Part 6!

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part 6



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To Avenge A Friend [1/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 16:48:32 UTC
Chapter One: Suspicion

It was like any other world meeting. Everyone was discussing all kinds of things as always. Elisaveta Hedervary/Hungary thought it was so. Except one thing that she couldn't help but notice. It bothered her like a little red spot in the middle of an otherwise clean white sheet.

America, after a six month long absence, finally returned. Initially, that was a cause for celebration, but he wasn't the same America she and so many others remembered. He was mostly quiet, kept to himself. He only spoke with his brother (what was his name again?) and barely made eye contact with anyone. He looked shifty and uncomfortable, the farthest thing from America there ever could be.

She also noticed that he responded the worst when it was either of the Italian brothers, Germany, Prussia, China, Japan, England, Russia and France who tried to reach out to him. What bothered her most of all was that he was shrinking back whenever they tried to touch him, as if he was sickened by that act. She could understand perfectly if it was from Russia, or even France, but England? Even Veneziano, who was so gentle and wouldn’t even hurt a fly? It just didn't make any sense.

And it only got weirder from there.

The group looked very confused as well, wondering why America was so ill at ease around them. "What did we do?" they would ask amongst themselves. Hungary couldn't help but get a bad feeling in her gut about this, and her instincts were usually on the mark.

And finally, at the end of the meeting, the final nail in the coffin was set. When the meeting was adjourned, America very quickly gathered his things and left the building, not even bothering to say farewell to his fellow nations. It was as if he was desperately waiting for this to be over so he could go back home.

She then saw America's brother (whose name was Matthew Williams/Canada) follow suit. And just when France and England tried to say goodbye to him, he just replied with a very curt and quick, "Goodbye," before running out the door. The look on his face was what struck her the most. From what she heard of Canada, he was a laid-back, easy-going kind of guy. And right there, he just looked so uncomfortable and there was a twinge of anger in his eyes, which was especially jarring due to the fact that France and England did help raise him as a child alongside America, so many years ago.

This only confused the nine countries even further. "What's Canada's deal?" was the new question they were asking themselves. They really looked so genuinely baffled by all of this.

Hungary really wanted to know too. She was pretty certain the nine nations had know something about America's sudden personality change. Yet, something in her told her not to ask them; that they could not be trusted.


To Avenge A Friend [1b/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 17:00:35 UTC
"Elisaveta, dear, what is the matter?" Her former husband, Roderich Edelstein/Austria stood there, his eyes full of concern. Even though they were no longer married, they still got along very well, and still loved each other.

She sighed and admitted, "When America finally reappeared, I thought I was going to be happy to see him again. But he's just so different."

He nodded in agreement. Austria also noticed America's attitude change, and even tried to ask Gilbert and Ludwig about this, but they insisted that they really had no idea. "To be honest though, I really didn't believe them. And the way they were so adamant didn't help."

"So they have to know something!" There was no other explanation in her mind.

"But even so, what good would that do? America has many reasons to be stressed right now. He's in two wars right now; the economy is still a mess, and there is a bit of discord going on with his own people," Austria countered calmly.

His words did little to soothe Hungary. She sighed. "Maybe I am just being too worried." But she did have reason to be so concerned - after all, ever since America returned the Holy Crown to her country back in 1978, the two of them became very good friends, with America helping her to finally break free of the Soviet occupation and helped establish a constitution, a democratic political system and plans for a free market economy for the nation. And it was fully cemented in 1999, when Hungary joined NATO and became a formal ally of the United States. He was her friend.

Austria then kissed her forehead and said, "Look, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll eventually pass by."

Hungary smiled and said, "Okay. Take care of yourself. Goodbye, Austria." She then kissed him on the cheek and left the building.

As soon as she got back to her hotel, Elisaveta immediately looked through her address book, which had all kinds of phone numbers, e-mail addresses, home addresses and other things. She flipped through the pages, hoping she had something from Canada. As of now, he was the only one she felt she could contact safely and get some answers form.

And Heaven help them if they did something bad to America.

NOTES: I decided to do a little research into American-Hungarian diplomatic relations to give Hungary a really good reason to be so concerned for America, and not just because the request called for it.

Basically, in January 1978, the United States returned the Holy Crown of Hungary, which had been safeguarded by the United States since the end of World War II. This event marked the beginning of excellent relations between the two countries. A 1978 bilateral trade agreement included extension of most-favored-nation status to Hungary. Cultural and scientific exchanges were expanded. And as Hungary began to pull away from the Soviet's occupation, the United States offered assistance and expertise to help establish a constitution, a democratic political system, and a plan for a free market economy.

In between 1989 and 1993, the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act provided more than $136 million for economic restructuring and private sector development. The Hungarian-American Enterprise Fund offered loans, equity capital, and technical assistance to promote private-sector development. The U.S. Government provided assistance for the development of modern and Western institutions in many policy areas, including national security, law enforcement, free media, environmental regulations, education, and health care. America's direct investment had a direct, positive impact on the Hungarian economy and on continued good bilateral relations.


To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 15 2009, 17:05:21 UTC
"Alfred?" Matt gently asked, his knuckles softly knocking against the door. "Please, let me in. I have some food."

No response.

He groaned. Six months and still hardly any progress. Alfred did let Matt and Tony touch him now, but that wasn't really an improvement.

"Still unresponsive?" Tony asked. His voice was a strange mixture of a deep baritone with an unearthly sing-song quality about it. Of course, he was an alien.

The sad look on Matt's face answered the question better than any words could.

Tony then gracefully wisped over to the door and decided to take matters into his own hands. "Alfred, come on now. Matthew is just trying to give you some food. And you won't get better until you've eaten something."

Finally, Alfred opened the door, took the food and immediately went back in, not saying a word or even looking at them.

Matthew wanted to scream in aggravation. He was just so angry at the nine of them. Just what the fuck were they thinking? Did they really think this was the way to go?

Tony was feeling the same. If not for Alfred and Matt's insistence not to, he would've gathered his whole race and exact vengeance on those countries that dared to hurt his friend for something he had no direct control over. Alas, all he could do was try comforting Alfred and let him know he was not alone.

That was much easier said than done though.

What was especially frustrating about this situation was that, at the world meeting, the nine of them were really honestly clueless about Alfred's change. Did they really think their actions were no big deal? That Alfred wouldn't feel just a little hurt over what they had done to him?

Matthew was shaken out of his thoughts when he felt his cellphone in his back pocket vibrate before it starting ringing loudly. Matthew quickly answered it, not even bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello?"

A female voice replied, "Hello, is this Canada? This is Hungary. I wish to talk with you about America."

Matthew and Tony were both immediately intrigued. "Why is that?" Matthew was way more cautious these days, and didn't want to immediately trust anyone. Even though Canadian-Hungarian relations were good.

"Because I'm very worried about him. I've noticed the way he doesn't talk with the others, especially towards Arthur, Francis, the Vargas brothers, Ludwig, Gilbert, Yao, Kiku and Ivan. And how he doesn't let anyone touch him. I really want to know what's going on."

She did sound genuinely worried, and her excellent relations with America did give good reason for her to be so concerned. Matthew and Tony looked at each other, and agreed.

"Okay, Hungary, you can come over to Washington DC. I'll meet you at the airport and give you the full story."

"Okay, that sounds good to me."

Before she could hang up, Matthew added, "And by the way, I recommend that you keep quiet about your trip, especially to the nine of them. They could get suspicious."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. I'll see you soon." And with that, Elisaveta hung up and immediately looked on her computer for cheap flights to Washington DC.

Tony whispered, "I am certain now that this will be start of something big. But good or bad, I am not sure."

Matthew also had a rather bad feeling about this. He knew Hungary just wanted to help, but he wasn't exactly sure if she was the right one. After all, she was known to have a temper at times.


Op Says... anonymous August 16 2009, 04:23:40 UTC





Re: Op Says... anonymous August 16 2009, 05:47:35 UTC
Wow, really?! I feel so flattered! :D

Don't worry, the next part will be coming soon. ;)


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 00:37:21 UTC
I'm loving this so far! Keep up the good work, I can't wait for more! *bookmarks*


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 03:35:55 UTC
I'm enjoying this so far! It's really good! Please continue soon.


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 04:04:05 UTC
You're writing this well and the characters are working well for this situation.

Hungary's coming out pretty well, same with Matt and Al. And you brought in Tony too~!

All I can picture for the next part is Matt starting to explain and then just being torn up because he could have prevented it. Then Hungary hugging him.


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 04:28:09 UTC
What the deuce?! You just predicted what's going to happen soon!!!

Am I really that predictable? D:


Re: To Avenge A Friend [1c/?] anonymous August 17 2009, 13:22:20 UTC
What the hell, really?

No, no you're not! It just seems like something those two would do. Matt would be really upset because he could have prevented this from happening to his brother if he had just told him or forced him to not go to the meeting. Hungary would hug him because he's so upset and distraught and it just seems like something she'd do.


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