Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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A House Call 1/? anonymous October 8 2009, 02:19:56 UTC
The first inklings that Russia wasn't well were planted in Ukraine's mind at the most recent conference. Peeking over at him from behind some of her papers, she frowned at how stoically he sat in his chair. And was it her imagination, or was his brow shiny with sweat?

Shaking her head she turned back to face the rest of the nations present, telling herself for the fortieth time that Russia was an adult and it wasn't her place to worry over him like that anymore. She had her own problems to worry about.

But then halfway through the meeting Lithuania walked right behind her brother's chair and nothing happened. Ukraine nearly choked in surprise; there could be no doubt about it now, he was extremely sick ( ... )


A House Call 2/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 02:21:45 UTC
"Ah, it is very good. You should tell England thank you for me." he murmured, sadly regarding the empty bottom of his mug. Shooting him a small smile, she leaned over and took it from him, tossing over her shoulder that she would get him more as she left. This was perfectly fine with Russia; the Toddy tasted more of alcohol than of anything meant for healing.

An hour and three more refills later Russia was certainly feeling more relaxed, albeit still as sick. Smiling at his sister who was dabbing his face with a cool cloth and an anxious look, he lifted his hand to cup her cheek. Ukraine nearly jumped out of her skin and dropped the cloth, which only served to make him laugh. "Sister should smile more. She looks much more beautiful that way."

He smiled tipsily as she flushed and looked away to pick up the fallen cloth. Reaching up she took his hand in hers and gently moved it from her face. "I t-think there was a little too much vodka in your drink."Russia curled his hand around his sister's, refusing to let go after being removed ( ... )


A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 02:23:12 UTC
After this first day things proceeded much more smoothly. A pattern was developed between the two of them, and within two weeks Russia was back on his feet completely ( ... )


OP anonymous October 8 2009, 02:55:03 UTC
....yes. Yes, that was pleasing for OP. *_*

I feel like my soul is made of cotton candy right now. I grinned like an idiot through the whole thing. So cute, anon. So very very cute. My love for this couple has, like, quadrupled.

...I-I just can't get over how adorable Ukraine is. And I love that Russia not reacting to Lithuania must mean that he's DEATHLY ILL. XD

And the nightmare, aw. ;-; Poor Russia has so much junk to give him nightmares (Ukraine needs to sleep with him from now on, just in case.)


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 03:43:41 UTC
Oh, that was so cute. I love your Russia, and I love your Ukraine even more. Poor Ivan with his nightmares. I can understand why he'd have them, to be sure...and the end was just the...well, icing on the cake wouldn't do it justice, if you see what I mean.

I love it overall, thank you so much for writing. <3


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 9 2009, 00:06:06 UTC
Hooray for Ukraine! She doesn't get nearly enough love in this meme. And to have her in a cute!fic with Russia. . . I think I must be dreaming~ *__*


Authornon anonymous October 10 2009, 14:23:25 UTC
Hey, wake up. I haven't thanked you yet! xD

You're right, though, there is a sad lack of Ukraine in the meme. Which is uncool, she's a sweet character.


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 9 2009, 02:30:31 UTC
Very good, AuthorAnon!


Authornon anonymous October 10 2009, 14:16:56 UTC
Thanks! ♥


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