Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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To Avenge A Friend [Prologue] anonymous August 15 2009, 16:44:19 UTC
The anon who said she would like to fill this has kept up her promise on this. Hope it's somewhere as good as the other FGB sequels.

Prologue: Inadequate

Six months...

For a Nation, that wasn't a long time; a blink of the eye at the most.

But for Alfred, it stretched for an eternity, those six months.

Ever since that day.

He just could not believe it - they were his friends, his allies. They were supposed to be standing by him, not humiliate him to the point of rock bottom.

And dammit, he was doing his best to fix this! He was stressed out too, trying to fix this crisis. He had been working day and night, praying and hoping, that things would eventually stabilize.

That was what a hero should do.

He guessed he just wasn't good enough.

He was inadequate.


To Avenge A Friend [1/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 16:48:32 UTC
Chapter One: SuspicionIt was like any other world meeting. Everyone was discussing all kinds of things as always. Elisaveta Hedervary/Hungary thought it was so. Except one thing that she couldn't help but notice. It bothered her like a little red spot in the middle of an otherwise clean white sheet ( ... )


To Avenge A Friend [1b/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 17:00:35 UTC
"Elisaveta, dear, what is the matter?" Her former husband, Roderich Edelstein/Austria stood there, his eyes full of concern. Even though they were no longer married, they still got along very well, and still loved each other.

She sighed and admitted, "When America finally reappeared, I thought I was going to be happy to see him again. But he's just so different."

He nodded in agreement. Austria also noticed America's attitude change, and even tried to ask Gilbert and Ludwig about this, but they insisted that they really had no idea. "To be honest though, I really didn't believe them. And the way they were so adamant didn't help."

"So they have to know something!" There was no other explanation in her mind ( ... )


To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 17:05:21 UTC
"Alfred?" Matt gently asked, his knuckles softly knocking against the door. "Please, let me in. I have some food ( ... )


Op Says... anonymous August 16 2009, 04:23:40 UTC





Re: Op Says... anonymous August 16 2009, 05:47:35 UTC
Wow, really?! I feel so flattered! :D

Don't worry, the next part will be coming soon. ;)


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 00:37:21 UTC
I'm loving this so far! Keep up the good work, I can't wait for more! *bookmarks*


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 03:35:55 UTC
I'm enjoying this so far! It's really good! Please continue soon.


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 04:04:05 UTC
You're writing this well and the characters are working well for this situation.

Hungary's coming out pretty well, same with Matt and Al. And you brought in Tony too~!

All I can picture for the next part is Matt starting to explain and then just being torn up because he could have prevented it. Then Hungary hugging him.


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 04:28:09 UTC
What the deuce?! You just predicted what's going to happen soon!!!

Am I really that predictable? D:


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 13:22:20 UTC
What the hell, really?

No, no you're not! It just seems like something those two would do. Matt would be really upset because he could have prevented this from happening to his brother if he had just told him or forced him to not go to the meeting. Hungary would hug him because he's so upset and distraught and it just seems like something she'd do.


To Avenge A Friend [2a/?] anonymous August 18 2009, 04:51:04 UTC
Thanks for the feedback, guys. That's really helped boost my confidence in what I'm about to do.

Second part's here. It's focusing on the other nations, namely the ones involved in the rape. Don't expect to feel much for them (except Italy).

Chapter Two: A Disquiet The Mind Does Not Forget

Arthur "England" Kirkland was a patient man by nature. But even his patience had its limits.

It had been more than six months, and America was still just a complete reclusive shut-in. He had been hoping to catch up with Alfred at the world meeting the day before, but he completely avoided any contact with everyone, except Matthew.

And then there was that look on Matthew's face just before he left... Arthur never thought he'd ever see such a look in his eyes.

What was their deal anyway? It couldn’t have been about that day. Could it ( ... )


To Avenge A Friend [2b/?] anonymous August 18 2009, 04:58:58 UTC
He could feel the chains holding him down to the cold, unforgiving stone floor.

He could hear the voices, but they were drowning each other out, so he couldn't make out the words.

He could see his friend standing in front of him, with his back turned.

"Alfred-san?" Kiku asked. He could recognize his American friend by that familiar head of golden blonde hair and tall, lean frame. Kiku tried to reach out to him, but the heavy shackles kept him firmly in place.

Alfred turned around. He told Kiku, "Don't come near me." His voice was both desperate and angry.

"Alfred-san, you're bleeding!" Kiku cried out. And indeed, Alfred was bleeding. Dark red blood poured from his eyes like tears, coming out of his mouth like vomit, streaming down his naked body.

He didn't care. All he did was say, "You know why, Kiku. You know why..."Kiku Honda/Japan woke up from his dream, bolting straight up from his futon. He breathed steadily, trying to calm his pounding heart. Once he had settled down, he allowed himself to groan and started running his ( ... )


Re: To Avenge A Friend [2b/?] anonymous August 18 2009, 05:56:16 UTC
When i read the part where francis was saying that alfred's actions has consequences, i was like "and rape doesn't? That's really naive"

Seeing them like 'what's the big deal?' makes me want to choke them! I mean, comparing their histories length to alfred's, by those standards Alfred is a baby nation.

Please continue soon! I'll love to read more.


Re: To Avenge A Friend [2b/?] anonymous August 18 2009, 17:41:25 UTC
Oh Arthur, that really, really isn't the smartest idea right now. You're trying but no. All I'm seeing is him and Hungary being on the same flight, not seeing each other, Arthur spotting Matthew at the airport and wondering why he's there. Then he sees Hungary.

Feliciano, you poor dear but this is what you get for going to that meeting and not trying to stop them. And no one should really be on the end of Canada's anger, that's never good.


OP Says... anonymous August 19 2009, 02:23:37 UTC
MORE MORE MORE! WANT! MORE~! Thank you so so much, I absolutely love it so far~! Oh sick bastard. But that's okay. I'm Sure, Author!Anon has things all worked out...


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