Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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The Jump anonymous August 10 2009, 02:03:33 UTC
Nation A is coming back from a world meeting and decides to walk to their hotel instead of taking a taxi.

Up ahead they see a bridge, and when they get closer they see Nation B standing on the railing and looking down. Nation A feels a nervous chill because, hey, the water is very far down and moving very fast.

Nation A calls out to them. Nation B looks up, smiles, and jumps. Cue Nation A jumping in after them.

I seriously have no preference on who's who. I just really wanna see this done >.>


Even Frogs Need Thanks [1/2] anonymous August 11 2009, 22:07:33 UTC
It was late into the night when the meeting finally finished. Outside the air was cold yet refreshing, a feeling of rain hanging in the air. Waving a hand to decline the waiting taxi, England started walking to his hotel, letting the cool air wash away the frustrations of the meeting ( ... )


Even Frogs Need Thanks [2/2] anonymous August 11 2009, 22:08:46 UTC
England felt like his heart had stopped. If only he had thanked the Nation for always cheering him up, even just once. Why hadn't he realised just how much he needed the frog before ( ... )


Re: Even Frogs Need Thanks [2/2] anonymous August 11 2009, 23:17:34 UTC
Why so desperate, France? D':

“I must have died and gone to heaven.” He lamented. “You only kiss me in my dreams.”
Loved this line ♥ My inner fangirl is pleased!

D'aww cuteanon, no need to cry~ I feel bad cos I actually laughed as France was jumping off the bridge haha.


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 00:24:39 UTC
I think even France would succumb to despair after being insulted and ignored so much, though I agree... On the plus side, he bagged England this way!

I'm really glad you liked that line, I toyed with it for quite a while until it felt right.

I can't blame you, oh France XD I actually cried after that, when they reached the side and I was like BAAWWW FRANCE WHYYYYYY
...Yeah. ;;;;


Re: Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 00:39:30 UTC
Baww. Silly France. We do need him for... umm, what exactly do we need France for?;;; ...
Umm... ! CHEESE. I need you for cheese France :'C

Crying over France totes gives out your nationality, dear anon |3 fufufu~


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 11:23:28 UTC
We need France for baguettes as well!
...I don't think France would be convinced by these reasons~

It does?


Re: Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 13:56:23 UTC
LMAO I don't eat baguettes ;;;
Uhh, then... farewell France D':

It totally does


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 18:06:20 UTC
NOOOOOOO don't do it France! Here! England loves you!

That's rather amusing


Re: Even Frogs Need Thanks [2/2] anonymous August 11 2009, 23:35:19 UTC
Awww... I'm glad you gave them a happy ending, it would be too depressing the other way. I think what I liked the most was Arthur calling him frog even while he's being sweet and caring... I don't know, I thought it was endearing. <3


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 00:29:18 UTC
Thank you~ I would be still crying now if there was no happy end!

Glad you liked that! It's like Arthur's pet name for him. No other Nation receives a nickname from England after all! Endearing indeed ♥


Re: Even Frogs Need Thanks [2/2] anonymous August 11 2009, 23:58:39 UTC
Writer!anon, you'd this anon close to tears too...

“Because… I… no-one wanted… me there… anymore.”
A side of France that rarely shows... ;A;

Ah, but the last line put a smile on my face again.

Love love love it!!! <3333333333333333333

Best bday present to read this. \o/


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 00:32:45 UTC
R-really! I didn't think I could cause such a thing!

Seriously ;A;

I'm glad it did~ Oh France!

Thank you so much! And happy birthday, anon! ♥


Re: Even Frogs Need Thanks [2/2] anonymous August 12 2009, 00:07:39 UTC
So not who you think I am ♥

I love this. What was potentially a very depressing prompt was given a happy ending. Good job <3


Author!Anon anonymous August 12 2009, 00:35:23 UTC
Oh you ♥
Thank you~ I'm really blushing now!


OP anonymous August 14 2009, 00:41:19 UTC
“I must have died and gone to heaven.” He lamented. “You only kiss me in my dreams.”

-breaks- ;_;

Thank you so so much! This was incredible! It was exactly what I wanted. I love it. It's just as dramatic and heartwrenching as I was hoping. Great work!


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