Puppet Who 21-30

Feb 09, 2010 12:05

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chapter 21 Bily

Ten-puppet had finally come up with a plan. Of course, most of it was Rose-puppet's idea. And so Ten-puppet got up from his squatting position under the console and reached for Rose-puppet.

"You are a genius, Rose!" he cried, pulling her close to him and snogging her senseless.

In all reality, it is quite difficult for puppets to snog, due to the fact that their mouths are fabric lines. But somehow, Ten-puppet and Rose-puppet had managed to snog each other.

Finally, Rose-puppet pulled away, her fabric line of a mouth curving into a smile. Ten-puppet could swear he saw a fabric tongue poke out from between her fabric teeth.

"Well," said Zodin-puppet, smiling. "With that said and done, I think we should hear that plan of yours, Ten."

"Yeah, pretty boy," said Nine-puppet. "Tell us."

"Alright," said Ten-puppet. "It all started when..."

chapter 22 Whovian in America

Somewhere else in the Whoniverse....
A very evil, and at the same time, sickeningly cute looking puppet is singing "I'm to sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!"

"Master!" A voice shouts.

The Master puppet yells like a little girl, and shoots the owner of the voice. "Huh," said the Master "I just shot Owen, oh well"

chapter 23 Bily

"...and that's how we'll get back to our old bodies," said Ten-puppet. "Any questions?"

"Oh, me!" cried Nine-puppet.

"Yes, Nine?"

"Do you always ramble like this?"

"Yes," said Rose-puppet, grinning.

"Oi!" cried Ten-puppet. "I'll have you know I am a very complex regeneration."

"Oi, pretty boy," said Ace-puppet.

"Yes, Ace?"

"Shut that gob of yours, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"WHAT?!" cried Rose-puppet suddenly. "You'll listen to her but not to me? What's she got that I haven't? I THOUGHT I WAS SPECIAL!!!"

At that moment, all of the puppets present filed into the hallway of the crocheted TARDIS, leaving Rose-puppet to rant by herself.

chapter 24 herk (herk227 )

"What does she have, that I haven't?" Rose quietly sobbed over and over again.

"Nitro 9 and an attitude." a gentle voice informed her.

When she looked up she saw another puppet watching her.

This one had soft locks and a rather Victorian gentleman style in clothes. He comfortingly patted Rose's shoulder.

"Who are you?" she asked sniffingly.

"I'm the Doctor." Eight-puppet told her in a very nice and friendly way.

"Another one?!"

Meanwhile in the corridors of the TARDIS:
Adric-puppet: "Look who I found again, and he hasn't even changed."

Ten-puppet: "K9!"

Nine-puppet rolled his eyes at his future self's enthusiasm. "I so wanted to forget that part - guess I asked too much, he already is a children's toy so he fits in too well."

"What's a K9?" Two-puppet asked, a rather ruffled Jamie-puppet at his side.

"Looks like one of them cybermonsters to me." Jamie mumbled. K9 had a rather impressive size from a puppets point of view.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough." Nine-puppet told his past aspect.

"K9 is not a monster, he's the best mechanical friend a boy can have." Adric-puppet explained while he climbed onto the robo-dogs back to ride him.

"Affirmative, young Master."

chapter 25 Bily

After scolding Adric-puppet for whining again, Ten-puppet decided to go back and see how Rose-puppet was doing. But when he arrived in the console room, he was very shocked.

Rose was snogging Eight-puppet!

"OI!" he called, causing them to break apart. "SHE'S MINE!!!"

And so Ten-puppet grabbed Two-puppet's discarded recorder and began to hit Eight-puppet with it.

"Not again!" cried Rose!

Then Jack-puppet walked in and began to sing Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick again.

chapter 26 herk (herk227 )

"You don't get along to well with yourself, Doctor." Jamie-puppet observed in wonder.

Two-puppet just shrugged. "Has been that way since my successor, and women certainly complicate things."

“Ow! Why are you... Ow!... hitting me? OW!”

"Professor, don't you want to join the fight?"

"Nah, with a little bit of luck, they will tear each other's seams apart and won't look so pretty any more. That will be the time to make my move." Nine-puppet told her.

"Mine! Mine! Mine!"

"Professor, I like the style of this you, although I miss the straw hat."

"Maybe question mark vest will join us later, who knows."

"Hit me with your rhythm stick”

Zodin-puppet was watching everything with horror. He asked himself how the Doctor ever managed to get everything done let alone stop his master plans.
*When they de-puppified me they're going to die - painful slow death which include a lot of wool - eh blood*

Turlough-puppet was almost used to the constant shouting in his mind by now.
"Which one?" he asked desperately.

"Now that's an interesting question." A new puppet commented. It had real big eyes, the worst curly wig he had ever seen and the scarf obviously hadn't transformed, because it was normal - human sized.

Meanwhile in another part of space-time, the Master-puppet shot Gwen, but no one cared.

chapter 27 ThroughanAmberFocus (amberfocus )

Four-puppet took in the scene with an astonished look on his face before taking a handful of jelly babies and tossing them up in the air. He took note of which puppets scattered to catch them and used his nifty scarf to tie them all up together, knowing they were to distractable to be of any use and just shaking his head in amazement when Rose puppet volunteered to be tied up between Ten-puppet and Eight-puppet.

After tying together the ones he considered superfluous Four-puppet observed the remaining puppets. Ace- , Nine-, and Jamie-puppet looked to actually be useful for his purposes. “Now,” he said, “Let’s just see if we can’t get this mess sorted.”

“Of course, you can’t Doctor, but maybe I can.” He groaned at the imperious tone and turned to see Romana-puppet had appeared behind him.

“Oi, who’s she?” Said Rose-puppet. “And how come she’s prettier than me? I thought I was the cute girly puppet.”

“I still think you’re prettiest,” said Ten-puppet loyally and snogged her deeply. When they pulled apart, Rose was dizzy. “Well?” Said Ten. “Do I still got it?”

Rose paused then squirmed around in her scarf knot and kissed Eight-puppet again.

“I’ll get back to you on that,” she said when she came up for air.

chapter 28 herk (herk227 )

Romana-puppet in her white floating dress and with her perfectly arranged dark hair smiled.

"Of course you are cute, I am beautiful, and clever and..."

"Yes, yes, yes...We know that." Four-puppet interrupted her. "I still liked your second you better." he muttered under his breath.

"Well I wouldn't know that I yet have to become her. But it's only natural to assume that a Time Lady of my taste and intelligence would use the opportunity to improve oneself even further."

Four-puppet rolled his eyes while Romana listed her many advantages.

Jack-puppet shot Nine-puppet a questioning look. *Time Lady?* could be easily read in his fabric features.

Nine's frown was enough to shut him up before he even started. The puppet with the leather jacket was very facilitated that Rose was too occupied with her kissing contest to notice what Romana had said.
Luckily enough the puppet form prevented the usual telepathy, but if one of his companions would let something slip the consequences could be...

"Oi Prof what are you sulking about." Ace-puppet wanted to know.

"Nothing important." Nine-puppet hastily said. "Say what do you think, should we get Ten-puppet's plan into motion? It seems Four's enthusiasm has been lost in Romana's perfection."

"Why not? I got nothing better to do." She grinned in a very satisfied puppet way.
Somewhere else the Master-puppet hit Ianto over the head, again and again. Until he was sure no cyberimplant in the universe could revive the remnants of the thing the stupid Welsh ape used as an excuse for a brain.
"That's for collaborating with the enemy, idiot."

chapter 29 moonmonkey (moonmonkeylj )

But then the whole 10/Rose/8 chain rolls into an untidy tangle as they try to avoid going under the wheels of a little yellow car with a big key sticking out the back, which suddenly trundles into the middle of the scene.

The driver leaps - well, flip-flops - out, managing even with his chunky fabric fingers to shoot his doily-scrap cuffs and straighten his curly-mop head.

“Sorry chaps - did I miss much? Caught this young whippersnapper trying to make off in the old girl, had to set him straight” And he flaps an arm at the small figure slumped across the back seat, long blue cap hanging pathetically over the side, little gold bell still swinging gently..

Then Three puppet (for it is he!) notices the scarf-wrapped bundle on the floor.

“And what do we have here..?”

Expertly he identifies and correctly assembles the several parts of Rose-puppet that are sticking out at various angles,

“Ah hah! The leggy blonde - a classic model, and this appears to be a particularly fine specimen!”

“Oh, hello”, perts Rose-puppet, ignoring the muffled “Oi”s breaking out on either side of her.

With some flapping and flopping, Three puppet loosens the ties that bind Rose puppet and starts to haul her off.

“Sorry guys”, Rose-puppet bid farewell to her scarf-bound swains as she bumps backwards in Three- puppet’s clutches, “But I always did have a kind of a thing for older men..”

“I’m older than him!” bleats the tousled end of the tangle on the floor, whilst Ten-puppet is thrashing about against his woollen bonds,

“And I’m even older! Where’s that flippin’ biro, I’m gonna reverse his bleedin’ polarity…”

“EXCUSE ME” Four puppet’s rounded but indignant tones cut across the chaos, “But would anyone mind awfully if I got on with this, now?”

chapter 30 herk (herk227 )

Four-puppet noticed that due to a very improbable little hiccup in time (known as the mixed up posts) had cost him two of his 'worth something' crowd. Nine-puppet and the young lady with the irritating habit of calling him Professor had vanished.
Before Two-puppet could get his grabby little felt-paws on Jamie again he took the Highlander's hand and dragged him away, while Romana-puppet brushed her hair with a little plastic thing with the letters B-a-r-b-i-e printed on it.

Meanwhile Jack-puppet took Rose's place in the 'I can't decide if Eight or Ten is hotter' contest. After a short shocked silence both Doctor puppets shrugged and tried to win the new judge over.

Three-puppet was driving toy-Bessie through the TARDIS' corridors with Rose-puppet at his side and felt happier than he had in ages - his time with UNIT never had been so much fun. Although come to think of it Jo had owned a fur jacket which made her look rather like Herry from Sesame street.

Adric was having the time of his puppet life since he had escaped Four-puppets scarf-bonding and was riding a very cool, obedient robo-dog through a woollen TARDIS and no one was bashing, threatening or criticizing him.

Two-puppet was very sadly looking at the little plastic splinters that remained of his recorder. He turned to puppet-Turlough for help since that interesting crystal the boy- ehm puppet- held, had some extraordinary powers, maybe one of them was recorder-mending.

"I think we should go left, Jamie." Four-puppet said, I think I hear someone down there, maybe it's help."

"I think we should go right, Professor." Ace-puppet suggested in a complete different part of the TARDIS "If I remember correctly there should be the washing machine. I can imagine some interesting things I could do with some of the chemicals in the washing powder."
Meanwhile the Master-puppet was trying to decide if or if not he should kill Tosh next. "It's not easy being mean." he sighed.
P.S Zodin cackled because he thought I had forgotten about him and he was free to plot again.

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