue!


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 20 2009, 14:28:36 UTC
I worship you for bringing these two in. *o* -gives you cookies-


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 20 2009, 21:01:44 UTC
Bangkokian!Anon LOVES the scene with Mongolia proposing ladyboys as a tourist attraction.

I heart you, author!anon. I really do. <3

Captha: Choralists holds... holds what, Captha?


Re: Corrected Vision 2 - Notes anonymous October 21 2009, 00:55:09 UTC
I lost it at the ladyboys. Anon, you're my favourite person in the world.


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