Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Break-Up Comfort anonymous August 5 2009, 07:18:36 UTC
Ever since I read this fill with Protective-Brother!Canada, I've begun to thirst for his return. Sooo, Big-sis!America goes through a completely terrible, horrible break-up with *insert nation-tan here* that leaves her really broken up and upset, but, hero-style, she tries pushing onward despite her hurt/pain.

But Little Brother!Canada sees through her facade and in awesome, doting fashion, comforts her sweetly while secretly plotting out his revenge and maybe tries to subtly convince her that perhaps she should just stop dating. Y'know, for her safety. Because all guys other than him are jerks, and just want to get in her pants~


Brother and Sister: the American Dream (1/?) anonymous August 6 2009, 00:35:18 UTC
As the author of the original protective!Canada fem!America fic, I’m on this like America on hamburgers. Sort of a sequel, I guess. But, ugh. Fail!fill is fail. Sorry for letting you down OP…


“America,” Canada began, his face solemn, “We have to talk.”

“Huh?” his sister smiled innocently, “What about?”

Canada frowned. He was almost convinced. Almost. America was a very good actress, but Canada could always tell.

“How about we go to grab lunch first, eh?” the younger twin offered with a gentle smile, “My treat!”

“Awesome!” his sister grinned widely, “Where to?”

“McDonald's?” Canada offered, knowing how much his sister loved the place. She could down more burgers than should be physically possible.

America paused.

“Uh, what about that deli down the road?” America suggested instead, “I wanna get a salad. Need to eat healthier.”

That did it. Now Canada definitely knew there was something wrong. And he knew what was the cause too. That bastard always did tease America about her weight ( ... )


Re: Brother and Sister: the American Dream (2/2) anonymous August 6 2009, 00:39:43 UTC
“Uh, technically it was the other way around, and I-“

“I never wanted to see you get hurt!” Canada wailed, cutting off his sister and grabbing her hands, “You can do better than him! Hell, you can do better than all of them!”

“Uh, Mattie…”

“All those fucking bastards just want to get into your pants!” Canada continued shouting, by now completely wrapped up in his rage, “They’re all perverts, eh?! Remember Prussia in the changing room? Mon Dieu, remember France at Christmas, eh?! Sex crazed bastards, all of them! And the one person I thought I could trust to keep you safe ends up just as much of a bastard as the rest! He just wanted you for your body and then off he goes! I should have known, eh? He holds masturbation marathons in his capital… ”

“Matt, you’re making a scene…”

“Damn right, I’m making a scene, eh?!” Canada yelled, panicky for his sister, “I can’t stand to see you all broken up! This is why you shouldn’t date ( ... )


sooo sorry anonymous August 6 2009, 00:41:38 UTC
Author!Annon says sorry for the fail...soo much fail...
*whimpers* If you shoot me, please make it quick.


Re: sooo sorry anonymous August 6 2009, 03:36:01 UTC
This was amazingly awesome, dont apologize author!anon!
i loved it.
My favorite part was america mentioning russia's tongue.


OP refuses your apologies, because you are awesome anonymous August 6 2009, 04:04:02 UTC
No apologies wriernon! This was fantastic! Every protective brother's nightmare literally~

So much made me laugh and just, generally made my night~ I don't know what was funnier: the pregnancy, Canada's denial of Fem!America's not-innocence, the talk of chastity belts, America mentioning she even slept with him and the list goes on but...I'm just too awed by the awesome to respond properly X3

I loved this so very much!~ I'm afraid all I have to offer in return is this basket of internets, which pales in comparison.


Re: Brother and Sister: the American Dream (2/2) anonymous August 6 2009, 03:46:32 UTC
I can see his horror and I enjoy it immensely.
Poor Canada, in denial of his beloved sister's less-than-innocent ways

cAPTCHA: goals sinister, what are you saying Captcha? One of the nations purposely got America-chan pregant?


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