I was trying to watch the season (series?) finale of Spartacus: Blood and Sand, but my mother walked in and won't leave the room, so I'm making my first foray into Twitter. I haven't done so before because I don't have an Internet phone, so it would be pointless to get one. Anyway, @BuschSquirrel/ @TortyCraig OTP.
Taylor Lautner is so much more tolerable when KStew and RPattz are nowhere in sight. But what really made me squee was Marshall Faulk as a commentator. I totally had a Faulk jersey when I was 10 years old.
This video clip makes me want X-Men: The Musical now. They might have to fight a mutant whose power induces musical numbers, a la the Buffy musical episode. And Wolverine could show up and it would make perfect sense!
Also, it makes me ship McFassy even more. There's such good eye!sex here, and Michael is so darn eager about the whole thing. Oh
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I just saw Legally Blonde: The Musical, and I swear it's better than the movie (though the movie is great). Among other things, Elle's mentor/love interest dude, Emmet, gets a lot more development and her ex isn't around quite as much. It was so much fun and had such great energy that I have to share one of my favorite songs (put to Star Trek
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