Puppet Who 31-40

Feb 11, 2010 20:35

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chapter 31 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

Four-puppet walked round the corner and straight into -

“I do say, I think I’ve gone blind.”

Yes, that’s right, he walked into The-Coat-puppet, not Six-puppet, The-Coat-puppet.

“What it doing walking around without anyone in it Doctor?” asked Jamie-puppet.

“That’s a question, that’s a good question,” Four-puppet said. He looked The-Coat-puppet up and down, squinting (because, like the sun, looking directly at The-Coat can cause permanent damage to your retinas).

“What are you doing walking around without a body?” Four-puppet asked, “and being so bright.”

“I’m not entirely sure,” said The-Coat-puppet, “One moment I was fully myself and then this puppeting ray blasts me, last I remember is a computerized voice saying: spectral overload, lack of wool, engineering substitution process now. Of course, I believe it was my brain that shorted out the machine. Of all of us, I am assuredly the regeneration with the greatest mind, not to mention the best fashion sense. I mean really what ARE you wearing? Did you fall out of the thrift bin? A Time Lord of our standing must put on something of an image I'm sure you'll agree.”

The-Coat bent forward earnestly.

"You agree, don't you Jamie?"


Four-puppet and Jamie-puppet backed away slowly.

“Jamie, when I say run, run… RUN!!!”

chapter 32 herk (herk227 )

"Ace you have to be very, very careful in the washing room." Nine-puppet told his former companion seriously.

"Why, Professor? Are you afraid, that I'm going to be attacked by the great sock-eater?"

"The great sock-eater? Ah - earth-myths, I've heard of him. But through all my years I have never seen one - at least not lurking in terran washing machines." he added under his breath.

"So why the warning?" Ace asked puzzled. She was very glad that she probably wasn't going to be devoured, but why did the Doctor sound so serious then.

"Unknown to most people, fabric based life forms DO exist on some of the more outward planets of the universe, and all of them have one thing in common. Washing powder - the mixture of soap and perfume and tensids - is highly addictive to them. If your skin - fabric comes into direct contact with it, you will go on a soap induced high, and I don't want to witness the withdrawal symptoms that will be unavoidable when you get into your own body and can't consume it any more."

Ace- puppet laughed very, very loud and long. "That's a good one, Professor." she chuckled while they went through the door into the washing room.

"MY washing powder." came a low dangerous growl from a leather clad puppet bearing a tiny yet sharp knife attacking them.

chapter 33 Bily

While all of these strange things happened, Rose-puppet was secretly ransacking the Doctor's bedroom, picking out her favourite pairs of his knickers to blackmail him with later.

But after a while, the other puppets were beginning to wonder where she had gone.

"I don't understand!" said Eight-puppet. "Where could she have gone to?"

"It's maddening!" cried Ten-puppet.

"Who are you two looking for?" asked Ace-puppet, who was currently severed into five pieces (as Jack had previously been) due to an unfortunate encounter with a greedy, soap-loving puppet.

"Idk," replied Ten-puppet. "My bff Rose?"

"Lol," Eight-puppet added. "U r soooo funny!"

At this, Ace-puppet simply stared, unsure of what to say next. But she did not have long to think.

Suddenly, Jack-puppet burst into the console room, wearing a sombrero and holding a pair of castanets.

"Everybody sing!" he cried, clicking the castanets together.

And so the group began to sing We're All In This Together from High School Musical. How the puppets from before that time period knew the song was a complete mystery, but still they sang. For being puppets, they did sing quite well.

chapter 34 herk (herk227 )

Four-puppet in the meantime tried to sort out the mess of a traffic accident which had happened in the TARDIS corridors.

While he and Jamie-puppet had fled The-Coat-puppet the amazingly bright and colourful puppet had distracted Adric, K9 and Three-puppet to such a degree that they had a terrible crash with toy-Bessie.

Jamie-puppet tried to comfort the crying Adric-puppet because he was a very gentle man and couldn't see a puppet cry.

"Where is the blonde one gone to?" Three-puppet asked when he was over the shock of seeing toy-Bessie with her wheels in the air. Obviously robo-dogs were stronger than cars (at least little ones).

"Probably wandered off, blinded by the fashion disaster. and now snogging or harresing some of my other selves."
Then he noticed something. "Tell me predecessor, where's the guy you had unconscious on your back bench?"

"Uh oh!"

Nine-puppet had reached the console room after distracting Leela-puppet enough so that Ace-puppet could escape.

chapter 35 ThroughanAmberfocus (amberfocus )

Nine-puppet picked up the pieces of Ace-puppet and concentrated hard, locating Rose-puppet. He dashed through the TARDIS corridors and surprised her. She threw the boxers up in the air and said, “Wasn’t me!”

“Wasn’t you, what?” He asked gruffly. “Look, do you still got the sewing kit?”

“I ‘spose,” she said. “You want me to fix ‘er up?”

“I do.”

“Fine, but it’s gonna cost you.”

“Cost me what?”

“A snog. In advance,” said Rose puppet.

“What? When you been all over Ten and Eight, and probably Three?” He said, his accent getting stronger.

“Three?” Said Rose.

“Sure, Three. He has an eye for the blondes.”

“Dirty old man,” said Rose.

“Who? Him or me?” And he grinned disarmingly.

“Don’t know yet,” said Rose, little pink felt tongue sticking out between her teeth.

“We’ll have to do something about that then.” And Nine-puppet swooped in and snogged Rose-puppet senseless.

“Oi,” said Ace-puppet. “Could you at least put me down first?”

Rose-puppet stumbled away from Nine-puppet. “Definitely the best, you,” she said.

“Was there ever any doubt?”

Rose didn’t answer, just grinned up at him and quietly set about sewing Ace-puppet back together.

chapter 36 moonmonkey (moonmonkeylj )

Nine-puppet goes strutting back into the main scene, tall and proud with the glory of his recent victory in the Rose-puppet snog ratings, when the effect is completely ruined by the little guy in the blue cap who comes staggering up to him,

“E-excuse me, but are you my friend, Big Ears?”

Nine-puppet tries to ignore the fact that Eight-puppet and Ten-puppet are laughing so hard they’re in danger of literally splitting their little stitched sides, contenting himself with merely kicking the little boy extremely hard before marching back off to see how Rose-puppet is doing with Ace-puppet and the sewing kit….

chapter 37 herk (herk227 )

Since Rose had had a lot of practising with Jack-puppet, and she had to do all the stitching at home, too, since Jackie-puppet, EHM - sorry - Jackie really sucked at that, she had finished sewing up Ace really quickly.

"Thanks mate. From all the people and puppets I know you are probably the only one who could've fixed me up so well. The only mate I ever had who could sew at least a little bit was Maneesha and she would probably would've left scars."

Rose-puppet beamed with pride. "My mates are the same, Shireen couldn't have sew a straight seam if her life depended on it."

They had a moment of puppet bonding and the girl-chatter began (because even Ace liked a bit of girl- chatter from time to time)

When Nine-puppet came back to his room, he very wisely decided, that he wouldn't risk to be the only male in a room with two temperamental companions in full girl mode. No matter how much they loved him, it ended always with him being the joke of the day. Nyssa and Tegan had taught him a very painful lesson in that department.
He strolled off to the console room, it was time to leave the wool cortex and visit the hole of despair - would be easier than to try and keep his dignity with giggling girls or giggling hims.

When he strolled into a fair haired puppet with white clothes and a piece of parsley (of course the celery had been transformed too) sticking out of his jacket, he gently pointed Five-puppet into the direction of his own room.

His girls should have someone to tease and have fun with.

On his way he tried to whistle self-satisfied but learned that puppets couldn't do that, because they had no lips.
Meanwhile Tosh had found the Master-puppet and had immediately began to cuddle him, because he was so adorable. The little Time Lord wasn't able to pull the trigger because he was hugged far too close.
*Oh shit!*

chapter 38 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

Nine was determined. There were too many paradoxes in his TARDIS, and, even if his other selves were content to ignore them, he’d been in too many time battles not to notice the sensation of unravelling time. It scared him.

Even more since he was a puppet instinctively frightened of unravelling.

He put his hands on the console and started to work the controls and managed (despite several distractions, including the random appearance of his remaining two puppet incarnations, an orgy, a brush with Evil from the Dawn of Time, a giant cookie, the constant cackles of Zodin, and Jack leading the assembled cast of the TARDIS into another musical number…) to materialize the blue knit time ship on the planet Misrablous Soccous

“Right,” said Nine-puppet to the assembled cast of the TARDIS which by this point included: all ten of his puppet incarnations, Adric, Turlough, Jamie, Romana I, Rose, Leela, Jack, and Ace - all in puppet form, not to mention K-9, wind-up Bessie, The Dastardly Zodin, and thoroughly confused little boy in a blue hat.

“I’m going outside to find the pit of despair and sort this mess,” said Nine-puppet, “Who’s coming with me?”

chapter 39 Bily

"Oh, pick me!" cried Rose-puppet, raising her felt hand. Immediately, Ten-puppet's hand shot up.

"Me too," he said, winking at Rose.

"I'll go too," said Zodin, letting out a stray cackle afterwards.

"Great," said Nine-puppet, smiling in satisfaction. "Anyone else?"

Suddenly there was a crash and a clatter, and Two-puppet came running into the fabric console room, brandishing his fully repaired recorder.

"I'VE DONE IT!" he cried, happy-dancing. Adric waltzed over (because he was in a particularly giddy mood) to Two, embracing him.

"Hurray!" he cried at the bewildered Two, who was now pushing Adric off him.

"What the hell was that about?!" he asked, jumping back a few paces.

"Sorry," said Adric, hanging his head.

"RIGHT," said Nine-puppet, clapping a few times to signal the other puppets' attention. "Are we off?"

"We're off!" cried Ten-puppet, racing over to Nine, Rose at his side. "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

Behind them came Zodin, cackling away.

chapter 40 moonmonkey (moonmonkeylj )

So, the remaining cast crowd out of the TARDIS, to see off the intrepid band of adventurer puppets as they vanish into the distance. After a short pause, it is Romana puppet who steps forward to take charge,

“Very well, then. I think this is the best point for me to return this little chap to where he belongs. I suspect this was some kind of attempt by the evil European Union to mess with this universe - shame on them, corrupting his poor little pre-school character for their own twisted purposes….We won’t be long.” And she takes the hand of the boy in the blue cap with the bell on the end and starts to lead him back into the TARDIS.

“Bye, bye, everyone” pipes up the tiny lad, waving to the assembled company, “And I’m sorry about the mix-up, but that little yellow car looks just like mine, it was an honest mistake….”

And as everyone turns to look disapprovingly at Three-puppet, who is now trying desperately for a casual whistle, (despite knowing quite well, since Nine-puppet tried it in Chapter 39, that it’s quite impossible), with a strangely muffled woolly wheezy sound, the TARDIS disappears..

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