Title: Uniforms
Author: Hermya
Character(s): Ten, Rose
Spoilers: Journey's End
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making any money. Please not to sue me.
Author's Note: Post Journery's End, a bit of hamless fun. Also, not beta-ed. Feel free to correct and nit pick.
Disclaimer: I really do not own Doctor Who, I do not own this.
A/N: This is pretty much self explanatory, enjoy.
The Doctor likes Uniforms, this is quite a recent development, and he places the blame entirely upon Donna, or maybe Jack. No, definitely Donna. It wasn't until yesterday that he became aware of this little fact.
He had been wondering round Torchwood, minding his own business, and he definitely hadn't been lost. He was a Timelord, (well part Timelord), and Timelords were renowned across the known Universe for their excellent sense of direction. Anyway, he had been wondering round Torchwood when he happened to come across Rose (wonderful lovely Rose), who was getting ready to go out on a field mission, and, she was wearing a Uniform.
It had never really occurred to him that she would wear a Uniform to go out and save the day, she'd always left the house in a suit and returned in same said suit. Besides, they'd never needed a Uniform when they had been saving the Universe. Why did she need one now?
But, then again this Uniform seemed to be inspiring some very interesting thoughts at that particular moment in time. There wasn't anything particularly special about it. It consisted of black combat trousers tucked into shiny black boots, a black polo shirt and a stab vest with the Torchwood logo embroidered onto the shoulders. This was topped off by nifty black cap and a utility belt, holding various bits and bobs.
He wondered briefly if he should get a similar belt, but then dismissed the thought, it wouldn't go with his suit. Maybe it was the pockets, her Uniform had lots of pockets. He liked pockets, very handy thing pockets. It could have been the silver handcuffs that were peeking out of a pouch on the belt. Yes, he could do some very interesting things with those things. He wondered if Rose was allowed to bring them home, he should really ask her about that.
Actually, it could have been the subtle air of command that seemed to surround her. The sense that you would do whatever she said, otherwise face the consequences. He watched her tuck an errant strand of hair back under her cap, and wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that.
He was so lost in his quite frankly delightful musings that the fact that Rose was stood right in front of him with a coy smile on his face completely passed him by. It was only when she coughed slightly that he came back down to Earth, bugger.
He tried to say something, anything. But instead, found himself doing a rather remarkably good impression of a Goldfish; he was part Timelord after all, he excelled at these types of things. He finally managed to close his flapping jaw with an audible click.
A moment passed, then she stepped closer to him, did it just get hotter or was it just him. He watched her take a quick glance round the corridor. He then squeaked as he felt her grab his bottom with both hands and give it a quick squeeze. Then, before he could sufficiently recover to retaliate. She gave him a quick peck on the lips, a cheeky wink and sauntered off down the corridor.
Feeling a very big grin spread over his face, he decided that he definitely did like Uniforms, especially when on one Rose Tyler.
He spent the remainder of that day being extremely distracted.