Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Flipside (1a/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 04:20:10 UTC
On this like British Empire!England on colonies! Damn it, I this is my THIRD ongoing fill I'm working on. I couldn't resist though...I'll try to update as often as possible.


“Yo, Tony,” America greeted his housemate as he flopped down own the couch, completely exhausted and soaking wet.

“You're home earlier,” the alien mentioned offhandedly. America grunted.

“Well, yeah, stressful day,” the Nation shrugged, “Needed to leave the meeting after England and me got into our fifth argument of the day. And then the hurricane hit. It's still storming outside. I'm thinking bout taking the next couple days off. With the economy, all these fucking meetings, and the new boss, I've been busy as hell. I need sometime to myself, ya know ( ... )


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 04:21:14 UTC
As America played around with clothing styles, Tony explained the game to him.

“So, this is set during during the late 1600s, early 1700s,” Tony began, “The storyline goes that what if the Salem Witch Trials were right? That there were witches and magic crap floating about. You basically are playing as a witch hunter trying to stop all the black magic going about. However, the twist is that you've also got magic yourself and you need to hide it from your fellow hunters. You also have got to save the other good witches, while slaying the bad ones ( ... )


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 04:50:21 UTC
Can't wait for the next bit author!anon


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 05:08:03 UTC
Awesome job thus far authoranon!
I'm stalking this fill like a pedo in a schoolyard...Er.. but, like, less creepily.


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 05:57:34 UTC
What a wonderful start. I can't wait to see more :)


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 06:24:52 UTC
skjhasekljfhdsakjlhd oAO ?!?!?!

Oh my goodness, I can't wait to see where this goes!!!

Lmfao oh recaptcha: corset 30


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 20 2009, 17:12:18 UTC
Ahhhhhhhh! F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5!!! X3

Damn it, I'm in love with this writer!Anon!! I hope you'll update soon!


Re: Flipside (1b/?) anonymous August 24 2009, 16:12:58 UTC
I love this!


Re: Flipside (2a/?) anonymous August 24 2009, 18:18:54 UTC
“Fuck,” America swore, after seemingly hours of screaming for Tony. The alien was obviously not going to answer anytime soon. At first, America thought the alien was pulling a nasty trick on him, but after awhile, he realized something was truly wrong. For all his snark, the alien was a good friend. Tony wouldn't leave the Nation hanging just for kicks.

“Damn hurricanes,” America muttered, easily deducing they were the cause of the technical difficulties, “They do this when I'm on WoW too. Fucking lightning fries the system in the middle of raids...Fucking hell.”

At first, America tried logging out of the game. Tony had mentioned that the visor would respond to his thoughts, but when all he got was a headache after trying to bring up the exit screen, America gave up. And he knew better than to go looking for a save point. Tony was a hard core gamer with a strong belief in only having one life in a game. Tony didn't like having too many save points. Hell, the alien thought that early Metroid games had too many save points. And Tony ( ... )


Re: Flipside (2a/?) anonymous August 24 2009, 18:20:25 UTC
Our World

In his time on Earth, Tony had picked up several bad habits from America, including a terrible taste in food, a love of horror movies, and a severe unwillingness to ask for help or admit when something was wrong. So when Canada called, Tony said nothing about the “accident.”

“So...when did you say America would comeback exactly?” Canada asked over the phone.

“Few days,” Tony replied. He wasn't lying...America had said he was taking a few days off ( ... )


Re: Flipside (2c/?) above is 2b anonymous August 24 2009, 18:21:33 UTC
“Thank God!” the intruder (America? But America had died...he had died so young...) laughed happily, “I thought I was stuck here forever! Tony must have beamed you guys in to get me. Man, I know I said I wanted a vacation, but I was kinda hoping to spend a little time at the beach with too, you know? Well, maybe not for very long, Iggy, since you burn like your scones...But I gotta admit, this place is fucking amazing! As soon as Tony gets the kinks worked out of his system, I totally wanna come back. Everything is so real and accurate! Awesome graphics.”

“What the bloody hell are you talking about?!” England yelped, pushing away the taller man once he got over his shock, “Who are you?”

The intruder raised an eyebrow, “Are you okay, England? I know that I ditched my glasses, but I don't look that different ( ... )


Re: Flipside (2d/?) anonymous August 24 2009, 18:23:28 UTC
"What are you getting at, America?" England asked, confusion written on his face. America paled. Usually the Briton started reacting as soon as one Revolutionary War reference was made, drunk or not. America should be getting pummeled and banned from sex for a week, not stared at like he had gone bonkers.

"What about you Canada?" America asked, desperation coloring his tone, "Milk in a bag? Kraft dinners? Hockey?!"

Canada shook his head. America looked like he choked on his own tongue. He had to be in an alternate universe.

Since when did Canada not know about hockey?!

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a gamer-girl. >.> Sorry for the references. If you don't get it, no worries. And while I thought of America as a gamer, I though of him as more of a casual kinda of gamer-guy since he has so many other interests (ie. Sports, gun collecting, politics, archeology, fucking England, etc.). Tony, on the other hand, I thought to be a real crazy hardcore kinda guy when it came to gaming and hates having to save. He's pretty ( ... )


Re: Flipside (2d/?) anonymous August 24 2009, 19:14:10 UTC
Wheee! Another section Author!Anon, and as delicious as the first.

I wouldn't think that America put it together to quickly, since he thinks he's having problems with the game it would naturally be the first thing he would bring up.

I wouldn't worry about the gamer references, I don't game but it was easy to grasp the sense of what America meant from what he said. And in fanon at least Tony is often portrayed as this sort of hardcore gamer that easily lies to other countries and causes problems, so I think you've got him down.

If you don't mind what other fills are you working on? (I feel like I've read your writing style before and am curious now.)

Anyway great work Author!Anon, I just can't wait for the next part. Keep up the awesome work!


Re: Flipside (2d/?) anonymous August 25 2009, 02:30:09 UTC
This is my 12th fill actually >.> Been thinking about taking a 13th one, since "Thirteen" is an important number in fanfiction for me. lulz, Salem Witch Trials America This is my third ongoing one tho (all the others were oneshots). The other two I'm currently working on are "No Known Cure" with amnesia!America as a doctor and "Haunting You" with ghost!America and tortured!England. Haha...maybe one of these days I'll de-anon myself.

And America hasn't really put it all together...he just thinks it's REALLY odd that Canada doesn't know about hockey and is saying the Alt. Reality thing as a joke. Sorry I wasn't being clear enough to bring that across. Gotta work on that. >.


Re: Flipside (2d/?) anonymous August 25 2009, 03:27:29 UTC
I was right, I do in fact read all of your ongoing fills. (not I feel like some sort of creepy stalker orz It was unintentional I assure you, and completely your fault for writing such readable things.)

Oh snap America! Irony strikes once again!


Re: Flipside (2d/?) anonymous August 25 2009, 00:22:49 UTC
First of all, the pacing of the story is great. I am not surprised that England and Canada accepted him quickly; the explanation that Canada recognized his twin is convincing to me. And despite how dumb he acted, America was actually pretty sharp, so it's not so farfetched that he noticed something was off right away. The only thing that bugged me is that America believed he was playing a virtual reality game in the beginning of the story, so why did he suspect that he was in an alternative reality all of a sudden? For all he knew, England and Canada could be NPCs based partly on his memories... (Or maybe you are going to explain that in the next chapters and I am just jumping ahead? XD)

I am very very VERY curious about the story now :D America better not let Iggy knew that he was a nation now not a colony lol And it's going to be epic watching England vs. England...

Oh, and I love your Tony. This is the first time I like Tony O_O

P.S. Mrs slattern... are you serious recaptcha?


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