Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 02:23:12 UTC
After this first day things proceeded much more smoothly. A pattern was developed between the two of them, and within two weeks Russia was back on his feet completely.

The time had come for Ukraine to take her leave. She repacked her luggage and carefully slunk down the stairs. It was absurdly early in the morning, and she meant to exit without waking her brother.

Pleased that she had reached the door without any sign of him having woken, her heart stopped working for a few seconds when a voice behind her rumbled "Leaving without saying goodbye first? Is Sister so sick of me?"

Trying to contain her wild panic, she spun around to see that Russia was chuckling good-humoredly at her. A joke, he was joking. Laughing along with him half out of relief, Ukraine replied "Haha, I-I didn't want to bother you with it. You have enough work to catch up on, a-and it's not as if you aren't going to see me again, besides-"

As she spoke, Russia had fondly placed his arms onto her shoulders. Suddenly he leaned down and gently kissed her, breaking it only to plant another kiss on her forehead. Turning his shell-shocked sister around, he murmured "Spasibo, dearest."

With that he pushed Ukraine out of the house and shut the door behind her. Seemingly unaffected by the chill temperature outside, she slowly tapped her lips as if unsure that they were really attached to her face. Then she sunk to her knees and began laughing and crying all at once, feeling as if she were about to burst from the warmth inside.

Apparently Ukraine wasn't the only one who brought healing with her.

Hope this is pleasing for OP. I love Russia/Ukraine to pieces. ♥


OP anonymous October 8 2009, 02:55:03 UTC
....yes. Yes, that was pleasing for OP. *_*

I feel like my soul is made of cotton candy right now. I grinned like an idiot through the whole thing. So cute, anon. So very very cute. My love for this couple has, like, quadrupled.

...I-I just can't get over how adorable Ukraine is. And I love that Russia not reacting to Lithuania must mean that he's DEATHLY ILL. XD

And the nightmare, aw. ;-; Poor Russia has so much junk to give him nightmares (Ukraine needs to sleep with him from now on, just in case.)


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 03:43:41 UTC
Oh, that was so cute. I love your Russia, and I love your Ukraine even more. Poor Ivan with his nightmares. I can understand why he'd have them, to be sure...and the end was just the...well, icing on the cake wouldn't do it justice, if you see what I mean.

I love it overall, thank you so much for writing. <3


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 9 2009, 00:06:06 UTC
Hooray for Ukraine! She doesn't get nearly enough love in this meme. And to have her in a cute!fic with Russia. . . I think I must be dreaming~ *__*


Authornon anonymous October 10 2009, 14:23:25 UTC
Hey, wake up. I haven't thanked you yet! xD

You're right, though, there is a sad lack of Ukraine in the meme. Which is uncool, she's a sweet character.


Re: A House Call 3/3 anonymous October 9 2009, 02:30:31 UTC
Very good, AuthorAnon!


Authornon anonymous October 10 2009, 14:16:56 UTC
Thanks! ♥


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