for those who have been waiting for another chapter of 'They weren't There', real life has taken over recently. Hopefully I should have something up in the next few weeks, now everything is calming down.
Title: They Weren't There: Chapter Three Disclaimer: I own a filofax but not this. Pairing: Ten/Rose Beta: miss_prufrock Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season Two, slight season four. Summary: Her journey is only just begining.
Title: Thet Weren't There: Chapter Two Disclaimer: I own a filofax but not this. Pairing: Ten/Rose Beta: miss_prufrock Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season Two and slight season four (so small you probably won't even notice it) Summary: Her journey is only just begining.
Please can someone give me a sharp prod, I've been sat in front of my computer for the past two weeks and for some odd reason my fingers just won't type out any fic, despite the fact that I know what I want to write and I know where it's got to go
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Title: Bath Time and the Tale of the Ominous Orange Mush Author: Hermya Disclaimer: I own a filofax, but not this. Genre: Fluff Characters: Rose, Nine, Jack and Other Jack Rating: PG - 13 Summary: I blame amberfocus for this one.
Title: Uniforms Author: Hermya Character(s): Ten, Rose Spoilers: Journey's End Rating: Teen Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making any money. Please not to sue me. Author's Note: Post Journery's End, a bit of hamless fun. Also, not beta-ed. Feel free to correct and nit pick.( This way dear reader )